Chapter 10~ Nightmares

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I could see it in the dark abyss.
I horrifically watched as it very slowly began to approached me. I did everything in my power to try and run, but it was no use. My anxiety rapidly increased higher and higher as the horrifying creature crawled closer and closer. I tried to scream at the top of my lungs, but nothing would came out.
Oh God please save my soul.
I was stuck, and couldn't move a muscle even if I tried. I rapidly shut my eyes tight and prayed for this moment to end. I could hear the gut wrenching sound of it coming closer.
I truly felt like this could be the end for me...
I slowly open my eyes after hearing the crawling stop. It was now right in front of me. I could see it more clearly now, it was a tall grey skinned creature on all fours.
Is this a Skinwalker?
Is this what the boys and I spoke with?
My mind was racing, I didn't know what to do.
I was truly vulnerable.
The creature slowly lifted it's head up to look at me. Pure blackness, was all I could see in those eyes, the feeling of nothing but negativity came from this. I watched in pure horror as the creature prepared to launch at me to take me.
Just as it was about to pounce, all senses raced back to me and I forcibly woke myself up, rising myself up out of bed as quick as I could.
My panting was rapid, I could feel the sweat rolling down my panicked body.
I quickly looked around, analyzing my surroundings.
Okay I'm still in my room, thank God.
That was a horrible fucking nightmare. I felt quite shaken up from this and knew that I wasn't going to be going back to sleep any time soon. I groaned as slowly made my way out of bed and quietly headed towards the living room. I flicked the light switch on at the entry of the room so I could see more clearly, which helped light up both the living room and our kitchen at the same time. I noticed Ryan's laptop laying on our living room table.
"Ryan left his laptop I see" I whispered to myself and made my way to our couch. I decided to try and binge some American Horror Story on Ryan's laptop to help me fall asleep again.
I remember asking him to download the series for me on here when my laptop broke a couple months back, I wonder if he still has it on here?
I patiently waited as his laptop slowly turned on, brightening up the living room even more. I memorized Ryan's password due to having to use it quite often in the past.
I quickly typed, successfully opening the laptop.


The laptop screen showed in bold fonting. I went through his downloads, searching if the series was still on there.
"Yes! He still has it, Ryan your a fucking legend" I happily thought as I clicked play and tried making myself comfortable on the couch. I looked over and noticed Ryan's gray fluffy blanket that he likes to be a burrito in laying on the corner of the couch.
Hmm... fuck it I'm sure he won't mind, I slowly reached over and grabbed it, placing the fluffy blanket over my cold body as I laid myself down on the comfy couch and tried to fall back asleep, in hopes that I would get enough sleep tonight.


Ryan's POV:

The loud irritating default song from my phone's alarm began playing, forcibly waking me.
"Ughh" I tiredly groan as I reached over and turned my alarm off. I laid there for a couple seconds, until I was awake enough to physically get up.
The cold morning air immediately hit me as I got out of bed. I grabbed one of our merchandise hoodies from my closet and quickly put it on over my chilled body.
As I quietly closed my bedroom door behind me I immediately noticed a odd source of light coming from the living room. I was confused, unsure if one of the boys or y/n got up in the middle of the night and left it on or something. Like usual my curiosity took over and lead me to the living room, the closer I got the more I could hear strange noises coming the room. As I approached our living room my eyes immediately drawn onto a sleeping Y/n, bundled up in my favorite blanket. I smiled at the sight, relieved that I got the answer to my curiosity. I then realized that the strange noises I was just hearing were coming from my laptop. I completely forgot that I left it there last night.
I carefully walked over to see what it was that was playing and smiled again when I saw y/n's favorite show playing that she asked me to download for her a while back. I let her be and made my way to the lounge room and chilled in there for a bit till Wyatt woke up, I know he's usually the first out of us all to wake up but I wanted to get up a bit earlier today because I did promise Jaide that I'd spend the day with her.


The chill nip in early morning air slowly caused me to wake. I tried holding the blanket tighter to my cold body in an attempt to keep myself warm.
I slowly opened my sleepy eyes to adjust them to the new lighting within the house. I laid there for a while, preparing myself for a new day. As I began lifting myself up from the couch I heard a familiar voice begin to speak beside me, causing be to jump.
"Oh, morning y/n" I turned and saw River also sitting on the couch.
"How long have you been there?" I dismissed his greeting, hoping he wasn't there for too long.
I've always had this problem where I can't handle when people look at me while I'm sleeping, I don't know why I've just always been like that.
"Maybe like 5 minutes" he politely smiled, which helped calm my nerves a little. I looked down and took a deep breath in.
"Are you alright?" River tried looking at me while my face was still down. I quickly snapped out of it and looked back at him.
"Yeah sorry it's just...I just have this weird thing where I can't handle if someone looks at me while I'm sleeping" I embarrassingly admitted.
"I see..." I could tell he was in deep concentration about what I had just told him.
"But how do you know if someone's looked at you while your sleeping?" He smiled widely as if he was amused by the conversation we just started.
I chuckled at his question, now kinda feeling dumb about my weak attempt of an explanation.
"I don't know unless I get told, or sometimes I'll wake up and see it" I smiled in embarrassment as I tried to explain my situation better.
"I understand" he replied, giving me a comforting smile. I thanked him for listening and slowly bagan making my way up from the couch.
Just as I was about to walk back to my room I stopped in my tracks once I heard River speak again.
"Hey y/n...what are your plans for today?" He asked in a curious tone. I was low-key taken aback by this and didn't know how to reply.
"Uhmm... Nothing actually...why?" I asked, slightly tilting my head in confusion. River looked down at his phone then back up at me, as if he was having trouble finding the right words to what he was going to say.
"Would you want to hangout today... I don't have any plans either" he awkwardly smiled. I looked down at my feet and started giggling at River's silly question.
"Of course you can Riv we live in the same fucking house" I looked back at him and continued giggling.
I think he to realized how silly the request was, because he bagan joining me in a giggling fit. Once I calmed myself down and stopped my laughing fit I came up with a good idea.
"Hey, wanna skate to the nearest Taco Bell?" I asked while smiling, a big part of me already knowing what his answer was going to be.
I watched as his face immediately light up.
"Heck yeah!" He cheered and jumped up from the couch to grab his skateboard. I chuckled as I watched him excitedly leave the room. I decided to do the same and go grab my skateboard.
As I got to my door I realized that I hadn't heard from Ryan at all this morning, which was odd not seeing him chatting away with the boys in the morning. I decided to walked over to Ryan's door. I carefully knocked on it, expecting to hear a reply from the other side. I waited for a couple seconds, but nothing.
"That's strange, maybe Riv knows where he went" I assumed then just continued with what I was doing.
Once I retrieved my skateboard from my room I made my way back to the living room to meet up with Riv.
"Hey, you ready?" River gave me a big smile and rose up from his seat, eager to leave.
"Let's do it!" I smiled back and began leading the way out of the house, River taking no time to follow along.

Author's note:

Hello all!
Sorry this chapter was a little shorter than usual, I hope y'all still like it.

If you don't know I have my own YouTube channel. I have been editing for the past two days but I've finally uploaded it last night! If you are interested in paranormal or urbex content your more than welcome to come and check out my channel🖤

- The Ghost Ghouls

If your enjoying this fanfiction so far please let me know in the comments, I know some of you's are and all of your sweet comments truly do make my day, thank you all so much for the support I truly appreciate all of you🖤

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