Chapter 7~ Anxiety

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Once we finally made our way to the next location Riv grabbed the camera and began filming his brother.
"Okay before I start this investigation we are going to go ahead and make a peace offering since this is native land, we have some tobacco here I'm gonna go ahead and see if any of the spirits that is said to be here are around us" as Ryan finished explaining, Riv and I immediately hear a creepy unknown voice coming from a far. We both immediately turn to each other with questioning expressions on our face.
"What the fuck was that?" He asked uncomfortably while pointing to where we had just heard the voice.
"What?" Wyatt whispered.
"You didn't just hear that?" River replied giving him shocked look.
"Hello?" His brother decided to call out. We all went silent and waited to see if we would hear the voice again, and we sure did.
"You hear that?" River quietly asked while facing the camera towards the direction of the voice.
"If there is anybody around us right now, we came here with no bad intentions what so ever, we're just here to document the truth" Ryan started explaining out loud in hopes that whatever was around us right now would be able to hear him and understand him. He continued on talking to the camera.
"We brought a peace offering, some tobacco we were told that that was a way for us to show peace, and that's what we want to do before we start asking a couple of questions" the second Ryan finished his sentence our music box started playing by itself, all of our attention was immediately drawn to the bone chilling music now coming from our device.
"Music box!" Ryan loudly whispered.
"Dude it's going" Wyatt was jaw dropped. I jumped a little at the sudden increase of noise breaking the silence, I was not expecting our devices to go off just yet.
"Holy fuck as soon as you said that dude" River said to his twin in a surprised tone, pointing the camera back at Ryan.
"That's weird" Ryan replied looking over at Wyatt.
"Can you walk away from that, please?" River decides to ask out loud, his voice naturally being louder than all of ours.
"Can you stop the music?" Ryan asked loudly as he watched our music box going nuts. Whatever was with us heard him and followed Ryan's wishes. We all immediately gasp in disbelief as we just witness the music stop on it's own.
"No fucking way" Ryan gasped, now staring at us with disbelief in his eyes, he slowly turned looking back towards the music box.
"Thank you, as I said I have tobacco we just want to make a peace offering" Ryan explained yet again. I watched as River moved the camera down to his brothers hand, which showed the tobacco that was in it.
"So what are you supposed to do, snort it?" River asked in an almost serious tone. I face palmed trying hard not to burst into laughter purely out of respect for the spirits that were around. I think the same thing was going through Ryan's mind, usually he would laugh at something as immature as what Riv just said, but instead he only gave a smile in return.
"Hold your palm out and state your intentions and let the wind take it" Wyatt explained in his usual soft voice. Ryan listened and held his hand out with the tobacco on it.
"Our intentions here are just to gather some information from you, find out why this lake is so mysterious, find out your secrets if that's okay, talk to any of the spirits here" he went on talking about the legend of a Skinwalker protecting this area. I begin to notice both Wyatt and River feeling uncomfortable after Ryan says the word 'Skinwalker' out loud.
"You just said it bro" River told his twin with a hint on uncertainty in his voice. We all stood in silence, waiting to see if the wind would blow the tobacco that was in Ryan's hand away. Not even a minute later we all hear a distant scream, silently we look at one another in shock.
"That sounds like someone calling out for help, like right away things are happening, as soon as we start calling out" Ryan said to the camera, slowly walking around and talking out loud to any spirits that could be here. River began explaining to the camera how the peace offering works and how we would know if our offer was accepted or not. I stood next to Wyatt, watching the twins who were Infront of us doing their own stuff. I draw my attention away from the boy's and start to look around my surroundings, then i notice an owl in the large tree that was Infront of us.
"Look an owl" I say pointing towards the giant darkened tree. Ryan gasped like he was surprised, which I did not expect to be his reaction about a owl, so this made me give him a confused look.
"That's a big sign, owls and coyotes" he finally explained. Again we hear another distant yell, but this time it sounded different from the first one.
"Dude I'm starting to get the chills" Ryan says in a serious tone. "Don't harm us please we're not here with any bad intentions what so ever, can you show us that your here please" he says as he raises his hand that was full of tobacco, explaining about our peace offering once more. We all stood there in complete silence again, waiting for something unusual to happen. As we all shared the silence, the eerie music from our music box started going off again, gaining all of our attention towards it.
"What the fuck bro" River commented.
"We might have to go over there" his brother also commented. I was not game for getting any closer to what ever the fuck was over there messing with our equipment. But as the boys started walking towards the music box I knew it was best to follow along. I chose to walk alongside River in an attempt to try and make myself somehow feel safer. As we got to the music box River began explaining to the camera how this area use to be a camp ground, he was shortly interrupted by another unsettling scream coming from the distance.
"We got to go over there" Ryan said looking into the darkness.
"What!?" I loudly whispered back.
"Let's go over there" he bluntly replied, now looking down at the tobacco that was still in his hand.
"Oh fuck me" I sigh and reluctantly follow as Ryan led the way.
As I follow behind I hear a quiet giggle coming from River, which I had completely forgotten that he was still right beside me.
"What are you giggling at?" I quietly ask, keeping my eyes on Ryan.
"Nothing, nothing" he replied. I didn't even need to look at him to know that he was smiling to himself right now. I could always read that man like a book, and after living with him for a couple years it definitely helped me to be able to easily predict him.
"What the fuck is over here dude?" Ryan asks out loud.
"There's nothing here" Wyatt quietly replies. We were all now on the other side of the huge broken tree branch that was laying on the ground, which is what we had our music box on, which by the way was now playing non stop.
"Can somebody turn that off please, use your energy stop that music" Ryan ordered. Which the spirit immediately followed. Causing my mouth to instantly drop open.
"Woah...what the fuck" Ryan said in a very uncertain tone. We all stood there speechless.
"Do you accept our peace offering?" Ryan asked now looking around his surroundings. We hear another distant scream, this time I wasn't quite able to locate where exactly it come from.
"Something just answered us" Ryan said. I stood in silence trying to figure out what the hell was going on right now, I could still hear the owl talking in the tree.
"I'm going to set the tobacco here right next to this music, and if you don't accept it that's okay but If you do it's all yours" Ryan explains as he lays the tobacco down next to the music box.
"I'm going to bring out another device here where you can use your words, whether it's one word or a whole sentence, use your energy show us where you are please" Ryan says as he takes out his phone and turns the Spirit Talker app on. Whatever it is that's with us right now is clearly intelligent because after Ryan said that the music box started playing again.
"Do you see this, I put tobacco right next to that device and now things are happening" Ryan stated. "If you come towards this device here in my hand You will be able to give us information, whether it's telling us to leave or maybe you do want to talk, I don't know how long it's been for any of you if there are Spirit's or even creatures here, we're giving you that opportunity right now, use your energy please, speak into this device here I have in my hand".
We didn't need to wait long for a reply because already Ryan's phone goes off.
"watch it".
"What the fuck, first word that comes out is watch it" River says with a shocked look.
"What do you mean by that, are you saying we should be worried?" Ryan asks out loud. No response.
"Is it true that there's a creature here that protects the land?" Ryan asked the next question. Still no response. He decides it's time to pull out the REM pod.
"I also have this other device here if you approach it all it does is make a buzzing sound, and it lights up multiple different colors" Ryan begins explaining to the spirits how to use the REM pod. "What I'm going to do is set it right here on the ground and I'm going to walk away" he continues to explain as he walks slightly away from us, setting the REM pod on the ground.
"I just sat our REM pod on a fat pile of cow shit" Ryan chuckles as he just realizes. The sudden subject change from spirits to cow shit caused me to giggle.
"We hear you" Ryan's phone goes off.
"What the fuck did that just say?" River asks, just as Ryan goes to check his phone our REM pod starts to go off aswell.
"It just said we hear you!" Ryan answered, the REM pod stopping after this.
"Is it okay if we're here, we just want to respect you" Ryan explains, causing the REM pod to only beep once.
"Thank you, can you see us?" Just as Ryan asked this his phone goes off again.
"She's dangerous". I personally was low-key taken aback from this, unsure if it was referring to me or somebody else.
"Dude think about it, Skinwalker's are known to be female" River stated, causing me to slightly feel a little bit better.
"You know what I realized, why do we get the same thing said every episode that we do when we're doing a Skinwalker episode?" Ryan asked in a confused tone.
"I have noticed a few similarities that pop out in all of the videos" Wyatt replied.
"Do you know any information about the babies, why are people talking about the babies in the lake is that too sacred to talk about?" Ryan decides to ask out loud to the spirits.
"Don't mess with me" Ryan's phone answers. I look at River and give him a 'what the fuck' look.
"Oh shit" he replies.
"What the fuck we've never gotten that before, who are we speaking too?" Ryan asks.
"One man here" his phone instantly replies back.
"What does that mean?" Ryan asked us looking more confused that ever at this point.
"I have no idea" Wyatt softly answers.
"Wait somewhere on this peice of land there's one grave, I don't know if it was undug but there use to be this grave of a man who was buried on this land" River begins to explain.
"Is that who you are, the man that was buried here, can you give us a sign?" Ryan politely asks out loud. We all stood together in silence waiting for a reply, sooner or later our REM pod started going off again.
"Can you let go of that please?" Ryan asks politely. The spirit shortly accepting and letting go. Causing all of us to gasp in shock once again.
"Keep the camera on" Ryan's phone spoke.
"What the hell?" I commented, surprised that this entity knew what a camera was.
"Oh we asked if it okay if they'll take the peace offering, if we can document the information about this lake" Ryan explained to us.
"Can you maybe tell us about the lake, something that not many people know, if you are okay with us receiving that kind of information that's why we are here" he explained. As usual we all stood in silence and waited to see if we would receive anything back as a reply. Nothing.
"Can you please talk to us?" Ryan kindly asks. We begin to hear strange noises coming from near by, causing Wyatt and River to freak out a bit.
"What the fuck" Riv whispered.
"No way" Wyatt quietly replied back. I'm not gonna lie I was now starting to get cold, and hoping that this investigation will just be over and done with soon.
"We hear you can you approach us please" Ryan formally asks.
"Hear me" Ryan's phone went off, causing all of us to look at each other with questioning looks again.
Just then we hear another blood curdling scream coming from a far, this one was louder this time which caused me to start feeling uncomfortable. I slowly made my way over to River, lately I've been using him as my body shield during investigations. So now it's kinda just a natural thing I do. River quickly turned around, facing where the scream was heard.
"Oh my god did you just fucking hear that" he quickly asked in a frightened tone.
"Yeah" his brother replied.
"Wyatt was that you?" River asked, now looking at Wyatt.
"What?" He gave him a confused look.
"Move around" River ordered just to ensure that it was in fact not Wyatt that made that creepy sound. Wyatt of course did as he asked, and as I expected it was definitely not Wyatt that made that sound.
"You're fucking joking" River replied in disbelief.
"No that didn't sound like it was even near him" his brother whispered in a worried tone. As we all stood together trying to debunk what we did infact just hear I began hearing movement by the broken tree branch. I immediately turn to face it.
"Did you just hear that?" Ryan asks also hearing what I had just heard.
"Yes it's me" Ryan's phone immediately replied. I jumped a bit again. That device hasn't gone off in ages, and to be honest I forgot we were still even using it.
"Oh my god!" The boys gasp in shock of what they just heard. I look up to Riv and give him a look as if to say "are you okay?" As usual he notices and gives me a kind smile in return.
"Him and his stupid smile" I smile to myself as I look back to Ryan, waiting to see what he's got up his sleeve next.
"I'd like to introduce the four of us, maybe that will help a little bit with respect here, I apologize for not introducing myself and the three others that are here with me" he politely explains out loud to the spirits. And we soon begin introducing ourselves formally.
"My name is Ryan"
"My name is Wyatt"
"My name is River"
"And my name is Y/n"
"We mean no harm here, we're just trying to get the famous story that's told about this place, what's going on here?" River decides to ask out loud. No response.
"We have a boat that's waiting for us and that's our only escape route" River explains while smiling at Wyatt's camera.
"I'm already ready to go back" Wyatt immediately replies.
"Me too" I smile and raise my hand like a student about to ask the teacher a question. Wyatt and Riv giggle at our commentary.
"Are you still here?" Ryan asks out loud.
"Let's be friends" I hear his phone quickly reply.
"Woahh" Ryan backed up a little. "Dude my body is starting to feel very uncomfortable, how come you haven't shown yourself through these devices that we have?" Ryan begins to ask.
"Yeah what about that one that you were making light up earlier, can you do that again it's the one that was playing the music" River asks out loud while pointing the camera in one hand and pointing his finger with his other hand to the direction of our music box.
"Died a long time ago" Ryan's phone answered.
"Yo I was talking about the grave that was here" River stated with a surprised expression on his face.
"Anxiety" Ryan's phone went off again.
"My bodies starting to feel weird, they know our feelings right now" Ryan whispered.
"This is fucking scary dude" Wyatt replied.
"Okay listen, when we went to Skinwalker ranch we found out that there was a Skinwalker protecting the land because because of the girl that was buried" Ryan began explaining. "My mum was just telling me a story that they found skulls from ten thousand years ago, I don't know how it's even dated back that far" he told us. Just then we heard what almost sounded like someone running towards us, it frightened the shit out of me, I instinctively linked my arm around Rivs free arm, somehow thinking that this would protect me.
"No" Riv freaked, rapidly looking around to see if he could find what we thought was a person running toward us.
Now we were really confused. Ryan decided to dismiss this and go on finishing the story him and Rivs mum had told them.
"I remember this tree" River carefully let go of my arm to point towards the large creepy dead looking tree that was right Infront of us. "We use to camp right here in this spot, the grave is behind this tree right over there" he told us while pointing in the direction of this said grave. "The grave is behind our music box, I swear on everything I remember" River smiled to himself surprised for remembering this small detail from his childhood. The boys began slowly making their way towards the giant broken tree branch. I quickly joined them, as I did not want to be left alone in the complete darkness.
"It did not use to look like this when we use to come all" Ryan explained into Rivs camera.
"Sit" his phone spoke.
"We just got to this fucking broken tree that's fallen on the ground, and it tells us to sit" Ryan loudly says trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on right now.
"What's going to happen bro?" Riv asked in a concerned tone.
"Should we befriend a Skinwalker" Ryan asked us while facing the camera.
"No, are you crazy!?" I instantly reply in genuine shock from his suggestion.
"No what are you fucking thinking" Riv agreed with me as he shook his head at his twin. Ryan turned to look at Wyatt, waiting for his response. All he could do was shake his head no in response. I slowly lower my head down, closing my eyes as I sigh in relief that the two agreed with my concern.
"Please let's just hurry the fuck up and finish this investigation before Ryan starts making friends with demons and Skinwalkers" I sarcastically thought to myself.


Hey y'all I'm sorry this chapter was a long one, I hope you don't mind. The investigation will end next chapter.

If you like the long chapters though, PLEASE let me know by commenting! I would love to know.

See you all on the next chapter 😉

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now