Chapter 6~ Skinny Winnie's!

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"Okay guys the season has finally come, we are back with Skinwalker episodes!" Ryan excitedly shouted while filming.
"Wooo!" We all loudly celebrate in the car.
"Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Taco Bell!" River repetitively chants as he excitedly moves back and forth in the driver's seat. I laugh hard at River's excitement, the boys joining in with my laughter.
"For our very first episode of season 2, we have probably one of the scariest ones we're going to go too, it is a beautiful fucking night guys I am so excited!" Ryan cheerfully smiled to the camera."we have bearly had any sleep, guys are you excited?!" He happily asked us.
"Wooo! Skinny Winnie's, skinny Winnie's, skinny Winnie's!" We all loudly chant in unison, laughing at each other's stupidity.
"Riv get the fuck off your phone while your driving, your gonna kill us!" I yell out to River. "Sorry Ryan your gonna have to cut that out" I give him an apologetic look while laughing. Ryan agreed by nodding his head and stopping the recording.
"Excuse me I was using the GPS to get us to our destination" River said pretending to be moody about me calling him out.
"Well get me to do the directions next time genius" I reply sassily. Wyatt and Ryan laugh at mine and River's sarcastic argument.
"She does have a point Riv" Wyatt quietly responded while smiling. I silently thank him for agreeing with my concern. River doesn't reply to us and just continues to focus on the road. Wyatt and I silently communicate to each other about this by side eyeing one another.

The rest of the drive there was quiet for most the time surprisingly, then again non of us got enough sleep last night and I knew all of our energy was already low.
I sat in the back seat next to Wyatt, staring out the window most of the ride there and just daydreaming about any thing that came to mind. Ryan wasn't wrong, it was a beautiful fucking night outside. I admired the sunset, making me feel greatful to be there, right here, right now, with these three amazing friends of mine. Wyatt, River and Ryan.

(At our destination)

As we finally got to the creepy location the boys and I immediately went to check if the tiny boat that was claimed to be by the lake was still there, since Ryan planned we all go in it for the last part of our investigation, also we needed it to actually get too the woods, where we are planning on investigating.
"Son of a bitch I don't think it's here" Ryan explained in a defeated tone.
"What do we do?" His brother replied.
"I don't know- i- guy's where's Wyatt?" Ryan stopped with a very concerned look. Riv and I turned around at the same time to see if Wyatt was nearby, nope we couldn't see him anywhere. The twins and I were now starting to worry a little bit.
"Fucking hell the investigation hasn't even started and we've already lost someone!" I say looking back at the twins. They look at each other not knowing what to say. I decide to sit on the ground with my hands covering my face hoping that we didn't actually just lose our best friend. I close my eyes and try to calm myself down, my panicked state immediately disappeared once I heard Wyatt's voice from the distance.
"Don't worry guy's I made sure to buy an inflatable one just in case the wooden one wasnt there" Wyatt says with a proud smile as he carries the mini deflated boat towards us.
"Oh thank fuck, we thought we lost you" Ryan replied smiling back at him. I stood back up and walked over to Wyatt to help him inflate the tiny boat. River began recording Wyatt and I inflating the boat that we were going to be using later on.
"Alright guys we are doing something that nobody has done before and we are going on the lake, not only to-" Ryan paused as he watched Wyatt acting immature by twerking as he was pumping up the inflatable boat. We bursted out in laughter, Wyatt joining in aswell. Ryan took a deep breath in and continued to finish his sentence.
"Not only to look for Skinwalkers because this lake is actually known to have lots of spirit sightings, Skinwalker sightings and even alien sightings, which is very weird because we haven't done anything on our channel about aliens, now we are going to be taking this boat to the location where the Skinwalkers have been sighted" Ryan continued explaining about what our plans are to the camera while Wyatt and I finished inflating the boat, we picked it up and walked towards the creepy dark lake that we were going to be going on.
"Here we go here we go, we're going on a trip in our favorite rubber boat floating in Skinwalker lake, little Einstein, sing it with me!" River sang out loud. We all obliged and joined in, singing together like fucking children while dancing.
We all surprisingly succeeded in fitting in the tiny inflatable boat that was now floating on the lake, although it was very squishy with the four of us in it. Ryan began paddling the boat to where we planned on going.
"Dude what the fuck where going the wrong way already" River stated to his brother.
"Ah shit, turn" Ryan replied to Wyatt who was also helping paddle the boat. The two boys began paddling the correct way this time. River faced the camera towards himself and began explaining about the crazy phenomena that occurs within the lake every October.
My eyes were trying to focus on the darkness surrounding us I looked around to see if I could see anything but I didn't. As River finished talking to the camera we all heard a strange noise in the water.
"What the fuck?" River reacted.
"Dude we're here" Wyatt told us in a happy tone.
"How did we just fucking do that bro" Ryan chuckled in relief.
"We literally just did that in the dark" Wyatt smiled to the camera. As we finally hit the lakes shore River began telling the camera more stories he's heard about the creepy lake. Riv asked how we were supposed to get out of the boat without getting wet, but little did he know the land was literally right next to him.
"Riv" I said as I pointed to the land, Wyatt now shining his torch to where I was pointing to help River see.
"Oh" he said in a embarrassed tone, we all bursted out laughing once again.
"Ahh it's okay Riv" I continue laughing as I try to comfort him by placing my hand on his shoulder. We all remained seating in the inflatable boat. Ryan started talking to the camera.
"Okay guys we are here at Skinwalker lake, look at us now baby it is season 2 and we are coming in stronger than ever" he smiled proudly.
"We are risking it for the biscuit!, Biscutoo!" River says as he throws both his arms into the air. I cover my face with both my hands, pretending to be embarrassed to be near him. As I was hoping he would stop it at that, I was terribly wrong.
"And if I had my swimming trunks I swear to God I'd pull them off and I'd go into the water" he said in a funny tone. I couldn't help but laugh while still covering my face, okay now I was definitely embarrassed to be near him.
"No you wouldn't" Ryan commented. We all laughed again, sounding like a bunch of maniacs.
"What are the odds that we just find ourselves here... inside the woods" River says as he quickly moves forward, purposely putting his face just inches away from Wyatt's, making it look like they were about to kiss.
"Woahh hold up there" I sarcastically say as I put both arms up, pretending to cover my eyes. Wyatt, Ryan and I piss ourselves laughing.
"Huh, what's that?" River replies, his face now inches away from mine instead of Wyatt's. I immediately stopped laughing and now felt like I had forgotten how to breathe, not expecting River to also do this to me. I looked into his light blue eyes internally screaming at myself to try and say something to break the staring chain, but it was no use. I could clearly see that he had a hard time trying to look into my eyes, he was mostly looking at my lips, this made me feel nervous for some reason. I don't know why River was making me feel like this, he's my best friend, were just friends. I usually do get nervous if someone is as close as he is to me right now. I bravely decided to also look at his lips, to see if he would notice and stop. He noticed but did not stop. Welp that idea failed.
"Ahem" Ryan faked a cough to try and gain mine and River's attention and break the awkward moment, which worked.
"Thank you Ryan" I thought to myself, finally remembering how to breathe properly again. Wyatt and Ryan gave Riv and I both very confused looks, I felt so embarrassed and just looked down in defeat. God I hope Ryan wasn't filming that.
"Alright put your hands together guy's you know what we do before every investigation, we chant our hearts away" Ryan stated to us, as we all put our hands together and begin chanting our immature made up chant to the camera.
"Let's get this investigation started" Ryan said, then stopped recording. We all carefully get out of the inflatable boat one by one and begin walking to our first location to finally start our investigation.

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