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"The Yiling Patriarch Wei Wuxian has died! That's such great news!"

Suddenly there was pin drop silence in the room because everyone was hella shocked by sudden start , even though thry know they are here to know secrets of life but thats not they expected it to start .

Those were reincarnated were sitting like statues , they were informed about the events happened but still watching it on the screen with their own eyes was too much .

Lan wangji's grip on his husband's waist became so tight that it might leave bruises.

" Husband , I am fine , alive and here in your arms , dont be so worried on just a sentence " said wuxian clinging to his husband trying to comfort him .

"A-Ying baobei we are sorry as your parents we really did a poor job amd you have to go through all this " said cangse sanren crying as she was watching his son in screen who was looking completely devastated as background voices telling about his death .

"No A- Niang it wasn't your fault fo not blame yourself, it was just some of my decisions were shit that led me there thats all , and now I have you A-die , shijie , my handsome Er- gege , little ducklings and surprisingly a purple grumpy grape " said wuxian in a laughing tone to disperse the tension .

And he succeded in his task too because many shameless echoed across the room as he leaned to give a peck to his still sulking husband .

Really? Who killed him?" A third party, seemingly oblivious of the happenings in the cultivation world, curiously asked.

Who else? His shidi Jiang Cheng, leader of the Jiang Clan. The Jiang Clan of Yunmeng, Jin clan of Lanling, Lan clan of Gusu, and Nie clan of Qinghe all took the lead and burned the burial mounds to the ground."

Just as the words echoed through the hall , jiang cheng froze on his spot , while Mingjue and Xichen lowered their heads with shame .

"A-cheng , why. . why would you do that , you was his brother , you should be standing by his not killing him , I am really disappointed in you A-cheng" said yanli sobbing while feeling betrayed by her own brother .

"Sorry jie at that time I thought you and Zixuan died because of him , I ..I dont know why , how but I believed others who said he turned evil . I am sorry jie , i disappointed you and Wuxian " said jiang cheng looking close to crying .

Even wei couple who were looking enraged at the earlier sentence , now calmed down a bit to the point that they weren't going to kill jc right away.

"Its ok A-Cheng we have already sorted out that you dont need to apologize again ,its not like I was completely innocent right " said wuxian looking sad .

"No , wei ying was not guilty , no need to feel sorry " said wangji sternly glaring at jiang cheng .

And wuxian laughed at his husband's possessiveness .

"I am also very sorry Wuxian , I should have trusted my brother's judgement on you instead of blindly being manipulated by others ." said Xichen apologizing to his brother in law .

"Aiyaa Xichen ge please not you too , I already said you people dont need to be sorry , what happened was in past now we are a family and you are my elder brother " said wuxian smiling towards him .

Lan couple are once again feeling swelled with pride for their son- in- law while they thought " wangji is right , he is really an angel ."

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