🍎Wally x Sick! Reader

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Requested by: @GaelFrogyBoy 

Notes: Thank you for the sweet request : ) It's been a while since I've written anything, so I hope he's still in character! Since my writing seems to have matured a bit, I'm thinking of making a new story for all the recent one shots and maybe re-dos of the older ones. 

Summary: When Y/N suddenly comes down with a heavy cold, Wally can't help but worry. Not only as the most welcoming of Welcome Home, but as their partner? Well, maybe it isn't such a bad thing. Not when the two get to enjoy comfortable and simple winter days together. 

The past week was riddled with sneezes and wheezed and weak coughs. As autumn leaves grew lifeless and fell, the rain carrying them away, you couldn't sit still to admire them from afar. Initially you assured yourself it was anything but that. Allergies maybe? Clearly not now.

From the first sniffle Wally was alarmed. Eye's wide and questioning, you could only ignore them nervously. Since your relationship Wally's composure seemed to dwindle to something more lax. However, he made up for it with his newfound entitlement to bombard you with his sometimes overwhelming care. 

With reluctance you had dialed Home, hoping that Wally was out. Realistically, Wally would have found out sooner rather than later. 

One ring, then two- 

"Y/N?" He said, voice filled with tender surprise. 

You stifled a cough with your elbow, taking a moment before greeting him. 

"Wally... Sorry dear, I'm not exactly so well at the moment-" 


Already sensitive you initially cursed his almost condescending attitude. You quickly remembered it was simply some playful care, though considering your priorities you weren't in the mood to dwell on or appreciate attitudes. 

When you sighed he gave a small chuckle, "I'll be there soon, Neighbor" 

"Ah, you don't have to! I just-" 

"Please, don't dwell on it. I'd love to see you" 

You hadn't realized your smile until then, foolishly attempting to dismiss it as you struggle to mutter a flustered "goodbye" which Wally only chuckles at. 

As expected he arrives a mere moment later, paper brown bag in hand. He closes the door with his foot, lax and natural smile on his face while his eyes admire you. As always there's something so awfully sincere about his gaze that it now leaves you comfortably easing into the plush couch you're on. 

Placing the seemingly light bag on your table he leans over, pressing a kiss to your warm forehead. You waft him away in embarrassment 

"No, no! I'm sick dear" you remind him, pulling the blanket closer. Wally only hums in acknowledgment, though he quite honestly doesn't seem to care. 

In his reassuring presence you ease yourself once more into the couch. Quickly he's behind you, helping to rearrange the pillows behind your head and better tuck you in. Soon enough, you've begun to drift between sleep, only the sound of Wally's subdued motions in the background to keep you awake. 

Suddenly you're comfortably aware of the sound of bursting fire, the crackling flames easing into a nice melody with Wally's movements. It lulls you deeper into sleep. 

When you awake it's from an uncomfortable cold sweat. You moan in discomfort, breathing ragged as you suddenly cough. It's a horrible feeling, and you feel disgusting when Wally's gentle  hand rubs your back in contrast. You take note of the blanket and big picture book on the other chair. Wally must've stayed there while you slept. 

Adjusting to the scene you notice the lights. It's dimmed, and through the windows you're able to understand it's nearing midnight with the dark, dark, skies. 

You'd like to talk to Wally, but honestly it seems like a grueling task in this state. You sigh, though the following cough makes you regret it, and you depressingly weep groans of tire into Wally's gentle arms.  

"There, there. Slow breaths lovely," he coos. One left arm slides into a hold around you waist, while his other soothingly rubs your shoulder. Once he leans his head onto your shoulder it's clear you've recovered from the startling wake. 

He slightly lifts his head, looking at you with tired eyes. "haha, that's a good neighbor" he smiles, pressing a quick peck against the corner of your lips. 

You blush and lean into his touch in an attempt to hide your fluster. Wally smiles. It's his usual and natural smile, though it's how truly natural and not practiced it is that makes it special. Only around you, can be admit, that he smiles so sincerely.  

As you begin to hear the pitter-patter of rain outside you realize how comforting the day has been. You mutter a small "thank you", which Wally mutters a sweet "of course" to in return. He begins smoothing your hair. When he notices you're beginning to get a bit too comfortable, he gently shakes you. 

"Just wait a moment" he says. Then, again moves the pillows before he leaves. You sigh, already missing his presence. He smells like apple blossoms and the woody aroma of charcoal pencils. It's surreal how perfect it is. Never overwhelming, everything about Wally is just as "neutral" as his attitude. His embrace is delicate although full. He holds you as though he can't get enough, like he's meant to be stuck at your side. However, it's his aura of gentleness that caresses you with grace. You'd be a fool to say that you aren't absolutely smitten with the man. 

When his figure peeks around the hallway, bowl of soup in hand you can't help but think a myriad of things. The thought that happens to stand the boldest is that you deserve this. It's not out of entitlement or selfishness. You think this because you know Wally loves you just the same. There's no reason this isn't right, and there can't be a world where it isn't. 

"Well, aren't you the most?" Wally jests. You realize you'd drifted into a mist of thoughts, dazing  out. His monotone voice unknowingly tempts you to the comfort of sleep again but you resist as he holds up the spoon. 

Slowly, he guides it to your mouth, feeding you. 

"haha, Wally.. I'm anything but the most right now" you say with a tinge of embarrassment. Growing more awake you rub your eye, the other hand trying to smooth down your chaotic bed hair. 

"Yet you're always my dearest" he says. When you initially heard Wally's compliments, you'd taken it all for mere flattery. However, now in a more comfortable and established relationship you couldn't deny the sincerity behind every word Wally said to you, and anyone for that matter. 

You weakly giggle at the comment, returning your focus to your light and soulful meal. 

Once you admit you're full Wally nods. He presses a kiss to your forehead before leaving for the kitchen. When he returns, he asks if you'd prefer to retire to your room for the night. 

You agree, and with one hand on your back he walks alongside you. 

He tucks you in, lecturing you about how you should've 'ought to say something sooner'. He leaves for a moment, changing in the bathroom before returning in his crisp and clean pajamas. You feel self-conscious at your disheveled state again, but it's soon ignored as he cuddles into you. When you reciprocate you notice Wally's breath hitch, before he provides a sort of purr of contentment. Too comfortable and safe, you easily submit to a peaceful sleep. 

"Y/N, darling-" Wally begins, though he forgets it as he notices your state. 

You turn, grumbling a low 'sorry', asking him to repeat. 

"sorry? aren't you funny..." he mumbles, pushing you closer to him. He begins to massage your shoulder. You're far too tired to retort. He chuckles at your helpless pout, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 

"goodnight my dearest." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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