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What's wrong with me, why I helped him?? And what's with his eyes, did he hypnotise me, no, no, then what??? What in the world is happening, should I try reading about it? Is this some kind of hypnosis or maybe he just manipulated me? With so many thoughts, when I opened the door of the library, I saw someone acting weirdly,
Hey, I tried to touch him.
"Don't hurt me, please", he freaked out.
Abhi???? I asked.
I'm sorry, I didn't do anything please, let me go, don't hurt me please, I beg of you, he said.
I tried to go near him and he just backed off trembling in fear as I will hurt him.
Someone came to the door and he got so scared.
Please, don't tell them that I'm here, I was so scared that I ran off please forgive me, I beg of you please, ma'am don't kill me, he was babbling and trembling in fear.
Why is he so scared and what's with this blood, who did that??? I thought.
I opened the door slightly and the boy asked me if he is there.
No, there is no one besides me now get lost, I told him to leave.
Watching him like this is different, why do I feel like Hugging him, is this hypnosis???
It takes around 1 hour, and he got asleep still in fear, I didn't go near him if that makes him scared and I just left.
(in the restaurant)
I didn't want to cosplay again but I wanted to check if he is fine or not, so I guess this is the best way to find it.
Where is he???? I thought.
Excuse me, I want to meet Abhi, he is a waiter here, I'm his friend, I told one of the waiters.
(few moments later)
"You wanted to meet me??", Abhi asked.
Uhm, yaa it's me, you remember, you helped me with my car some days ago, I asked him.
Yeah, I remember your red hair, he said.
Yeah, they are different, I said while asking him about his wounds.
Oh, I had an accident, he said.
Oh!!! Are you okay??, I asked.
Yeah, I'm fine, he said while smiling.
That's a relief, actually, the thing is that you helped me that night and I didn't even thank you properly, I gave an excuse.
No, it's ok ma'am, it was not a big deal, he said.
Btw, how did you know my name??? He asked.
Your name??? I said.
Yeah, you said you wanted to meet Abhi, so how did you know my name, he asked.
Uh!! That I-actually you told me last time, I said nervously.
Did I? He asked in confusion.
Of course, you did or how would I know??? I said trying to be confident.
Yeah, maybe I did, he said still in confusion.
Ok since I know you are fine, I should leave, I said.
What??? He asked.
I-I mean since I thanked you, I should leave bye, I ran off while saying this.
What the, what was that??? Maybe that's why he is a topper, I was almost caught, I thought while gasping for air.
(in the college, the next day)
I told you, I had an accident, I said.
Oh Really, stop lying Abhi, Fab 5 did that didn't they??, Nandini asked.
Nandini, they didn't, you don't worry about me, I'm fine, I told her.
Why would I not??? You are my only rival and friend, she said while smiling.
Nandini, you should go now, I asked her to leave as I saw HIM coming.
What?? Why??? Nandini asked while I pushed her to leave.
I have to hide, I thought and tried to find a place to hide when someone dragged me into a classroom.
You?? I tried to speak but she put her hand on my mouth.
Shh!! Manik is over there, she whispered.
My heart rate got increased only after watching him, he is scary or maybe insane.
Wait, is she helping me????, I thought.
Now you can leave, she said.
Can I??, or maybe he is here, I can't trust her, I have to check first, he left for real, I thought. I wanted to say thanks but she left already.
(in the classroom)
Why is he looking so anxious, is he thinking about why I helped him? I don't care if he is. Should I ask him??
Why the hell I'm keep doing this to myself?
Thud!!!! Manik slammed his hands on our table angrily and he just got startled.
You!!!! Did you just complain against me??? He said angrily.

Ok, that's it for this chapter.
Thank you so much for reading.
Always be happy.
And ya like and share.

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