Reunion ( Part -1)

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Everyone was sitting in their position anxiously waiting for the next step, well not everyone because our shameless wangxian couple was busy in their own world hugging and cuddling each other , Xicheng were flirting and bickering with each other or rather Xichen was flirting and Jiang cheng was bickering, watching all this  lan quiren was one second  away from coughing blood and our junior quadret was busy doing something in the big screen in front of them .

Then suddenly some words popped in the screen, this startled jingyi and he jumped up from his position and crashed on jin ling who fell down because of sudden force . Both of them started fighting again whereas zizhen and sizhui were trying to stop them .

'you... You problematic lan how dare you jump on me like this ' shouted l
Jin ling.

'Hey young mistress who are you calling problematic I am the most responsible and well mannered lan ' fired back jingyi .

' yeah yeah I can see how responsible you are who jumped up so high just because some words appeared in front of them , said jin ling  smirking

' can't say it like this ,I was just startled not afraid huh , and I am very responsible you can ask my A-niang , said jingyi trying to prove his point.

' shut up both  of you and for once focus what is written on screen rather than fighting, toh can break each other's legs after we are done from here ' suddenly shouted zizhen who was completely fed up with their bickering.

' yes, zizhen is right, this is not the time to fight jingyi and jin ling , we should first focus on the screen in front of us , I think it is trying to show us something ' said sizhui taking all their attention back to the screen . 

On the screen , there were symbols of all major four clans and one already perished wen clan and two other columns with 'YI CITY' and 'ROUGUE CULTIVATORS' written on them .


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