⭐️Sally x Poet! Reader

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Notes: Very very slight enemies to lovers! Also, I saw Clown's comment on tumblr that Sally pays in poems and talks as theatrically as possible, so I really went with it! I love her more and more everyday🌀 The facts just make her sound so interesting haha Also, the poem at the end is from san (on tiktok) 

Summary: Ever since your first appearance in the neighborhood you've been amused by Sally's attempt at being a sort of poet, always talking like one. Or more, what she interpreted to be akin to a poet. So, you've grown into her muse of sorts, and she can't get enough of it! The confident and bold star finds herself over the moon with you, and calmly the sun sets whenever you charm her to sleep through words. For the first time, she requests you read a specific poem, one made by the one and only. 

Originally Sally was distraught at your presence in the neighborhood, starting when she delivered Howdy a typical poem as payment, only for him to hand her the item with a playful comment of, "You've got competition!". Her lax hands turned to fists, her eyebrows angrily furrow as she stood to her tiptoes almost yelling to him, "How crude- How UNGRACIOUS! I won't waste time against some egoistical novelty seeker, Howdy!". Slamming her fist against the counter Howdy only deadpanned, slightly fidgeting with his apron. Of course Sally would've reacted as so... 

She groaned and huffed in annoyance and insult, turning her heel swiftly before hurrying out the store. Immediately she fell against the doorframe of her home when she returned, sighing as she grew overwhelmed of herself. Of course, she played no front to her friends and neighbors, however, often she'd be searching for something soothing to be compatible with her bursting energy. Without it, she was left tired and misplaced, unknowingly yearning for balance. Initially excited for a new neighbor, she was slightly exhausted and insecure with the way Howdy had framed things. Nevertheless, as she thought it over again, perhaps you'd be a worthwhile friend, after all, you'd be the first with a matching interest to hers. Maybe you knew well about plays! 

As the sun rose another morning she left for Poppy's, deciding to prepare herself with decorating for your welcome party. Howdy and Wally made it early as well, and Howdy questioned Sally's drastic shift in attitude to their new lovely neighbor. She only shrugged him off, blaming him for the affair. The grudge was obvious in her voice, but everyone laughed at it together knowing she'd forget the whole occurrence over the next few minutes. 

Especially as her attention shifted to you, immediately starstruck by your effortlessly elegant and persuasive attitude. You were so cool! She just had to be friends with such a bright character. From start to end she sat by your side, almost protectively. As you and Frank conversed over books she did her best to be included, humoring you with her supportless opinions and claims on books and authors she didn't really know. 

That was only five months ago, five months Sally wished could pass faster. Or maybe not, she wanted to do everything and anything with you, and time just wasn't allowing it. Especially with their curfew... So, when you offered the perfect solution, she was over the moon! Of course, sleepovers. For the first time the little star had no wish to stay up, and finally she embraced the beauty of night and tiredness as you spent it with her. At the start, it was difficult to even have her lay for longer than a few minutes! Luckily, as you jumped through activities she found herself enamored by your voice as you read the silky and airy words off your books pages. 

It soothed her effortlessly, leaving the girl a pile of melted star-dew as she admired your form,  your eyes scanning the words, your hands turning the pages... you were her shooting star, and she cherished you. Without effort she treasured you tenderly, always energetic yet understanding of you, it left the neighborhood shocked and still, very happy. 

Frank and you were the only ones throughout the neighborhood which had libraries at home, or were even well acquainted with books. Adding that the two of you were great friends, she covered her nervousness with boast as she was welcomed into his and Eddie's home with her worries. She desperately pleaded for their advice, primarily Franks. The next week consisted of this, her dramatically wailing over the phone how she couldn't attend your traditional sleep over. Unable to sleep or handle it really, she called you around twelve, asking for a poem. You hung up shortly after her (rather loud-) snores ensued, you even mumbled a secret confession before doing so.  

When the next week arrived and Frank happily shooed her out the couple's home, she ran to yours, insisting you spend the day together to make up for lost time. Interestingly enough, she only asked that time be spent about you, having you introduce her to anything and everything you enjoyed. While you did she'd eagerly sit on the edge of her seat, head in her hands and stars in her eyes as she put her full attention to you, constantly asking questions with her hand raised high as she made an "OH OH!" sound before you'd answer. 

The final unusual request of that night occurred as you browsed your shelves for a collection of poems. 

"Y/N! Y/N! No, no, no, look here!" she announced, holding a folded paper above her head. 

Curiously you retreated back to the bed with her, tilting your head in question, accompanied by a smile. 

"Okay, so-" she began, a wide smile across her face and her hands shaking from excitement. 

"I want you to read this tonight! I was talking with Frank and guess what?! It's the only poem written by this poet! It's super duper rare, and I couldn't think of anyone but you to have it!" 

You gave her a dorky smile as she giggled, you poked her nose as you played along 

"It couldn't be!" 

"That's right!" 

She almost pushed it into your hands, retreating her own to the blanket as she bunched it up, massaging it to relieve her joy, and although she'd never admit it, the nervousness chewing at her. As your fingers brushed against the paper she shouted a "no!", drawing your attention back to her. 

"Wait! Uhm-" she quickly jumped out the bed, rushing to turn off the lights, all except the small light-night beside your bed you'd use to read. Jumping back and tucking her self in she looked at you with big eyes as she bit her lip back before turning away. As she heard you sigh, a smile clear throughout the sound, she also heard the paper be shifted open. She reached a hand back to yours, her head being pushed into the pillow further. With a light heart you read the poem. 

I'd like to peel clementines for you one day. 

we'd decide not to play a vinyl 
because the rain sounds so sweet. 
i'd like to pluck the wispy tendrils 
of white off your slices, 
taking deliberate care to leave them intact. 
i'd like to feed you my half
even though you didn't ask for it. 

-and i'd like to touch your face 
with citrus scented hands 

from your sunshine to my moon, 
Sally : ) 

You quickly turned to her, being met with her smiling face, her loud snores and her grip around your hand squeezing a little more. 

You turned the page, looking to the other half you hadn't seen before. 

"She loves you" was messily crossed out in black crayon, beneath it, Sally had written
"I love you". 

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