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Sunghoon got up and rushed to the bathroom.

His breathing quickened.

'Fuck, I am getting way too attached.'

Heeseung looked at the other who left the room.

Heeseung bit his lip.

'Should I go after him?'

Heeseung felt something wasn't right.

The uneasy look on Sunghoon's face.

Sunghoon's knees wobbling as if there was an earthquake and his off-ish behaviour.

He wasn't acting like the Sunghoon that Heeseung knew.

Heeseung sat up and bounced his leg up and down.

It was a bad habit he had.

He always felt extra fidgety when nervous or when he was thinking.

He needed something to distract him, so his brain would tell him to move or fidget.

Heeseung sighed and rubbed his forehead.

Sunghoon held his stomach with his free hand as he grasped at the flat wall for grip.

He felt extremely uncomfortable for some reason.

His eyes watered he felt as if he was about to cry.

Why was he crying?

'Heeseung will leave me.'

'I am getting too attached.'

'I need to leave.'

'I feel like throwing up.'

Sunghoon let out a few tears and a choked sob before he reached the bathroom at the end of the hall.

The journey felt much longer than it actually was.

Sunghoon grabbed the handle and ran to sit down on the side of the bathtub.

His head was spinning, he felt as if he was a teacup.

All of his thoughts overflowing through the top, and spilling all over the table.

Sunghoon held his head in his hands before he heard a creak of the bathroom door.

He wanted to look up but he couldn't, his head felt so heavy and his breathing quickened.

"Sunghoon? You okay?"

Sunghoon cursed inwardly, it was Heeseung.

His head was telling him to ask Heeseung to leave but for some reason his heart really wanted Heeseung to be there for him.

To comfort him, to tell Sunghoon that he would actually never leave.

But that would be so weird.

They haven't even had a proper conversation ever since a few days ago and he feels as if he swore he hated Heeseung over the phone with Jungwon yesterday.

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