Chapter 12~ There's a first time for everything

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We cautiously watched each step we took as we slowly ventured through the tall abandoned house. I made sure to warn River about all the hazardous spots within the building to avoid so he didn't get injured. I come to this location quite often believe it or not, I guess you could say I practically have all of the hazardous spots imprinted into my memory after countless incidents I've had here in the past.
Slowly, I started making my way towards the moldy old stair case that lead to the upstairs of the house.
"Where are we going?" I heard River whisper from behind in an anxious tone.
"My favorite spot" is all I said as I continued on walking up the creaky stairs, with River progressively following behind.
As I finally made it to the top stair I let out a huge breath from exhaustion, it appeared that no matter how many times I come here, these stairs still make me have the same reaction everytime I go up them.
Poor River on the other hand, I could hear him panting from behind me also. I felt kinda bad for putting him through this but at the same time I knew deep down that he appreciated our time being spend together. Once he too made it to the top of the stairs he let out the same deep breath as I did.
"Is it over now...?" he exhaustedly asked with his hands on both knees, trying to catch his breath again.
"The stairs, yes" I gave an apologetic smile.
"Good..." River slowly stood back up straight, I took this as a sign to continue on walking.
"Don't worry, it's just at the end of this hallway" I pointed towards the graffitied hallway Infront of us.
"What is 'it'?" River asked, now sounding more confused then before.
"Just wait and see" I joyfully turned around to face him and give a excited smile.
"You better not be planning on murdering me y/n" he sarcastically said.
"Of course not" I slowly dragged my words and dismissively waved my hand in reaction to his comment.
"Oh god" he gulped and pretended to be scared of my sarcastic reply.
As we got to the end of the hallway we found ourselves face to face with a pretty torn down wooden door. I knew exactly where this door opened up to, but River definitely didn't.
"We're going in there...?" He cautiously pointed to the door. I could tell that he was actually quite worried about being in here, which made me start to regret even bringing him here in the first place.
I tried to shake all my negative feelings away and decided to just grab his hand and carefully make our way into the room.
As I entered the familiar room flashbacks of all the memories I had here came racing back to me again, most of them being negative I did everything in my power to push those memories aside for now.
Only because River was here.

River's POV:

I did not expect her to grab my hand so suddenly, it caught me off guard especially after that awkward moment we had earlier. She must really be excited to show me whatever it is this thing could be, and for her sake I tried my hardest not to show any of the fear I had developed from being in this creepy ass house.
As y/n gently opened the torn down door I willingly followed along, still hand in hand. I shortly found myself amongst a small spooky looking room, I noticed it had a beautiful balcony just on the outside.

Y/n POV:

"This is it" I quietly say in a tone of disbelief, as if this was my first time here again. I turned to face Riv, waiting for his reaction. He seemed to analyze the room quite intently for a moment.
"You like to come to this balcony?" He asked in a quiet voice, trying to fully understand why I admired this place so much. I turned back to face the lovely balcony and slowly started approaching it.
"It's a great place to come to when your feeling down" I solemnly stated in a low tone as I looked out to the beautiful horizon, pinks and oranges scattering the sky as the sun slowly began to set. Carefully, I leaned into the black wooden railing surrounding the balcony. River very shortly came and joined me. We shared a moment of silence just staring out into the distance, it wasn't that we didn't know what to say to each other, it was that we just wanted to soak in this beautiful moment...together.
I slowly sat myself down by the ledge of the deck like I always do when I come here. This made River very anxious through.
"Woah be careful there y/n you don't know when this thing could break" he warned me in a panicked tone.
"Thanks for the warning Riv" I gave him a appreciative smile and went to the view ahead of me.
It didn't take long for River to go against his own advice and shortly join me on the edge of the ledge. I turned my head to the left of me to face him. He almost immediately looked back at me as I did this.
"Thank you again...for today" River looked into my eyes and gave me a sincere smile.
"Anytime Riv" I looked slightly down to avoid eye content.
It went quiet for a few seconds, until River decided to speak up again.
"So why did you decide to bring me here?" He asked with genuine curiosity in his voice.
I was genuinely speechless about this question. To be completely honest I have no idea what made me decide to finally share this personal location with somebody. But I guess it was time I opened up to someone a bit more about my where abouts when I am having a bad day, for my own safety.
"This is where I come on my bad days, I thought it's time I finally tell someone about this place..." I sensitively explain while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
He kept quiet for a while, which worried me. I decided to look back in his direction, seeing if he will say anything.
"I'm the first person you've told about this... That means a lot y/n, thank you I'm glad to be the first" he gave me a huge sincere smile, which just melted my heart. There's his stupid cute smile again.
"You know what... I'm glad you were the first too Riv" I shyly chuckled. As River and I shared a beautiful sunset together I saw him scoot closer to me from the corner of my eye but pretended not to notice this.
River and I sat there a while longer having a long and deep conversation about life and it's obstacles, and honestly as emotional as the conversation got for me I was glad that I was having it with him.
"I've had a really great day with you today, again thank you for letting me hangout" River repeated again.
"You don't need to keep thanking me Riv, your welcome" I chuckled at his over kindness, this must have embarrassed him a little because he started awkwardly chuckling along with me.
I gazed into Rivers eyes and admired how beautiful they appeared in the moonlight, his snowy white hair just adding to the appeal.
I must have been staring a bit too long cause I noticed him give me a questioning look. I gave a quick smile and pretended that nothing happened. River returned the smile and started staring into my eyes now.
"Ah here we go again..." I anxiously thought. River kept his eyes on me which started to make me feel that overwhelming feeling again, that familiar heart sinking feeling. I stayed staring into his eyes also, not knowing what the hell to do or say. I watched as Rivers eyes slowly drifted down to my lips again. The only difference this time is that I had froze up from this intimidating situation. It's like I forgot how to move, and just like before the feeling of all my surroundings started to vanish again. It felt like I was in a transe. A safe, yet intimidating transe.
I swear that I felt him slowly move more forward but I truly couldn't make out anything that was going on. Suddenly then the sound of Rivers ringtone destroyed the deafening silence between us. Thank God.
"Hey dude what's up?" I watched as River spoke to his phone that was now up to his ear.
"We're heading back now, don't worry" Riv said to his phone in a reassuring tone. He said his goodbyes then hanged up the phone.
"We should probably start heading back" River suggested in a almost disappointed tone. I quickly agreed with him and started to lift myself up with the help of the wooden railings.
"I didn't even realize how long we actually spent here holy shit" River chuckled in disbelief as he checked the time on his phone and compared it to what the time was when we arrived here.
We collected our skateboards that we agreed to leave by the broken down front door and started our journey back home.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now