Chapter 9~ Overthinking

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Throughout our entire travel back on the lake we consistently kept hearing eerie noises coming from behind us. Sometimes I swear that I'd hear yelling coming from the distance again, but I just tried to block it out because I was truly done with this night, all I wanted right now is to be home, safe and warm in my own bed.
"This has been one hell of an investigation, and it's honestly to the point where I'm like so terrified I just want to get in the car and drive the fuck out of here" River stated, breaking the overwhelming silence between all of us. We chuckled, relating to how River was feeling right now.
"I couldn't agree more" I tiredly replied back, resting my head into my hands, waiting to finally get back to land.

- Arriving back to land -

Wyatt and I both agreed on deflating the boat together, while the twins wandered off a little to film the outro of our video.
Once they came back from filming Wyatt and I grabbed the now deflated boat and carefully placed it back in the boot of our car while Ryan and River packed all of our equipment away and put them in the boot next to our deflated boat.
I was the first to run to the car, I was just eager to get home, far away from here. The boys shortly joined me in the car laughing amongst themselves.
"What's so funny?" I slightly cocked my head to the side in curiosity.
"You" River answered, making himself laugh even more.
"Well excuse me I'm freezing my ass off and want to get the hell out of here" I sarcastically argued back, pretending that I was about to cry.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say let's get the fuck out of here" Ryan smiled, looking at Wyatt and I through the small mirror in the front seat.
"Don't have to tell me twice" River replied and quickly started the car.
Non of us really talked much through the drive home due to how drained we were all feeling, it was around one in the morning and Wyatt was already passed the fuck out in the seat next to me. I stayed staring out the window most the ride home, I could see Ryan slowly dozing off through his rearview mirror. It was only Riv and I still awake, but I honestly felt like I wasn't far off from joining Wyatt and Ryan.
I stared at the beautiful full moon in the dark night sky as I began reminiscing about tonight's investigation. But it didn't take long me to snap out of it.
"I'm sorry about earlier y/n" River quietly spoke, trying not to wake the boys. I honestly wasn't sure what the hell he was going on about, which caused me to start feeling a little anxious.
"For what?" I softly questioned anxiously waiting for a response. I heard him take a deep breath in before he spoke, which just caused me to feel even more on edge.
"For dragging you down with me when I fell" he explained, keeping his eyes on the road. My overthinking immediately stopped once he explained.
"Oh, no it's fine Riv I don't blame you for that, I understand it was out of reflex from that creepy fucking sound" I tried reassuring him. He paused for a moment, like as if he was having trouble thinking of how to reply.
"I just hope I didn't hurt you from it" he quickly admitted. I was low-key taken aback from Rivers concern, he must of really been overthinking this the entire time.
"No you didn't... To be honest I was afraid that I was the one that hurt you" I anxiously chuckled.
"Why would you hurt me?" I could see Riv trying to hold back a smile through the mirror in the front seat.
"I don't know... My body weight on yours I guess" I chuckle again, now feeling slightly embarrassed at myself for what I just said. River giggled at my confession.
"Don't worry you didn't hurt me... And Your body weight could never hurt me" he lowered his voice at the last part of his sentence, this caused me to quickly look back out the window to avoid looking in his area. I truly didn't know how to reply to Rivs comment but all I knew was that I was now starting to feel a little flustered.

River's POV:

I saw y/n quickly flash back to the window in the corner of my eye through the mirror after the comment I made.
"Maybe that sounded better in my head" I thought to myself as I continued focusing on the dark road ahead of me. I really hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. I begin to feel a hint of guilt grow over me, and all I could do is overthink what I had just said.

- Arriving home -

Y/n POV:

I sleepily open my eyes after being woken up from loud chattering. I slowly rub my tired eyes and reanalyze my surroundings.
"Hey y/n... You awake?" I hear a soft voice speak beside me.
"Huh" I sleepily responded, trying to keep my eyes open. I slowly turned my head to see Wyatt smiling at me. Oh yeah I forgot we were still in the car.
"We're home" Wyatt stated with the same sweet smile on his face.
"Well thank fuck" I groaned and slowly unplugged my seatbelt. I could hear the boys giggle at my comment as I did this. Once I successfully undid my seat belt I quickly jumped out of the car and jogged to the front door, eager and tired as fuck to get to sleep. I could hear the boys laughing even louder at my act from in the car.
"Hold on there y/n" River laughed as he opened the car door and got out.
"I am painfully waiting Riv" I replied back with a dead straight face. River just shook his head at me and smiled. I waited for River to open the door once he and the boys finished grabbing all of our equipment from the boot.
"Yes yes I'm coming" River chuckled as he approached the front door with Wyatt and Ryan trailing behind him laughing their asses off at my eagerness.
"Ladies first" River smiled proudly as he opened the front door for me.
"Such a gentleman" I joked and thanked him as I entered the house.
"Do you guys need any help packing the equipment away?" I turn to face the boys.
"No no no like we said on the last investigation, we've got this you just go on and get some rest" Ryan politely explained with a kind smile.
"Okay if you say so, but the offers still there" I replied feeling kinda bad for not helping out.
"Thank you y/n, we've got this go get some sleep" River chimed in, closing and locking the front door behind him.
"Alright then... Goodnight guy's, sleep well" I politely smiled as I departed from them.
"Goodnight" the boys all replied in unison.

River's POV:

Ryan and I placed all of our ghost hunting equipment back in there original spot, while Wyatt decided to head off to bed. Ryan and I chilled in the editing room for a while and discussed how we were going to edit this new video throughout the week. We stayed in there for a while, going on our phones and scrolling through some posts our fans had tagged us in.
"Yo Riv check this one out of you and y/n" Ryan turned his computer chair to face me and held his phone up for me to see what he was talking about. I looked at his phone and saw that one of our fans had drawn a picture of y/n and I on an investigation together, and it looked sick.
"That's pretty cool dude" I smiled at my brothers phone.
"I know right, it's pretty adorable too" he proudly smiled at the image on his phone. Man if only y/n wasn't asleep right now, I'd love to see the expression on her face if she saw that. I looked back down to my phone in my hands and decided to get out of all of that and actually go to try and get some decent sleep, especially after tonight. Just as I was about to lift myself from out of my chair Ryan stopped me to start another conversation.
"Hey... Are you and y/n alright?" He quietly asked with pure curiosity in his voice.
"Yes, why wouldn't we be?" I quickly reply back, feeling nothing but complete confusion filling my entire body.
"I don't know you just seem to be acting a little... Different, around her lately" my brother tried explaining to me.
"I have no idea what your talking about, I haven't been acting any different at all" I obliviously replied to his comment.
Ryan slightly shook his head and began smiling menacingly to himself.
"Just try not to fall too hard for our best friend Riv" he said as he began to arise from his seat.
"What!? What the hell are you talking about Ryan?" I immediately reply back in minor shock.
Y/n is our best friend, she has been for many years now, why would I want to ruin that for all of us, I can't lie I am low-key terrified of doing or saying anything that could make us lose her. And even if I did like her, there would be no way for me to tell her without the chance of her leaving. And I cannot let that happen. Ever.
"Goodnight bro" my twin chuckled as he got up to go to bed, now leaving me alone in the editing room.
I sat there for a bit, overthinking the entire conversation me and my brother just had.
After some time thinking to myself, I decided to just shrug his comment off and come to the conclusion that my brother was just trying to be humourous, and not serious at all...
I finally made my way to my room, turning the lights in the editing room off behind me.
I arrived in my bedroom and just let myself fall completely onto the bed, I was truly done with tonight, and my energy just felt so drained, the only thing I wanted right now was sleep.
Finally, some decent rest.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now