Reunion (Part -2)

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As the light faded , there were standing two people dressed in Gusu lan robes , one was a extremely handsome man , his skin as clear and white as carved from a jade , strong physique , carrying a sword and his whole appearance was screaming how powerful cultivator he is , still his expressions were as calm and seren as gentle night breeze . Beside him was standing a beautiful lady dressed in lan spouse robes , with a bunny shaped tassel hanging on her waist , she was smiling very gently and her smile was really soothing and polite .

The man was none other than Quinghengjun himself and the lady was his wife madam lan , mother of twin jades of Gusu .

Watching their parents standing in front of them ,both jades were so shocked that they became immobile and were standing still holding their partners hands.

Madam lan looked at them , and called'' A-Huan , A-zhan why are you both standing there , won't you meet your parents .''

Hearing their name , finally their trance broke and both jades completely lost their composure and ran towards their parents . Both of them hugged their parents and started crying their hearts out .

''A-Huan, A-zhan we are really sorry , we were not able to become a good a parents for you , because of our wrong decisions you all have to suffer a lot, please forgive your father and mother , said Lan Yu ( I don't know father lan's name so I chose this )

'yes, my dear babies , we are really sorry for leaving you alone in this world and not performing out duties towards you , but we promise this time we will always stay by your side and never leave , said lan Hua ( yes, that's mumma lan name ) while crying and hugging her both sons.

''A-niang , A- Die you don't need to say sorry , we understand it was not your fault that you left us at that time conditions were not favorable for us to be together , please don't say sorry . Said both brother together.

This scene was so heartbreaking as many cultivators were also crying and feeling sorry for both brothers.

Both wei Wuxian and Jiang cheng were watching their husbands meeting their parents crying and hugging with eyes full of tears , fondness and encouragement.

Many lan juniors including sizhui , jingyi , jin ling and zizhen were shocked to see their always perfect seniors loosing their composure and crying like kids in front of their parents . And jingyi was absolutely not crying happy tears for his father as he finally met his parents again , and sizhui was so happy and emotional to see his father and grandparents together .

Finally when they were done crying and consoling each other , lan quiren greeted his brother and sister in law and they said sorry and thank you to each other .

'' A-Huan , A-Zhan I have heard both of you are already married , won't you show us your spouses hmm'' said lan Hua in a teasing tone that made both jades blush .

''Aww A-yu look at our sons , they are so cute blushing like this just at the mention of their spouses .'' said madam lan cooing at her son's cuteness.

''Ofcourse they are cute and handsome , so when are you both letting us meet our son in laws , I can't wait to greet them '' said Lan Yu happily .

Hearing their parents words , both jades look at their husbands and asked them to come forward and meet their parent in laws .

'' I am wei Ying , courtesy name wei Wuxian , husband of Lan Zhan said wei Wuxian bowing in front of his in laws nervously.

'' I am Jiang cheng , courtesy name Jiang wanting , sect leader of YUNMENG JIANG clan and husband of Lan Huan said Jiang cheng bowing .

'' O my God look at them A-Yu both of them are so beautiful and polite.'' said madam lan happily greeting back her son in laws.

'' you are right A-Hua , they are so perfect I am really proud of you my son's you have done a good job at finding spouses for yourself , I really approve of them . Proudly said lan Yu .

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