🍎Actor! Wally x Reader (Part 2)

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Note: Big thank you to everyone who requested this! I was a little hesitant with the direction I took this in, so I hope you enjoy! 

Summary: As Wally arrives to the small yet bustling city in a directionless search for you, he's given an unexpected ultimatum, leaving him unsure of the validity of his looking for you.  His decisions leave him crumbling as his faith to you is challenged.  However, after a sudden reunion, both Wally and you question the person standing at your front, however what's to come of it is unquestionable. 

It was midday when the plane landed, unfortunately Wally's sudden trip resulted in a relentless mob welcoming him to the city. The airport's security surely despised him as it put their job to the test, however Wally was able to slither his way out eventually, swinging his hand through the air as he begged for any cab or car to take him. He stood at the side of a street, his jacket over his head. Surely it was unattractive, likely scaring some people and cars off, however it helped him remain far from a crowd. As a older and worn car finally pulled over and offered assistance, Wally sat at the front seat quickly with a loud sigh. 

Fortunately the driver only asked for directions, not wasting time by questioning Wally's appearance. The older man must've been far from entertained by media as he didn't show any care for who Wally was. Seeing his reflection in the window Wally cringed. His hair a mess, the half dry hair spray only making things worse... his eyes sagged slightly, his clothes wrinkled. 

Would you mind? 

He slouched, attempting to wear off is anxiousness as he looked down to his feet. He needed you, that's the only thing which remained certain. Deciding there was no merit in thinking about the worser possible outcomes, he dedicated his thought to how he'd greet you, to how you'd have changed over the last two years... how exhilarating it would be to be reunited with his only love. 

Eventually, he found himself shaken awake from a brief sleep by the driver. 

"Sorry to wake you buddy, but it's getting a bit late. Won't be able to take you much farther than here... you want me to drop you off at a motel or something?" 

"Oh... oh! Uhm, a motel should be fine. Thank you very much" Wally said, feeling his pockets for his wallet before offering a big bill. 

"Haha, thank you boy! Now, you take care alright? That place I was takin' ya, it's not too far from here. I'd say you can walk it in the morning 'f you'd like." The driver said with a smile, patting Wally's shoulder as he unbuckled the seat and got out. 

As he watched the man drive off he suddenly felt full of adrenaline, rushing through the motel and into the room he'd gotten. Sitting at the edge of the bed he tapped his foot against the dirty rug floor,  attempting to release some excitement. Twirling to a stand through a lovesick rush he rushed back downstairs to a phone booth, dialing Barnaby. A few rings and he'd gotten an answer. 

"Barnaby! Thank you so much, oh you wouldn't believe it! I'm at a motel right now, the man who'd given me a ride said I'm not far. Not far at all actually! A decent walk even! Oh Barnaby thank-" 


His friends tone was unfittingly low, dripping with a somber feeling. Feeling his joyous mood interrupted at the mere calling of his name he sat a little straighter, his hands tightening as he gripped the table in the phone booth. Waiting for Barnaby to continue he bit his lip, taking in a sharp breath as he heard the same unusual voice. 

"Listen buddy... I hate to do this to you, but I can't do much else but tell you..." 


"I don't know- someone we worked with for this they uh- uhm... Listen Wally, the bosses and manager know." 

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