🐛Howdy x Reader *Platonic

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Requested by: @CharlieFREAKHD Thank you for the sweet request! I hope you enjoy + take care : ) 

Summary: More of a father than a boss, Howdy enjoys nurturing and caring for Y/N, his fellow (albeit only) bugdega employee.  During a particularly difficult day Howdy let's himself empathize with Y/N whose grown tired and fed up with the latest customer. While most would be uptight with the events, Howdy's unconditional and fatherly nature could only allow him to provide a calming and protective environment over some coffee to aid the end of the stressful day. 

Already exacerbated by the influx of customers and the latest shipment of products, two boxes for who knows being hairsprays, Howdy and you were extremely tired today. You took turns at the counter to ring up customers, however both of you also continued shelving or inputting items during any other moment. A group of especially egoistic customers had just arrived, and currently you were left to accommodate for them as Howdy went to the back to retrieve more boxes of stock. The clear front of the group was a tall woman who wore expensive and elegant clothing, adorned with charming accessories. You sighed slightly, preparing yourself as you stood from the stool behind the register to properly greet them. 

"Hello! Welcome to Howdy's place, please let me know if you need any assistance! We just got some new product, so let me know if you have any questions" you said, putting on your rehearsed customer service smile. 

One customer returned it along with a wave and quiet "thank you", some others ignoring you while the noticeable woman groaned in something like disgust, turning away before disappearing into an aisle. At the commotion of new customers, your greeting and the doorbell, Howdy appeared from the back, ruffling your hair and saying with assurance that the both of you would get an early break today due to the amount of work. 

Giving a small and tired smile you lightly pushed him off with a chuckle before he could entirely ruin your hair, muttering a, "thanks you goofball", before attempting to look more presentable as he disappeared again, laughing himself and reminding you that if you need help to just call. 

Soon the woman returned again. As you stood a little straighter to provide her with service, you were met with a suggestion for the store. 

"Such a stuffy store really- ugh, there's really nothing special about it. All the same... anyways, get a coat hanger why don't you? In such warm weather and such a small space, you can't expect people like me to buy from you without even feeling welcomed." 

Confused by the ridiculous comment, in the second taken to process it she commented on your lack of effort to help her, making you shake your head in shock. What a rude customer. 

"I'm sorry ma'am, what are you looking for? I can get it quickly and ring you up, I won't take much of your time." You said, your smile beginning to feel as though it was melting off. 

"organize the place and it wouldn't be such a bother" she responded, or more dismissed you, carelessly throwing two items onto the counter. 

Under your breath you sighed in stress, quickly scanning the items before announcing the total of $5, which she insisted a discount for. 

This woman is nonsensical. As your patience was worn thin you slammed your hands onto the counter 

"Why don't you listen for once, we don't need your 'assistance' or purchase, leave if you want and that'd be enough for me-" you stopped as she pushed you with aggression, and thankfully Howdy pulled you farther behind the counter as he stood in front of you, his tall and wide frame towering over the entitled customer. 

Walking around the counter he "gently" walked and pushed her out the store, loudly asking for any other customer to leave as he shut and locked the door. 

Putting your head against the table with a loud sigh Howdy quickly approached, soothingly rubbing your back 

"don't sweat it little bug, they're all gone... and i'm sorry about that, I should've taken things over sooner." 

You only mumble out gibberish against the counter in annoyance and tiredness, which Howdy responds to with an understanding chuckle. 

You can hear his footsteps drift off as he enters the back again, and you lean into the counter further waiting for him to return, which you know he will. Only a minute later he returns, holding open the door to the back room in invitation. 

As you both enter he leans against the table, offering a space for you to talk about things. While you do, you notice the cups he's preparing, the earthy smell of coffee entering and quickly filling the room. 


"Of course! Gotta make sure the best employee is all good" He says, smiling. 

"Sugar or milk? Would you like any of that?" 

You smile, of course he remembered you love coffee! Howdy's patience and attention to detail was akin to Poppy's, however you found yourself far more comfortable under the care of Howdy due to your time together at the bugdega and your similarities. Since your independent move to Welcome Home, Howdy adopted the role as a father for you, patiently waiting as a source of advice whenever you needed it. As someone so loving to his own family back home, Howdy found it comforting for himself to have that attribute restored in your presence. 

Finishing your request for (whatever you like in your coffee! or lack thereof : ) he presented it in front of you, your real smile making it's first appearance of the day. 

"Thanks Howdy" 

"Thank you Y/N" 

Certainly the bugdega's future was in good hands. Just as Howdy's family supported him in opening the store, he'd support you one day in running it, if that's what you'd agree to of course. He smiled, finishing his coffee, listening to your tangent of whatever it was. 

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