it's A Trap

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(Mukti's House)
Shit!!! I'm late, it's my first day at work and I'm late. I gave her an amazing opportunity to bully me on my very first day. Well, it's not like it's my fault, it's because I have to do someone else's assignments.
you came??, she asked while smiling.
why is she smiling I thought, I'm sorry I'm late, it's just because I was doing Manik's assignments late at night so I didn't get enough sleep. I didn't even know when I fell asleep. I'm sorry it won't happen again, I told her.
it's okay, calm down, assignments yeah, I forgot about it, she said.
Do you want me to complete yours as well, I asked.
no, I mean you don't have to I'll do it by myself, she replied.
you will????, I asked. I don't believe my ears.
Yeah, you said you didn't get enough sleep, why don't you get some sleep, she said.
is she taunting me, I thought.
no, it's okay, it won't happen again I promise, just tell me what you want me to do. I'll finish everything on time, I said.
that's the thing, I want you to do, go and get some rest, she ordered.
"why she wants me to sleep this badly it's not like she cares about me. it's a trap, don't let your guard down", I thought.
But ma'am, I was about to protest but she cut me off.
it's an order, so don't argue like always okay, she said.
okay, I replied.
don't sleep, don't, you better not sleep it's a trap but I'm really very exhausted and this bed is also quite comfortable no, no, Abhi, it's a trap, I was ordering myself not to sleep.
Do you sleep with open eyes, she said "Close your eyes and sleep", she ordered.
How can I sleep in this situation while you are staring at me and you ordered me to sleep?? Seriously!!!, I said.
so what?, it's not like I'm ordering you to kill someone, she replied.
I can't kill someone, I'm not like you, I murmured.
Close your eyes and don't utter a single word okay, she again ordered me.
"what she thinks I'm a child, fine close your eyes but don't you dare to sleep. if you sleep something bad will happen to you for sure, don't sleep, don't sleep", I was reciting but I got asleep in a few minutes.
"He must be tired God damn, he looks so cute while sleeping, it feels like I want to kiss him". Hey, why do you always argue with me when I'm being this much considerate of you, you know I have never been this good for anyone in my entire life, I talked to the sleeping beauty.
(it feels so good to watch someone you love sleeping, isn't it 😅😜)
(in the classroom)
In the inter-university maths competition, Abhi is going to represent our college, the professor announced before leaving the class.
Seriously, are you gonna represent our college, that's embarrassing, a girl named Rose said.
Well, of course, do you have any problem with that, I asked.
of course, I have, listen, it's an inter-university competition so students will be coming from all over the country and you will only embarrass our college, she said.
I'll prepare hard for that and surely will win the competition, I replied.
Surely you did, but I'm not talking about winning I'm talking about how worthless you are, look at your dress sense it's so weird if you represent our college it will be so embarrassing. Everyone will think we have only poor students in our college, she commented and everyone started laughing.
Listen, I-, I wanted to protest but I was not sure about what to say.
"Who the hell is disturbing me in my sleep", Mukti shouted.
Mukti, look at him, he is selected to represent our college in an inter-university maths competition, I was just ordering him to withdraw or else his poor appearance will destroy our college's reputation, she said while smirking and everyone started laughing again.
"Enough", she shouted and everyone stopped laughing, ok, she is scary.
And Rose, who are you to order him, besides, it's a maths competition who else except him can represent our college. and I know he will increase our college's reputation by winning it, she said while smiling at me.
btw, Rose, it's not a competition of stupidity so you better shut your mouth, and fuck off, she pushed her angrily and turned her face to me, "Congratulations", she told me with a weird smile.
"how can she change her expressions this fast", I thought.
I thought she will join her to make fun of me but, is she taking a stand for me, no one ever did that before, no I should not fall for her tricks it's a trap.
(Mukti's house)
Can I ask you something, I said.
what?? she replied.
did you just take my side in the college, I asked.
no, I sing a song for her, she replied.
why can't you answer a simple question normally, I asked.
Then why are you asking an obvious question, she said.
Because you made me an idiot and my mind stopped working because of you, I said.
so sad, now you will lose in the competition and my hard work will be in vain, she mocked.
you know what, It's better for me to bang my head against the wall and pass out during my working hours than talk to you, I was irritated.
then do it, I don't understand why you can't reply to me with something normal, she said.
you are the one who never replies normally, I shouted.
why do you always shout at me? you didn't say anything to her, I can't believe this, I helped you instead of saying thanks, you are arguing with me, she shouted.
that's what I'm asking why?? why did you help me??, I shouted.
Because I- she stopped, "You should study more to give your best to the competition", she said after sighing.
it's okay, I can manage my study, it's not like you will pay me for studying so just tell me what you want me to do, I asked.
how can you manage your study with college and restaurant? When will you get time to study? so don't argue with me on this and just study here, it's about your future, okay, she replied.
okay, I said.
"Is she worried about me".
Wait, how does she know about my restaurant job?? is she spying on me??
No, it's a TRAP.

that's it for the chapter.
Thank you so much.
Always be happy.

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