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Sunghoon woke up with a pounding headache and when he arose he saw his boss laying in front of him on a couch.

Sunghoon's eyes widened as he looked at the passed out figure.

He panicked and quickly looked at himself.

He let out a breath when he noticed he wasn't naked.

'Holy shit... I need to get out of here.'

Sunghoon grabbed his clothes and snuck out as quickly as he could.

Sunghoon had succesfully walked down the stairs before he heard a door open.

Sunghoon rushed down the stairs with his clothes on hand and ran out the front door.

Sunghoon ran down 2 blocks before hiding behind someone's car.

He watched as Heeseung ran out the front door next and looked around for Sunghoon.

Heeseung sighed and rubbed his temples before walking back inside his house.

Sunghoon let a breath out before sliding down another person's car.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and called an Uber.

He waited in silence before he saw the Uber come.

He quickly hopped in before emailing his boss that he would be late today.

Sunghoon sighed and looked outside the window of the Uber.

'What the fuck did I just get myself into...'

< ✦ >

Sunghoon reached home and laid in his bed.

He had appreciated what Jay had done for him the night before but he did not wanna talk about it.

Sunghoon groaned into his pillow.

He quickly stood up after laying down for a bit.

He fixed himself up and composed himself.

'You can do this!'

Sunghoon sighed knowing that the sudden motivation was useless.

He got ready and packed his work bag shoving his laptop in.

Sunghoon sighed once more before he locked his front door and left his apartment complex.

Sunghoon got into his car slowly.

He slouched in his seat and hit his head on the steering wheel.


Sunghoon fixed his posture and inserted the his key into the car.

He stepped on the gas and started to drive off while adjusting the radio.

But the radio was interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number.

Sunghoon hesitated before he accepted.

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