Chapter Twelve

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Cas woke up in a dark room. His head hurt. When he went to hold his head he realized his arm and hand hurt too. Soon he could feel pain in every inch of his body. He was bleeding from his head, face, arms, and chest. He coughed up blood and was barely able to breathe. He felt like everything was broken. He was cold, alone, scared, and broken.

When he tried to move he only cried in pain. It was no use. He kept choking on the blood in his throat. It stained his cracked lips and pale fingers. He grew very tired and weak. He tried to call out, but only blood came up. He figured out he was in Gabriel's room. Well his closet to be exact. He didn't have the fight anymore. He was just tired. But he remembered Dean and Gabriel and how much they loved him and he tried to keep his eyes open, but they soon felt like a dam that was about to burst. And they did burst. Darkness flooding his mind.

Dean had been calling and texting Cas to see if he was alright. He wanted to make sure he was okay. His phone went straight to voicemail each time and Dean was becoming nervous. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would check on him and make sure he is okay. Of course Cas was okay though. He just needed time to be alone. Everyone needed that once in awhile.

Dean had a hard time sleeping that night. He was checking his phone constantly. Only Cas was racing through his mind. Tossed and turned all night. His alarm went off at 6:30, the time Cas always woke up. He checked his phone again. Nothing. He decided to go over there at 8. He didn't care if looked like he was clingy. He didn't care. He needed to Cas was doing okay. He was very upset yesterday, and he needed to know about Cas. He rolled out of bed at seven. He took a shower and ate breakfast. He didn't care that it was only 7:30 he went to Cas's house anyways.

Cas had visions of when he was younger playing with Gabriel. Happy thoughts. Didn't this happen before you died? Cas couldn't really think straight right now. He could hear his parents downstairs. He wanted to run, yell, scream, fight, but he is powerless. A broken body locked in a paradise inside his mind. He heard a new voice. Dean. He heard Dean. His eye opened slightly. Blood was dried on his eyelids. Never have he felt so empty. Like he could float away. His mind did, but his body couldn't. An old broken record. Maybe it was his time to go, but when he heard Dean he thought differently. Dean was so close. He needed him now more than ever. He heard a crash and bang before the darkness inside of him took over again. A prisoner of his own mind again.


"Is Cas home?" Dean asked the novaks. The both shook their head. They were lying, Cas was here and he knew it. "Where is Cas?!" Dean grew angrier. Nobody took his Cas away form him.

"He is grounded, Dean Winchester. After your little stunt you two pulled." Mr. Novak said closing the door on Dean. Dean shoved it back open coming inside.

"I wanna see Cas now!" He yelled. He would fight them if he had to. He wouldn't even hesitate.

"You're not allowed to see him again, ever." Mrs. Novak piped up. Dean face was filled with rage. He was going to see Cas now. Dean growled and pushed pass the two parents. Mrs. Novak grabbed Dean while mr. Novak punched Dean in the face. Dean laughed pulling his arm away from mrs. Novak and started wailing on mr. Novak. He had enough, he was done. Once mr. Novak became unconscious he turned around for mrs. Novak, but she was gone. Dean didn't think twice about her before marching up the stairs to find Cas.

"Cas?!" Dean yelled through the hall ways. He could hear a noise in the room at the end of the hall. It sounded like someone was drowning. The door was locked so Dean kicked it down. He turned on the light and he could see blood seeping out of the closet onto the the carpet. The closet door was locked. Dean tried to break it off with his bare hands, but he couldn't. He broke the chair at the desk and used the leg of it to pry the lock off. When the door swung opened Dean could see the badly beaten Cas on the floor. Drowning in his own blood. He dropped to his knees and let out a shaky Cas. He pulled him into his lap. Dean thought he was dead, but he was practically Dead. He could hear him breathing barely. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911 with numb fingers. He sat there with Cas until the ambulance came. The two novaks were gone when the police showed up. Dean couldn't speak. They had to take him to the hospital in the same ambulance as Cas or he would start screaming for him.

Castiel was brutally beaten with a metal baseball bat. He suffered multiple concussions, multiple rib fractures and broken rips, one of his arms were broken. Mostly likely from trying to cover his head while his father beat him with a bat. He had internal bleeding, a punctured lung, and severe blood loss. The doctors were not optimistic about his chances of recovering. Dean was numb to everything. He sat down in a chair and blocked out everything. He didn't care that his shirt was soaked with castiels blood. All he could think about was how this was his fault. He got Cas killed. He was the one that did this. That he could never be with Cas the way he wanted to. He lost his chance to tell him how he felt. The world was crashing down on him and he never felt so alone. He heard Sams voice. He didn't know what he was saying that just that he was there. His father was there too. Dean looked over at them tears painted his face. Sam was still in his pajamas and his hair was a mess. His father in the same clothing he was in last night. John sat next to him and put his hand on deans shoulder.

"it's not your fault, son" was all he said. He recognized the look on deans face and he knew he was blaming himself for what happened. That's what he did whem marry died and now Dean was. Dean hugged his father sobbing into his chest. He just held him. He knew he was a pretty crappy father, but he knew this was all he could do. Dean stopped crying, but his father still held him.

The doctor came over and he wanted to check on Dean to make sure he was okay. John let him take his son into an exam room. He had no life threatening injuries. All he had was a bloody nose from Mr. Novak punching him. He also had bruised knuckles from punching Mr.Novak. Dean was traumatized. He suffered extreme emotional distress. The doctor wanted to keep him under a 72 hour psychiatric hold to make sure he was okay. John agreed to it as long as he could stay he and sam could stay with Dean. The doctor said it was okay and sam and John went into deans hospital room. Dean was in scrubs because his other clothing was drenched with blood. He just laid in bed staring at the wall. Sam climbed up next to him trying the best he could to comfort Dean.

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