Chapter Nineteen

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Castiel woke up screaming drenched in sweat and tears. "Dean!!!!!" He screamed. He didn't hear Dean. "Dean!!!!!!!" He screamed again even louder. He soon heard footsteps running down the stairs to his room.

"Cas! Wants wrong?!" Dean said running over to him in his underwear and T-shirt. Castiel started to sob into deans shoulder. Another dream about the upcoming trial. They were getting more vivid each time. It always ended with Dean dead. Castiel couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't control his cries. Dean laid down pulling him on top of himself covering them with a blanket. Castiel cried for the whole night. The trial was the next day and there was no way he or anyone of the people he loved going to that trial. He would nail the doors shut if he had to. Dean said he would talk to the attorney and see if there was a way out of it.

Cas would have to go to the courthouse, but he could sit in a room and they would video tape him. Cas felt better about that option. Dean promised to be there every step of the way. Side by side.

Cas just wanted Dean to come. He didn't want sam, Gabriel, or John to be put in possible harms way. He didn't really want Dean to come either, but he insisted. It felt good not be alone at the courthouse. He didn't think he could be there without Dean. Dean walked him to the special room and they sat down. Dean held Cas's hand under the table. Whenever Cas would get a question made him nervous or it was a hard question for Cas Dean would reassuringly squeeze castiels hands from under the table. He had to take a couple of breaks before he finished with the first round of questions. The questions from the defense were harsh and up to front. He had a hard time thinking clearly while he was being practically yelled out. He was trying to make it look like Cas attacked them leaving them no other choice to defend themselves. Castiel was very angry that someone had the nerve to tell him that this was his fault. Castiel snapped.

"I didn't attack them when they made me walk barefoot through the forest because I forgot to take my shoes off inside!! I didn't attack them when they locked me in a closet for two days because I was home a couple minutes late!!! I didn't attack them when my mother bought me a knife and told me to cut myself!!!!!!! And I certainly didn't attack them when my father beat me with a baseball bat for going to see my brother I hadn't seen in two years!!!!!!! Tell me this was my fault one more time!!!!!!!!" Castiel practically screamed at the camera. He didn't think at all, he just snapped and spoke whatever was in his mind. The other side was quiet for quite sometime.

"The defense has no further questions." Said the defense sitting back down at his table. The room whole room was silent and all staring at Ann Novak. The camera went black. Castiel was wearing his blue tie. Dean gave him for his birthday, he was playing with it. Dean was rubbing Cas's back without saying a word, there wasn't much to say.

When Dean and Cas were walking out of the courthouse a man behind them called deans name. Dean turned around, he didn't recognize the man who did call his name. Before he knew it the man had a gun and fired twice at Dean, the bullets hit him twice in the chest Castiel became a frozen statue watching his Dean fall. His knees were shaking and his stomach was sick. This couldn't be happening. He wanted to wake from the dream, but nothing happened. Castiel sunk to his Dean moving the hair out of deans face.

Deans eyes shot open and started to breathe heavily. He reached over his chest and sighed of relief. Castiel didn't understand what was happening with Dean, Dean ripped his shirt open to reveal a bulletproof vest. The two golden bullets were wedged in the blue fabric. Castiel cried in relief putting his hands on his face. "D-don't worry Cas. I-I-I'm bat man." Dean laughed painfully. It hurt being shot, but not as much as it hurt to see the look on Cas face when he heard the shots. Castiel leaned his head against deans. He just held him until they made him get off the floor with Dean.

The dreams scared Dean too. He didn't want to to be killed in the courthouse. He bought the vest and was going to show Cas he had it on after they got into the car. Once they got home Castiel went to bed with Dean. He held him in arms close to him. He didn't speak much that night except for "I love you" and "I'm sorry". Castiel didn't speak much over the next week. He went to a therapist, which he probably should have gone to one a long time ago, she prescribed Cas with anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. He got better after awhile. He started laughing with Dean and Gabriel again. He was feeling better.

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