🏩 Human! Wally x Reader (+Frank & Eddie)

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Summary: Y/N and Frank hopelessly dote over their crushes while working at the local diner, meanwhile, something similar is happening at one of the booths. 

-gender neutral reader + human AU!
-inspired by Crushing Me from Rise of the Pink Ladies 

"I have a crush!" Frank admits, his eyes wide, mouth gaping in terror at his own confession. 

"Oh! On who?" you ask, a shocked smile ghosting your face at the thought. Frank, in love? Who would have thought? 

You clip the last order you took to the board, sitting on one of the kitchen tables as you intently watch Frank's movements while he cooks. He's concentrating far more than necessary for cooking eggs and making milkshakes, and the thought of him so absorbed on his crush is unusually endearing for the stoic and blunt person. 

They groan, moving some eggs onto a few plates before walking over to the small, thin line for a kitchen window where most the finished plates sat. You follow his eyes 

"On Eddie-?! Of course Eddie..!" you deadpan, slapping a hand to the top of your head as you groan. Frank quickly redirects your gaze, quickly pulling you to the back of the kitchen. 

You have to speed walk to keep up with his long strides, "Frank! Frank!" you beg. Your arm's starting to hurt from his pulling 

"It's a silly thing really! It's just distracting me, I have to cut it out-" 

"cut it out? but why?" 

"like I said, it's distracting!" Frank loudly says in frustration, occupying himself by scanning through the orders again as a waitress comes in to take some orders out. You hit his back softly to keep him a little more quiet.

You lean a little closer as you tell him "Now that I think about it, it's only logical. I mean, crushes or love, whatever you call it, how much of it can you explain? You and Eddie, you two have always gotten along." you encourage, making sure to keep eye contact in an attempt to comfort him. 

They only groan, slouching down a little. Though, by the way their posture has relaxed a little bit you understand you've at least slightly helped to ease his anxiety. You hear the kitchen doors open again as two other workers rush in, one calling for your help. Frank sighs, giving you a small and loose side hug. "good luck" he mumbles as you adjust your apron, hurrying to the window to take out some plates. 

Meanwhile, Wally stressfully runs a hand through his hair, making sure it's greased back good and in place. Eddie gives a small chuckle of amusement, taking a sip from his coffee and bite of his meal. 

"Oh, you know Wally, these feelings are everywhere-" 

"I can't control these emotions! They run down like a stone and I-" He's interrupted by a nudge from Eddie as he directs his friend's attention to you, hurrying to different tables. 

Wally's eyes widen a little more as he notes the way you kindly smile up to and butter up the different costumers, your greetings and service being so... you! You have your own special little ways with things, and he's constantly trying to move his eyes from staring too long. 

"Why don't you just talk to them?" 

"Talk to them? Eddie, I already do that almost every day!" Wally sighs out, worn out from controlling himself and keeping his feelings in check 

"You talk to everyone! Formally too. You know, maybe if you talked to them normally you'd see they're wide open, you're just to afraid to admit that you're not." Eddie says, trying to finally get through to Wally with some tough love. 

He takes a quick glance at you, longingly. Sighing out as he takes a drink from his tall glass of apple juice. After, he circles his finger around the brim, thoughtfully watching a couple sitting across the dinner. 

"How much longer till you shoot it with Frank?" He asks. Eddie freezes, sitting a little straighter 

"You know I'm working on that..." 

"Well? How're the letters? I'm sure they'll be happy to get a extra visit from our favorite mail man." Eddie lets out a shocked and unsure laugh. He decides to ignore that, digging into his meal as Wally's expression returns to a smirk knowing he got the last remark. 

Catching a glance of the blue pompadour you pat your cheeks, trying to get rid of that burning feeling. You quickly walk back to the kitchen, grabbing onto Frank's shoulder 

"I've got a crush... it's crushing me!" 

They only smirk, shrugging you off gently as they clean a dish. You relax, falling against the edge of the cabinet. He gives a hearty laugh as he goes around the kitchen finishing various small tasks. When another worker calls for you, those feelings grow a little realer and you grab poor Frank by the shoulders again 

"I can't control the overflow! It's just too much!"

"Honestly, I'm unprepared, my feelings are everywhere!" Frank responds, also venting out his romantic frustration, slightly catching a glance from out the small kitchen window. 

Suddenly you're pushed out the kitchen again, called to serve Wally and Eddie's table. As the door swings back and forth you give Frank a face, one they respond to with a nervous and awkward smile. 

When you quickly pay that visit, giving the pair a extra smile and comment you quickly try to get away. You fail to notice Wally's quick steps as he tries following you for your attention before he's shooed off my a waitress trying to get you back in the kitchen 

He slumps back into his seat hopelessly "I've got to finally deal with this!" he groans out, Eddie giving him a empathetic smile and laugh 

"Weak in the knees!" you comment with a small giggle to Frank. The two of you playfully spin around the kitchen, finishing your small little tasks together as you try to calm down. 

You too look at each other, smiling before Frank looks shocked to the door, a nervous Eddie standing there with a letter in his hand. "Special delivery" he awkwardly winks with a smile, holding it out to Frank. A waitress comes again, yelling at him to get out the workspace. You can see a worked up Wally behind him, who gives you a big smile and wave upon eye contact with you before they're both practically chased out the diner.  

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