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Mo village 13 years later :

Interrupting the silence, a weak and raspy voice suddenly spoke, "With my blood..."

The screen showed the face of a young man with long, dark locks of hair that was tied into a bun. Most of the hair had fallen out of the hairstyle, and had fallen in many different directions, making the picture of a messy, unkempt madman. His eyes were pulled wide open, and his mouth was pulled into a wobbly attempt of a grin, briefly faltering at the sides.

"What is going on here , look like the boy is performing some cursed ritual" one cultivator said looking confused .

Seeing Mo Xunayu again on screen , wei Wuxian and lan wangji silently sent prayers for him and wished him a happy life wherever he is now .

Even though reincarnated people know about bits and pieces that happened here but watching it was completely shock for them .

"Drawn by my hand..."

"I sacrifice my body to you..."

"My soul shall disappear..."

"Humbly I await you, Yiling Patriarch..."


"A-Xian do you know what he is doing , why he is calling your name like this , is he trying harm you" asked yanli looking concerned.

"Yes, A-ying baby whatever he is doing look like some cursed ritual , then why he is calling you end , please tell me he didn't caused you any harm "

"No , A-Niang , shijie he is not harming me , but he gave me a new life and will forever be grateful for him ."

"Wangji is also grateful to young master Mo for giving my wei Ying a new life " said lan wangji lovingly looking at his husband.

"Oh so he is the boy who bring back yilling laozu again in this world , what was he thinking doing that , giving a life to a monster " said one cultivator who still hates wei Wuxian.

" Listen , whoever you are can't you see what deity said , wei Wuxian is innocent and we are here to know what wrongdoings we did to him and if you still can't keep quite ,then you are a moron " said Xiu yifei who was supporting wei Wuxian after realising that he was the innocent one in whole fiasco .

"Yes I agree to her , " yes she is right many voices echoed in hall but alongwith them mostly were still wei Wuxian and were not ready to believe him yet.

But their discussion ended as screen moved forward .

The scarlet glow that was emitted from the array slowly dissipated. The boy's shadow was shown as he fell to the side and passed out.

Wei Wuxian's eyes opened. He looked to the side with much effort.

'I'm dead. I have been for quite a few years..'

"Wei Wuxian this is the first thing you said after getting reincarnated, what the hell , can't you behave normally for once " shouted Jiang cheng .

"Aww A- Cheng I know you like my antics very much , thanks for your compliment didi " laughed wei Wuxian while teasing his brother .

"You ... You shut up , who said like your antics , you are mad and don't call me A - cheng huh ...

" Why only Huan - ge can call that " said wei Wuxian teasingly .

Now everyone in the hall was laughing at twin brothers antics and many were still in dilemma that he is the same feared yilling laozu playfully teasing his brother .

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