-4- "appreciate"

528 17 2

| POV: Red Son |

- Huh? - I stopped right before teleporting away from there, and turned around to see the Noodle Boy again.

- Where will you go? You said you're kicked from your home.

- Oh.

He was right, I had nowhere to go.. I know I'm normally at home doing work and most of the time outside because inside is.. not the best, but I always could go back if I wanted, and now? Now I don't know what to do. Should I just come back and say I've learnt my lesson? I don't think they would be satisfied if I came back that quick.. I can't.

- I-..

- You can come with me! You've been in my apartment already once.. you know it's not that big but we'll definitely fit, but you'll have to stay inside when I'm working, because Pigsy would probably get mad.. I don't think he knows you've changed.

"Changed"? He.. he thinks I'm a better person than before? What makes him think that!? I hate him just like I hated him from the start.
... Or.. I think I do..
No, I definitely do.

- Mhm.. - I didn't know what to say. - That's.. that's one brilliant but also stupid idea. How can you always create such things? - He just laughed softly.

- Don't know and will never know. So you're going ooorrr..?

- Yes. - I said. - I think I can make that work.. but don't you think I'll "hang out" with you just because I'll live with you for a while now.

- Heh, sure sure, now c'mon! - he stood up happily and started going in the direction of the city. I took a deep breath and started to follow him.

When we got here, his apartment was.. a total mess. How can he live like this!?

- Okay so you can relax or something, and I'm going to help Pigsy with deliveries, don't go out of the apartment, byeeee! - he ran off.
Uhh, if I look at this mess one more time I'm going to loose my mind.

-~-time skip-~-

| POV: Mk |

It wasn't so bad today actually, only few deliveries and my work today took only 3 hours! I hope red didn't burn down my apartment.. I better get to him quick.

I was outside and it looked fine, exactly like when I left. I was scared what he would do in the inside.. maybe Pigsy found him..? Or he burned my bed!? OR HE HURT HIMSELF!?!? OR.. I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE..
I'll just better get inside.

I knocked 3 times, not to scare him, and after that walked inside. I close the door as I gasp in shock what I see.

- Oh, hey, noodle boy. - he was sitting straight, on my bed, looking at me.

- You- you cleaned my apartment!? Why!? I didn't asked you to.

- Yeah I know but I couldn't look on that mess here.. I also did your bathroom, and under your bed. Don't worry, comics are sorted and in the drawer. - He pointed.

- Woah.. thank you Red, I really appreciate that. - I said.

- What? Did you expect me to burn this place down? I wouldn't, I owe you, don't I? Also.. I'm supposed to live here for a few days.

- Well.. I guess.. but still thanks.

- No problem Noodle boy. - I could see him smile a little but it faded immediately after Red realized he smiled. But I still smiled back.

He's suprisefully nice.. I think these next few days might be interesting



606 words.

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