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After a short break wei Wuxian finally woke up but he was looking quite pale and weak , he looked around and watched his family looking at him with worried eyes . He smiled at them to assure them but it was a faint smile that caused them to worry even more . Just when they were about to start fussing over him deity's voice surrounded the place .

Everyone focused their attention toward the voice because they knew that deity is going announce something regarding wei Wuxian .

Wangji was very anxious and nervous behind his cold face apprenance . For the people outside he was still the ever cold hanguangjun but for his family they can see how nervous he was . He was definitely not ready to loose his love once more . And if something like this has happened this time he is going to his wei Ying without a second thought . But all his thoughts stopped when wei Wuxian placed his hand over his and smiled saying " Lan Zhan don't worry , whatever this might be I am not going to leave you , we have just gained our family I will  not give up on them we will stay together till the end "

Then everyone sat on their respective seats , wei changze and cangse sanren were sitting next to wei Wuxian and were holding his hands as if they were afraid of letting go .

Suddenly a white light engulfed the hall and everyone felt that they were surrounded by a sudden force of energy and then the light dissipated and everyone saw a heavenly deity standing in front of them .

They all bowed to her and she just smiled at them and then stood in front of wei Wuxian , then she put her hand in his head and a blue light surrounded both of them , everyone was looking at them with shocked expression but no one dared to say any...

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They all bowed to her and she just smiled at them and then stood in front of wei Wuxian , then she put her hand in his head and a blue light surrounded both of them , everyone was looking at them with shocked expression but no one dared to say anything . Wangji was standing beside his husband looking at them cautiously , he was ready to fight even with the deity of necessary to protect his husband .

But just when the process finished wei Wuxian's pale and weak appearance changed to cheerful once again and he smiled and bowed gratefully at the deity and thanked her . The deity then looked at them and said " I am HU TONG , known as immortal of deeds in heaven I am responsible for monitoring people's deeds through their life and then punish or reward them accordingly, so according to wei Wuxian and lan wangji 's deeds I have reached to conclusion to reward them , then she put her hand on wei wuxian's head and patted him lovingly saying "And my child , you have suffered enough in this life , now all you need is to be happy with your family and kids , everyone please be seated as the thing I am going to announce may shock you a bit at beginning .

" I know you all must be wondering about wei wuxian's sudden health issue and my announcement by I assure you this is a happy news and the thing here is that heaven's decided to bless wei Wuxian and lan wangji with a divine kid as their own child " .

Just as deity finished speaking the hall went silent , everyone was trying to process the information but unable to process it , as both of them were men how could they possible have a child of their own .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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