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Heeseung parked the car and immediately went to open the door for Sunghoon.

Sunghoon giggled and got out looking at Heeseung.

"What a gentleman~"

Heeseung chuckled.

They both started to walk together to the restaurant.

As soon as they reached Sunghoon looked around for Sunoo.

Sunoo kept looking at the door nervously and suddenly Sunghoon came into view.

Sunoo jumped up and waved his hands standing on his tippy toes.

"Over here Sunghoon!"

Sunoo invited Sunghoon over before he saw... Heeseung?

Sunoo's smile suddenly dropped as he looked Heeseung in the eye.

"Lee why are you even here..."

Heeseung lifted a hand to smack Sunoo.

"I'm elder than you stop being so disrespectful!"

Sunoo rolled his eyes before sitting down.

Nishimura just awkwardly smiled at Heeseung and Sunghoon, he slightly bowed however much he could while sitting down.

Sunghoon helped the boy sit up and quickly waved at his actions.

"No need to bow you are like a brother to me already."

Sunghoon slung an arm around Nishimura and both of them laughed.

Sunoo then called the waiter over and asked for a few menus.

The waiter immediately pulled out a few menus and put them on the table alongside a pen.

Nishimura hummed as he looked at the menu.

"Everything looks yummy..."

Sunoo smiled.

"I picked this restaurant cause I knew you and Sunghoon would like it."

Sunghoon smiled but there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach as he looked at the menu.

Once Sunghoon looked at the price he knew what the uneasy feeling in his stomach was.

"Uhm Sunoo, do you wanna go somewhere else I mean it's kind of-"

Sunghoon slightly got up before Heeseung lightly grabbed Sunghoon's shoulder and pulled him to sit down.

"Chill out, I'm paying."

Sunoo's eyes lit up.

"Thanks Lee!"

"Thanks Heeseung."

"Thank you Mr. Lee."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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