Reincarnation -2

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After eating food , now everyone was settled again . With some food wei wuxian's mood also became normal but they were now thinking about deity has said .

" Wei Ying are you feeling any discomfort, do you need to rest " asked lan wangji who was fussing over his husband since he heard deity 's words .

" No , lan zhan I am fine , you do not need to worry soo much dear husband " said wei Wuxian winking towards wangji .

" Ahhhh, can you two stop feeding us dog food , I am starting to feel nauseous just by watching you two " said wen Qing who was irritated by watching wangxian constantly flirting .

" Aiya ,Qing dear let them be , look how cute they look together" said madam lan and cangse together cooing over their sons

" Here , we go again our fujoshi wives are shipping their own sons , and we are going to suffer a lot " both lan yu and Changze said to each other .

On the other side of the room , more young girls and boys gathered around wen Rouhan and were cooing over dog food fed by wangxian .

" I wish the viewing starts again , and cannot bear watching them anymore " said Jiang cheng

" Aww, chengcheng are you getting jealous because I am having lovey dovey moment with my dear lan zhan and you are not " said wei Wuxian sticking his tongue out.

" Wei Wuxian you just shut up or i will hit you " said Jiang cheng glaring toward wei Wuxian .

" No hitting wei Ying " said wangji moving protectively in front of wei Wuxian .

"Now you all have taken rest let's start viewing forward. "announced the deity .

Wei Wuxian held his bloodied face with one hand, pushing his bangs up with the other.

"Huh..?" He blinked and then stared at the array placed underneath his feet. “Hm? This looks sort of familiar.. It seems like something I've made.."

Wei Wuxian reached for a book that was placed beside him and carefully read the open page.

"Ah, I see. It's Xianshe ."

Wei Wuxian huffed in amusement, "Since when was I categorised as a Sinister Ghoul? I just had a terrible reputation and a horrifying death. Really, how absurd

"What is absurd in this , huh aren't you the yilling laozu who killed more than 3000 cultivators at nightless city , still thinking of yourself like this you have so much guts wei Wuxian " shouted a cultivator .

" Hey is this array made by wei Wuxian too , wow he is soo intelligent" said yufei

"Right ,not only intelligent but uhm
.. you know very handsome too " said ling wei while sneaking glances at wei Wuxian .

"of course , he is smart that's why I am admiring him , you know getting praise from the great wen Rouhan is so difficult" said wen Rouhan smirking .

"You old man , stop this self praise or I am gonna poke you with my needles , I am so pissed with uncle sitting you " said wen Qing .

Due to their banter , everyone forget about the hateful comment made by that cultivator.

Wei Wuxian flinched when he felt a soreness tingle in his arm. He pulled down his sleeve. Long and deep cuts were dripping seas of blood onto his robes. He clicked his tongue, "Tsk tsk, just how much did he hate me?"

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