𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: 𝐒𝐮𝐧!

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Sunghoon instantly removed the phone from his ear.

He then put the phone back to his ear.

"What the hell Jungwon!"

"Sorry I just woke up..."

"Why are you moaning into the phone!"

"I am not! I am just making a noise people make when they wake up!"

Sunghoon's mouth was still a little bit open and he was still shocked by the sound he just heard come out of Jungwon's mouth but he decided not to say anything.

"Why did you call anyway babe."

"My boss is so annoying."

Jungwon sighed as he head the familiar phrase again.

"Listen, babe you do this every week. You call me tell me how much you hate your boss and then you sulk and we go to a coffee shop and then spend our money."

Sunghoon was going to say something when he heard a voice he had heard before in the background.

"Jungwon what are you doing awake... Aren't you tired?"

Sunghoon's eyes widened.


"Uhhh... A whore is a whore!"

Then Sunghoon heard the beeping of the phone line being cut.

Sunghoon sighed and put his phone down.

"I swear to god if he gets his heart broken. I'll kill you Heeseung."

Sunghoon was going to continue working when there was a knock at his door.

"Come in!"

Sunghoon watched the door as his friend popped out.

"Hello Hoon!"

Sunghoon smiled.

"Hi Sun! What do you need?"

Sunoo kept standing at the door and held it open.

"It's time for lunch and i need to make sure you are fed well... And i know we aren't that close but I have to tell you something!"

Sunghoon looked at his watch: 1:46pm.

'I guess it is time to eat.'

Sunghoon was curious and got up quickly putting his phone in his pocket.

Sunghoon smiled as Sunoo held the door for him.

Sunghoon elegantly walked out of the door Sunoo was holding for him and bowed.

"Thank you kind sir."

Sunoo giggled and bowed after putting a serious face on.

"You are welcome, m'lady."

𝐏𝐚𝐲 𝐮𝐩. - 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now