Chapter 4~ Quality Time

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My phone showed as I got out of TikTok.
"Fuck I hate this, whats wrong with me why can't I sleep?" I quietly complained to myself. I have been struggling with trying to fall asleep lately and I don't know why. It's like my body chooses to hate me some nights.
"Ugh fuck this" I groan and slowly begin lifting myself up from my bed. My head started hurting as I got up, I guess that's what happens when you stay up all night scrolling through TikTok for hours. I got out of bed and decided to just chill in the lounge room, I knew I wasn't going to end up sleeping any time soon.
As I left my room I noticed that some light beaming was through the lounge room.
Was I not the only one still awake? I was now curious. I cautiously made my way into the lounge room to get the answer to my curiosity. As I got to the entrance of our lounge room my eyes immediately went to where the source of light was coming from.
"River? What are you doing still up?" I whispered in a surprised tone. My voice immediately caught his attention.
"My brain won't let me sleep" he answered in a low tone. "wait, why are you still awake?" He turned to me now confused.
"I'm having the same issue" I replied in a exhausted tone. I quietly made my way over to River and sat beside him.
"You know we're both gonna be exhausted as fuck when we film this video later today right?" I chuckled.
"Yeah trust me I know, I'm just not having any luck with falling asleep tonight I guess.." He replied in a defeated tone. I really felt for Riv right now, I could tell he was beating himself up in his head right now about not getting enough sleep for our Skinwalker video we were going to be filming later that day. I stopped and thought to myself for a moment, nothing but complete quietness filled the room, well beside the slight sound of Ryan's snores coming from the next room. I looked up at River sincerely.
"Hey, it's okay Riv don't beat yourself up things like this happen to everyone" I tried to comfort him. I'm not gonna lie it's been a long time since River and I have had time to talk alone, nowadays it's nearly impossible to get the chance to talk with any of the boys alone without the other being there, so this was definitely a moment to take in.
"Thanks y/n it's just a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes" he gave me a thankful look.
"Yeah trust me I know" I assured him. "Hey wanna watch some SpongeBob" I cheerfully offered. River's mood immediately lifted.
"Hell yeah!" He smiled. I did not hesitate to turn Netflix on and binge some episodes of SpongeBob with Riv. This was truly a dear moment to me, I forgot how much I loved spending one on one time with River, it really has been a long time since we last hung out with one another.


My eyes were now low-key hurting from watching the giant bright TV for what felt like hours. I looked around the room to get my eyes to focus on something else that wasn't a bright ass TV. I looked to my right side, over at River. He was now slowly dozing off. I had to hold my giggling in with all of my might at the sight. It was cute how he kept trying to keep his eyes open. I began to notice the slight beam of light emerging from the other side of the windows, the sun was now starting to rise. And River was now starting to finally sleep. I smiled at him, feeling accomplished that putting on SpongeBob helped him finally get some rest. The dawning sunrise left a cold nip in the air, causing me to now get slight goosebumps. I quickly but quietly arise from my seat and grab a spare blanket from my room. Holding the comfortable blanket in my arms I realize that Wyatt will be awake shortly. I enter the lounge room again and carefully place the blanket over River as he was peacefully asleep. I didn't want him to get sick from the morning weather, especially when we have a big day planned today. I left SpongeBob on playing for him and went back to my room to try and get some rest. Good thing we're filming at night so I still have a chance of getting some sleep.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now