📚Artist! Wally x Reader

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Summary: Despite Y/N's love of art, they decided against pursuing it in college. Still longing to explore their passion for it, they make sure to stop by the art classes every once in a while, stalking the lessons and watching artists at their craft. Wally's interest is peaked when he notices this sort of wallflower, mustering up the courage to invite them to paint with him. 

You curiously and attentively walked through the school, trying to locate the more advanced painting class. Despite your passion for all sorts of media and art, you found a job in community law would better suite you and your needs. Still, you decided you'd test your luck with dropping in on the classes between two of your own classes. 

School had started just recently, so it wasn't too odd when you asked two students lugging some art supplies where the room would be. They directed it to you, and when you turned around after thanking them you couldn't deny the wide smile rising onto your face. You give yourself a humph of triumph, and walked with a skip in your step. 

After a month or so of occasionally dropping in, you practically felt as if you were one of the students. There was one or two you had a few conversations with, and soon enough you'd be friends. There were some others too, which caught your attention. Facing the wide doors of the spacious and messy room, littered lazily with paints and whatnot, a proper young man around your age always made sure to sit closest to the models. His eyes almost never moved away as he painted, whether it be from the canvas or model. Despite the room being filled with eccentric and diverse students, the brightness of his well done hair, his put together (almost proper or professional) clothing and calm and assertive presence attracted you to him. 

With such a bold presence though, you were much more hesitant to approach him than any other student. What was there to talk about anyway? You weren't actually in the class, it was too odd. 

Though as the weather grew stronger, the wind harsher, you quickly walked across the campus trying to get to your law courses lecture in time. Papers loosely in your hands and your concentration hazy, as you crossed the area where the art classes were located you failed to notice the blue-haired man's eyes as they followed you from his seat on a bench. 

They intently analyzed your every move, the worry stretched out on your face, the way your hands struggled to grip onto all your papers. He translated those notes for his admiration onto his sketchbook, humming along sweetly in contentment. 

Being such the observer, it wasn't a surprise he knew you. To him, you so clearly stood out amongst the students of his class, not only because of how anxious you seemed. Luckily, he was friends with the one you'd been warming up to, Julie. As his curiosity continued to grow around you, he figured he may as well get to know you, one way or another. 

So, he eagerly rushed to Julie at the end of every class, waiting to hear what you'd talked to her about. What did you think of today's project? How was your day? How were your classes? What was your favorite thing to paint? Your favorite palettes? 

Closing his sketchbook he tapped his foot in thought. 

How would you two talk? You had to, sooner or later. He wouldn't have it otherwise. 

As you leave the class's room slowly, slightly pulling your arm in a stretch as you take a deep breath you focus on leaving campus. You had thought too much so far, and all you could think of needing was a nap and some (favorite drink) at home. 

However, those plans were quickly interrupted by the calling of your name. 


A monotone voice called out, a little wavering, nervously. 

You turned around, straightening your posture, a innocent and curious look winding up on your face. It was met with Wally's, who stood calmly. You would have guessed he was calm, had it not been for the unsure expression on his face. 

"Yes?" You quickly respond, stepping a little closer. 

"I'm sorry we meet this way, but Julie's told me an awful lot about you and I simply wanted to know, would you mind going out for lunch? Or if you'd prefer we could paint together?" He said, not missing a beat. Thankfully too, otherwise his rehearsal would have been for nothing. 

Your eyes widen, and you fail to notice the pure and bright smile coming to your face, the same happiness being mirrored in Wally's adoring eyes, waiting intently for your answer. 

"I'd love to!" 

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