"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤!"

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Sunghoon had fallen asleep in the car while Heeseung was driving.

Heeseung hadn't noticed and parked the car.

He was about to speak to Sunghoon until he saw the sleeping figure next to him.

Heeseung admired the beauty as he slept.

Sunghoon was truly gorgeous.

His eyes were such a deep shade of brown, his lips were rosy pink and they looked so kissable.

Heeseung snapped out of his trance when he heard Sunghoon groan and wake up.

"Mr. Lee?"

Heeseung blushed and internally panicked.

"U-uh yes? Are you feeling okay?"

Sunghoon rubbed his eyes and looked at Heeseung.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit put off..."

Sunghoon was still half asleep as he looked into Heeseung's eyes.

He got out soon enough.

"Where are we?"

"My house, Park. This is where you asked to stay the night."

Heeseung tried to joke but he noticed Sunghoon felt guilty.

"Hey Sunghoon. It's Fine that you are staying over. I want you too."

Sunghoon slightly smiled as he watched Heeseung get out of the car and open the door for him.

"Now get out of the car."

Sunghoon giggled and got out of the car.

At that moment Heeseung's heart melted.

All he wished for right now is that wherever happened at the convenience store.

Never happened.

But Heeseung sighed as he unlocked the door knowing that his wish couldn't be fulfilled.

Sunghoon bit his lip out of guilt as he got out the car.

"I'm sorry. If you want me to... I can go back to my house?"

Heeseung shook his head immediately.

"No! It's fine. It's better for you if you aren't alone."

Heeseung smiled and grabbed Sunghoon's wrist.

Sunghoon blushed and Heeseung pulled Sunghoon into his huge house.

"What the fuck?"

Sunghoon swore as he looked around, but then he quickly covered his mouth.

"Oh. Sorry Mr. Lee."

Heeseung chuckled and dismissed Sunghoon.

"No it's fine, I haven't had anyone over in a long time... And please call me Heeseung out of work hours Sunghoon."

𝐏𝐚𝐲 𝐮𝐩. - 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now