Chapter 8~ Stupid cute smile

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"can you give us a sign that you're still around here watching us?" I heard Ryan call out as I zone back into reality. I remained silent, along with the others until we heard Ryan's phone suddenly speak.
"I'm still around".
I rapidly looked over to Ryan, not expecting the reply to be so spot on.
"Omg I said did you leave!" He gasped placing his arms behind his head in amazement.
"Wyatt bring out that EMF" he instructed, Wyatt immediately obeying.
"Can you walk over here to Wyatt he's got a device here in his hand, if you radiat any energy that device will pick it up, that's how we will know that you are around us" Ryan explained out loud. I kept my eyes on him, waiting to hear some more unexpected noises out of response, but that wasn't the case.
"Wow.." I heard Wyatt suddenly stutter, sounding very uneasy.
"What's up" Ryan quickly asked shooting his head up towards Wyatt's direction.
"It literally just maxed all the way up" he answered, still staring at the device in his hand.
"What the fuck I've never seen it do that" Ryan replied with a very confused look on his face. I took a deep breath in and decided to try communicating with this 'spirit' myself.
"Is somebody around us?" I attempted to ask out loud in a calming tone. The boys looked at me, all with surprised and unexpected expressions on their face. Yep they definitely weren't expecting me to start talking with this thing.
I stood in silence waiting for any kind of response to my question.
"Again" Wyatt softly interrupted, referring to the device in his hand again.
"Oh my god is someone right here?" River openly asked.
"Look at it Riv" Wyatt softly told River as he showed him the now active EMF device in his hand.
"Omg!" Riv shouted staring at the EMF in disbelief.
"I want to see" Ryan stated as he made his way to the boys, just as he got to Wyatt the device immediately went back to normal. It was like the spirit didn't want Ryan to see it or something. Ryan asks the spirit to do it again for his own sake. But the device did not budge.
"You heard me".
His phone spoke for the first time in what felt like ages, causing us all to gasp in disbelief once again.
"I literally just heard something, did you just walk up to us?" Ryan asks out loud.
"Again.. again" Wyatt stuttered again about the device now being active.
"Does that have anything to do with anything on you, hold this" Ryan grabbed the EMF from Wyatt's hand to try and answer his own question by slowly waving the device around to see if it would catch anything.
It did not.
"Can you walk up to me please, use your energy I'm just trying to see if it was really you" he politely asked out loud in hopes that whatever the fuck was with us right now would hear and understand him. And it sure did.
I stood beside Riv as I watched our EMF device go up by itself.
"That's not going all the way but there's some energy right there" Ryan explained to us as he pointed to the active device in his other hand. He thanked the spirit for proving that it could understand him.
"Can you tell us who's around us right now, do you have a name if you don't that's okay" Ryan bagan talking to the spirit again, holding the EMF up with one hand for the spirit to see.
"Uhh Ry" I tried getting his attention by pointing to the device in his hand that was now going all the way up again.
"Oh my fucking god" I hear River say beside me.
"That is full!" Ryan exclaimed as he to was now pointing at the device.
There goes Ryan's phone again...
"No fucking way dude" Ryan was speechless.
"The answers were getting right now are too good" River stated. Wyatt and I nodded in agreement.
"Why is it that your evil, did something happen here for you to become so evil?" Ryan asked the spirit out loud. No reply.
"Guy's it's still going" Ryan tells us, referring to the EMF that's still in his hand. I felt River get closer to me as he attempted to look over at the device in his brother's hand. God I felt like a fucking sandwich squished between these boys.
"Woah woah, tap it tap it" River advised his twin. Ryan listened and tapped it, which actually helped the small red metre in the device get unstuck.
"It was like stuck there" Wyatt commented.
"Yeah... smart thinking Riv" I smiled up at him. He returned a proud smile back along with a small head nod.
"Dude my body is starting to really feel... Like too much" Ryan stuttered to the camera.
"Look how shaky I am" Wyatt quietly joined in, pointing the camera to his other hand that was shakily holding onto his phone. He was visibly shaking quite a lot, which made me begin to feel bad for him.
"Wyatt.. dude we can't lose you now" River replied in a serious tone. This quickly caught my attention, I looked up at River not knowing what the hell he meant by that.
"Don't say it like that Riv" I quickly tell him and walk over to Wyatt to give him a comforting hug as an attempt to try and make him less cold. Wyatt moved the camera to the side to ensure it didn't hit me as I went in for the hug.
"It's like freaking me out, it feels not okay here which is even more strange because of the fact, that is hitting a hundred" Wyatt tried to explain in a serious tone as he pointed to the EMF that was still in Ryan's hand.
"Yeah the amount of energy that that needs to be able to go that high, that's Skinwalker energy" Ryan explained to Wyatt. Before Wyatt could even respond he heard what sounded like a unrecognizable voice, causing him to gasp and jump a bit. I let go of hugging him and looked around, trying to find the source of where the voice came from.
"I wonder if one of our other cameras caught that" Ryan whispered.
"Be fearful" Ryan's phone spoke
"Be fearful!?" Ryan gasped in response.
"Can you do that again you want us to be fearful, scare us a little...speak" River said out loud
"With respect though" Ryan added to Rivers request, causing me to chuckle in agreement.
"What?" Ryan asked Wyatt looking very uncertain.
"Woah, River was talking and you said with respect though and over your right shoulder I literally saw something white dash behind this tree... I'm not even kidding" Wyatt explained as he pointed to the tree that was behind Ryan.
"On camera or with your eyes" Ryan asked.
"With my eyeballs, it might be in my camera.. I'm not sure" he quietly responded still looking at the tree.
Just then we all heard what sounded like a branch snapping. This caused us all to jump in fear, especially River. It took me a second to realize that Riv had grabbed my hand out of fear. I looked down at both of our hands now interlocked with each other. River faced his camera at our hands to show what he had just done unintentionally.
"Sorry y/n" he giggled with a hint of guilt in his voice.
"It's all good Riv" I smiled understanding why he did it. He carefully let go of my hand as if it was like some kind of fragile ornament and went back to focusing on filming the investigation.
"We are not safe, we made out peace offering obviously we're gathering some great information but here's the thing, this is why it's such a mystery it is very hard to collect information from the native spirit they call a 'Skinwalker', the protector of the land because they don't want to tell you anything but if there is another spirit here maybe they can try and give us a little bit of information" Ryan explained to us.
"Can you use your voice so we can hear you, can you scream?" He began asking the spirit out loud. We waited in silence for any sort of reply. Nothing.
"The fact that we're literally out here in the pitch black is a little bit annoying because all I see-" Ryan stopped and paused after we all heard what sounded like movement coming from right behind Wyatt.
"All I see is Rivers bright light flashing me in the eyes and everytime he turns away I don't see anything" he finished.
"We can whisper"
Yep there goes Ryan's phone again... Fuck sakes.
"I said can you yell, can we hear your voice" Ryan quickly explained to Wyatt.
"Okay than please whisper" Ryan asked out loud. We waited for a reply.
*Tap tap* we all immediately look at one another with confused looks on our face.
"I'm not even playing that was my backpack" Wyatt stuttered now sounding kinda fearful.
"Something just fucking rattled your backpack?" Ryan asked.
"It was my backpack" Wyatt answered.
"Dude you are literally shaking like crazy bro... Are you okay?" Ryan asked him in a serious tone.
"Yeah" he whispered back. We all stood there not speaking a word for a couple seconds, trying to figure out what the hell we do now.
"Where are you?" Ryan broke the silence, asking the spirit another question.
"What the fuck... is that because your moving?" He asked Wyatt after seeing the EMF in his hand spike up on it's own.
"Whatever it is maybe it's that guy that you were talking about that's buried here, he's like right here" Wyatt quietly considered.
"The man... What was his name?" Ryan decided to ask out loud, in hopes for a reply. I watched as the device in Wyatt's hand began going off again.
"What the fuck?" River reacted to this.
"You guy's hear that movement around us?" Wyatt whispered to us, unsure if we were hearing the same thing that he was hearing.
"Why have you come?" Ryan's phone went off.
"Woah, is this the man now?" He asked us.
"I don't know" Wyatt softly replied back.
"I don't know if you heard us, but earlier as soon as we got here we explained that we're here so that we can find out the truth about this lake" Ryan began explaining to whatever spirit was near by. Immediately we all hear what sounded like somebody approaching us again. God I hate when I hear that sound. I intentionally move closer to Riv out of fear. The noise did not stop and continued to sound like it was getting closer.
"Guy's we might need to back up" Ryan whispered to us in a very serious tone this time.
"Slow slow slow" Wyatt softly whispered, we all followed along and slowly walked back.
"Do you have a flashlight" Ryan asked Wyatt.
"I do" he whispered in a panicked tone.
"Bust out your light now, right now" Ryan ordered in his usual dominant manner. Wyatt quickly grabbed his black flashlight and shined it to the dead creepy tree Infront of us, where we were hearing the unknown movement. Nothing was there though.
"Others" Ryan's phone starts.
"Somebody was just approaching us, sounded like human footsteps" Ryan stated, still looking for anything that could possibly be near the eerie tree.
"You just asked who is this now, it says others... Maybe other Skinwalkers?" River suggested to his brother.
"Whatever it was it was fucking big" he replied in disbelief. Ryan took league and decided to walk back to the dead tree we were originally standing under, we all followed along.
"Hello, are you right over there" Ryan called out. No reply.
"Are you the protector... Answer me please" Ryan tries communicating again. We all immediately heard strange movement coming from a far, causing us to quickly look in the direction of it's belonging.
"I don't know like I felt pretty unsafe in a lot of places but right now at this very moment I do not feel safe here" Ryan admitted, turning his head towards us.
"Wyatt is fucking shaking bro" he pointed out to Rivers camera.
"Skeleton" Ryan's phone spoke again. This immediately reminded me of Rivs fear of skeletons, I intentionally grabbed his free arm as an attempt to comfort him.
"No.." he replied with pure defeat in his voice.
"Not my worst nightmare right when we're at the peak of the night it's skeleton" he anxiously smiled to Wyatt's camera. He then looked down at me and gave me a thankful expression. I slowly rubbed his arm to show that I was trying to comfort him.
"It's going to be okay" I whispered and tried to give him a reassuring smile, which was hard to do when I to was now starting to fear for my own safety out here.
"Thank you" he whispered back, making sure the others didn't hear. I kept my arm around Rivs, feeling that if I let go now I will be in more danger.
"There's also another thing, I gave you the information that mom told us about the skeleton that was found that was ten thousand years old, that was dug up somewhere around this area" Ryan explained to his twin.
"Give us a sign... Use your words" Ryan spoke out loud.
Immediately what sounded like a disembodied voice replied back to him. This wholeheartedly terrified the living shit out of us all. Riv attempted to jump completely back in fear, causing me to get dragged along by him. He then tripped on a large rock, causing not only him, but me too to fall down to the ground. I shrieked and closed my eyes as I felt myself falling.
River groaned in pain, making me open my eyes to check if he was okay. I embarrassingly found myself now on top of my best friend... Lord help me.
River looked up at me with a shocked expression, almost like he too didn't realize I was on top of him till just now.
"Are you okay, are you alright?" I hear Ryan quickly pace over to us. River breaks eye contact with me and looks back at his twin.
"Yeah.." he groaned. I quickly get off of him in fear that my body weight on top of his was causing more pain.
"I'm sorry" I sincerely apologized, embarrassment and guilt now filling my body.
"Don't be... I'm sorry I dragged you down with me" he replied in a low tone, I noticed him holding his left foot which most of been the source of his pain right now.
"English" there goes Ryan's phone again...
"What the fuck... Are you okay?" He turned and asked his brother again, who was still on the floor.
"Yeah... I almost broke my ankle" he admitted, trying not to wince in pain. The sight of this made me feel so bad, I walked up to Riv and offered my hand out to him. He gladly accepted and carefully made his way back up. Intentionally I wrapped my right arm around both his shoulders to help keep him standing.
"Where did that just come from?" Ryan asked Wyatt.
"You said use your words... We just heard that voice" Wyatt softly responded.
"And it said English!" Ryan stated.
"I'm so sorry, I hope your okay" I softly whispered to River, avoiding eye contact with him due to the massive wave of guilt I was now feeling.
"It's okay trust me... It's my fault I fell over, not yours" he reminded me.
"Did you break your foot?" Ryan asked his brother.
"I don't think so but I almost did" he replied back.
We decided to all move on and just get this fucking investigation over and done with.
"Thank you" Ryan tried thanking the spirit.
"The fact on why we have not run out of here yet, like who the fuck are we right now" River joked.
"Oh trust me I fucking want too" I internally thought to myself. Ryan hushed us after hearing more branches snap from nearby. We all listened out.
"We're doing this because we're looking for answers, yeah we want to run I'm fucking terrified as fuck, we were about to just dip right there when something was coming towards us" Ryan replied to Rivers comment.
"Under the ground" Ryan's phone spoke, breaking the eerie silence.
"Woah skeleton under the ground" Ryan immediately put the pieces of mystery together.
"I don't know dude this is too weird" River commented.
"Why can't we see you, is that not allowed, is that forbidden?" Ryan asked out loud. I noticed Wyatt quickly turn his heard to the broken tree branch.
"Did you see that?" He very quietly whispered while pointing towards the dead tree branch laying in the ground.
"What happened?" Ryan asked sounding uneasy.
"There was a flash of light like shining" he tried to explain.
"Children here" Ryan's phone shortly interrupted.
"Babies in the water" Ryan said, referring to the legend of the babies in the lake.
"Head" his phone went again.
"What the fuck?" Ryan questioned loudly as he walked over to Wyatt.
"This is fucking weird" he added.
"Something is going on right now dude" Wyatt whispered.
"I do not feel safe...I'm getting very scared" Ryan quietly admitted again. I lowered my head down, now feeling bad for Ryan. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse we hear the unknown running sound come towards us again.
"My home" Ryan's phone spoke.
"My home, then thousand years ago giving us information" Ryan tried making sense of what the spirit was trying to tell us.
"Their land" River added.
"I was just gonna ask, how many times did you ask if this was native land" Wyatt reminded Ryan.
"This is your land, if you can hear me-" Ryan stopped as his phone interrupted in.
"This area has been abandoned for seven years, not only that what if the man that was buried here had been abandoned?" Ryan tried to explain.
"So he put the curse on the land so that they could protect, because he was the only one that wanted to stay" River suggested.
"I just want to say thank you for giving us the information so far, the man... What was your name?" Ryan tried asking the spirit, in hopes to get an actual name out of our devices. Nothing.
"We know you watch from the distance, we know you use animals as your eyes, preferably owls and coyotes but we know how to tell the difference" he bagan explaining, causing some strange noises to occur from a far.
"Did you just fucking hear that" Ryan asked looking into Rivers camera.
"We know that your a shapeshifter" Ryan commented out loud to the spirit, causing another strange sound to abrupt from the branches.
"You just pissed something off" River whispered, pointing his camera towards the sound. Ryan and Wyatt started walking slightly further away from Riv and I, giving me a hint that we might actually be leaving soon. I can only hope.
"We just heard you, we know your close you like to watch" Ryan told the spirit as he crouched down to turn our REM pod off that has not gone off once since the start of our Investigation.
"Manifesting" his phone goes off yet again. Ryan looked up at us confused as all hell.
"Should I just keep going and see what happens?" He asked.
"I don't know bro..." River stuttered.
"Yeah man I think we should end it soon" I agree with Riv. Just then we hear the owl come back.
"This is actually weird" Wyatt admitted.
"Bad thing's happened" Ryan's phone spoke.
"What the fuck?" River quietly responded.
"All the information that we've been getting, and all the stories that we've told so far are being said from whoever is here" Ryan explains into the camera. Again another disembodied voice speaks in the darkness, causing me to hold onto River tighter. Ryan's mouth dropped open from surprise.
"Did you just hear that voice?" He asked.
"We might need to fucking go soon" River told his brother in a serious tone. Thankfully he agreed to this.
Again the disembodied voice starts speaking from a far once more.
"Can we leave now..." I complainingly thought to myself. It was like Ryan could read my mind because instantly he suggested we all get back to our boat and head to the car. Now I was not going to argue with that.
"Don't gotta tell me twice" I chuckled as I started making my way to the inflatable boat.
Once we all finally made our way back to the shore of the lake, with the lovely help from our bright ass flashlights we all slowly hopped in, one by one. Relief rushed over me as I watch ourselves move further and further away from where we were just Investigating, watching as the darkness slowly devours the area. I turn to River, and let out a cleansing sigh.
"Thank fuck that's over" I chuckle.
"Tell me about it" he laughed at my remark, giving me a heart warming smile.

Him. Him and that stupid cute smile.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now