Emotional Damage

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Where is Abhi, she asked worriedly.
you are here already, you really care about him, I said.
Shut up and tell me what have you done with him, she asked.
he is sleeping in my room, I didn't do anything, I said.
Where is everyone??, she asked.
they left, I replied.
are you upset, she asked.
why aren't you leaving when you know he is fine, I asked.
how can I leave when you are making a face like this, she replied.
you are really a nice girl, huh, caring about me after whatever I did to you and your friend, I said.
what happened, did you guys fight, she asked.
what do you think, am I a bad person, I asked.
why don't you ask this yourself, she said.
I can't, I don't have superpowers like you, I said.
you can try you see, people can't lie to themselves, that's why whenever I'm stuck with something I ask myself what I want and what should I do. just be honest with yourself and you will find a solution, she said with a cute smile and I laughed.
I heard this stupid philosophy the first time, I said.
Trust me, it works, she said smiling and I smiled too. She is cute, I thought.
it won't work on me, I'm not smart like you, I said.
It's good, you smiled at least, she said.
Now, tell me what's the matter, she asked.
I'm just worried about Mukti, I said.
why?? She asked.
She was looking hurt, I said.
Manik, Abhi is a nice guy, trust me, he won't hurt her, she said.
She was hurt because of him or maybe because of me, I said.
it's ok, it's important to get hurt sometimes to set things right, she said.
Mukti looks like she is strong but inside she is just a little kid, she reacts like she doesn't care about anyone but in reality, she is hurt because no one cares about her, they all abandoned her. her family, and her ex-boyfriend. She was so heartbroken at that time, She decided to be like this to protect herself. what if Abhi leaves her or maybe doesn't reciprocate her feelings, I'm worried she'll become like that again, I said. why I'm telling her all this I thought.
I understand you care about her so much, she said.
of course, she is my best friend, I said.
if you care about her then let her do this,  let her love him and if she failed in love and got hurt then taking care of her it's a best friend's duty, your duty, she said.
Listen, you need to take risks to be happy, she added with a smile.
Talk to yourself, she is totally crazy, how can anyone talk to himself?
Exactly, she is crazy but she is cute too, and always smiles, I smiled.
Wait, what I'm doing, am I talking to myself,
Yes, I'm, wait, God!!! She made me crazy,
She is crazy, Manik, you should stay away from her.
Yeah, I should, shit!!! not again.
Where I'm, what's this place, is it Manik's house, I thought.
what I'm doing here, I should leave, Ah!! my head.
Where are you going, someone asked.
Uhm I was leaving, is the party over, I asked awkwardly.
you don't remember anything, he asked.
Remember?? Did they do something with me, or did I do something, I thought.
I-I don't know what you're talking about, something happened, I asked and he stared at me.
he is not going to hurt me is he?, I thought.
I'm leaving, I said increasing my pace. Wait, he said.
Y-yeah, I asked.
it's already around 3 a.m. Just stay here, he said.
what?? it's 3, I got asleep for a long time,
Wait, Stay here with him, no, I won't, I'm so hungry, I should leave fast, I thought and my stomach growled.
S-sorry, A-actually I skipped the lunch and I didn't even think I would be here this long, I said.
Argh!!! that's embarrassing, I thought.
it's ok let's eat something, he said.
No, it's fine, I-
Come I said, he cut me off.
ok, sure, I said with an awkward smile.
You're quite good at cooking as well, he said.
Yeah, thanks, I said. What's the point of staying here when I'm the one who's cooking, I thought.
Btw when someone picked on Riddhi and Neitra beat him you said something to make them friends you remember, he said.
Uh, yeah, I said while eating.
I knew it, only you can think in that way, he said with a laugh and I gave him a weird smile. why is he talking to me like this?
I'm sorry for everything, he said after a pause and I nearly choked my food.
is he apologizing to me for real?
and I'm not saying this for your forgiveness. I know it's hard to forgive us after whatever we did to you but still, I wanted to apologise, he said. I'm sorry, he said with a genuine smile.
Uhm, it's ok, I mean, I don't know what to say, I said.
Can I ask you something? it's about Riddhi, he said after a long silence.
Yeah sure, I said.
Actually, my mother died in an accident in front of her and after that, she stopped talking, she was a little kid then, he said.
wait, his mother?? I thought.
after the accident, she stopped talking completely. kids started making fun of her and we kept changing her school until I heard Riddhi and her friend are involved in a fight, I was happy she made a friend, he said.
I never thought she had gone through so much, I said.
I was kind of jealous when you said she talks to you, maybe she likes you more than me. you give that mother-type aura, after all, he said with a laugh.
it's not like that, she loves you the most, but the problem is you are quite intimidating, she must be scared of you, I said unconsciously and he stared at me.
I mean, it's just kids always want attention like they want to throw tantrums in front of those they love or trust, but they won't understand that you love them until you show your love after all they are kids only, I said.
Oh, like how?? I asked.
See, I know you love her but you just have to show her that a little bit, don't react like a big brother react as a friend sometimes, a small change in your behaviour might work and she will talk to you like Neitra talks to me, I replied smiling.

that's it for the chapter.
Thank you very much.
Always be happy.

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