🌙 Wally Darling x Tired Reader!

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-gender neutral reader, fluff! established relationship

Summary: Hurriedly trying to finish the decorations and gifts for Julie's birthday party, Y/N finally finds them self able to rest and find comfort in the night when Wally pays a visit. 

You groaned in frustration, the half dried glue on your fingers messing up the separate decoration you touched, making spots of it fill with the wrong glitter and gross pieces of the glue. You took a sip of your (favorite caffeinated drink), trying to stay away from sleep. You took a minute to look out the window to the sky, the neighborhood quiet and dark besides the moons bright light bouncing off houses and the delicate flower bushes.

You rub your eyes, placing the drink down and taking a stretch before setting back to work. 'I have to stay up... just a little longer...' you tell yourself. You stumble up on the chair, putting up the sign that says "Happy Birthday Julie!", along with all the neighbors signatures littered around it. Much like Howdy and Eddie, your home was also a (flower shop/bakery/etc.), so the space was more convenient for a surprise party in comparison to your other neighbors. Unfortunately, it also meant you had to finish all the half done preparations from the chaotic party planners like Sally and Eddie, who had too many half thought out ideas for his own good. Pair that with Barnaby's eagerness, it was a complete mess! So finally, you decided you'd take full charge in ensuring a good and complete celebration. 

Unfortunately, your chair wasn't tall enough, and neither were you. So as you tried reaching a little higher to tape up the poster, you fell. While it didn't hurt your plush body much, it did hurt the poster. You focused on the (tiny) rip at one of the corners, and another on the right side, and with your mind foggy from lack of sleep and a growing headache you found yourself sniffling back a cry. 

Soon though, it turned into a sob. 

Still, you walked around your house silently weeping as you tried cleaning up here and there, and setting up decorations the next second, before going back to finishing some others that were half done. 

Eventually, it was too overwhelming, and you could only sit down at the window, drinking your drink and wiping away tears as you tried to calm yourself down by wrapping the gift you bought, (insert gift) in a mix of pink, which was Julie's favorite color, and (your favorite color) wrapping paper and a bow. This was the least demanding task, and despite a few stray tears you found yourself smiling a little, being able to calm your breathing. 

Finally setting the gift down at the table, you felt a pain in your head grow. Wincing, it only grew at the sound of someone knocking at the door. It could only be one person at this time... 

"Hello Wally..." you said, trying to muster up some enthusiasm despite your tired and worn state. 

"Oh, dear!" He said, immediately stepping in and closing the door, your face in his hands. "I'm very sorry, I should've known to help my little red out." he worriedly continued, picking off stray pieces of crafts from your clothes or hair. 

"Nothing to worry about... I can do it, I apologize for interrupting your sleep. Oh no! I was loud wasn't I?" 

"Darling, when was the last time I slept?" he happily joked, a true and charming smile coming from him. 

your eyes widened, a small and tired giggle falling out "oh dear, you're right. still, I should have paid more attention."

Wally shook his head, leading you to a chair before walking behind the table, starting to work his magic with one of the crafts that was left to be done. 

"Nonsense, blame it on the fact I pay a little too much attention to you, my neighbor." he said as he finished it, before moving onto the next. 

You moved your arm to the table, resting your head against it as you watched him with admiration and fondness, quickly giving into his help. 

"thank you..." you mumbled 

"you make my nights worth spending my dear" 

and you could only respond with a smile, your eyes giving him some insight to your feelings, more than enough to let him know you both found home with each other. your eyes continued to tiredly follow him movements, before they closed. and when they did, you could feel the gentleness of him and your blanket. 


Next morning... 

You awoke to the noise of your bedroom door opening. Quickly, you registered the booming sounds of joy and celebration throughout your home. In front of you though, stood Wally with his usual content smile, leaning against your closed door. 

"Goodmorning my gala." Not a day went by without a apple reference, and with every mention you both grew more fond of it. 

Wally moved closer to you, half resting on the bed as he pushed the hair out your face "they already got started with the party... I told them you needed your rest. Julie and everyone is very thankful, and quite frankly, Frank is missing your calmness." you gave a small smile and giggle, pulling his body into a hug. As he fell limp against you, you took comfort of the plush feeling of him against you. 

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