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what do you mean by this, I asked.
I mean the principal said that for real, Nandini replied.
She wants Fab 5 to lose she even threaten him not to tell anyone about it, she said.
how do you know that?? I asked.
I was there with him, she replied.
Thanks, I'll do something about it, I said.
you don't have to. just focus on your performance because I already record what she said, she said.
Record?? I asked.
Yeah, I knew she will threaten him so I opened my phone's voice recording, she replied.
you can threaten her back with this, she said and I laughed.
is recording and blackmailing your hobby, I asked.
what?? you don't want this, she asked.
of course, I want, I replied.
btw why is she meddling in the college's affairs, she asked.
it's nothing, don't worry and thanks I'll deal with this, I said.
Listen, you should not hide something from your friends, even if it's important to hide you should tell them, she said.
you always read my face, huh!!! I said with a smile.
of course, and one more thing, about your proposal, "if you win, I'll say yes", so you better win this ok, she said smiling.
Wait, what?? you sure about it, I said.
I didn't say yes yet, she replied.
ok, now go and stop her, she said.
How's your performance going, Abhi asked.
Superb, you see when it comes to music, Fab 5 never lose, I replied.
Actually, I wanted to tell you something, he said.
what?? I asked and he told me about the whole incident.
what?? how can she do that, Aliya said worriedly.
I'll rip her head off her body, Mukti said angrily.
Mukti, relax, first, you guys should do something about it, he said.
She said she would expel you, but still, you told me about it. what if she expelled you for real, I asked.
it's ok, I told you because it's not fair and how can I hide it from you when you all are working this hard, he replied.
don't worry ok, we will handle this, nothing gonna happen to you, I said holding his hands.
why is she meddling in this, cabir asked.
what happened guys, Manik asked entering the music room.
it's your mother, she is planning something against us, Dhruv said.
how do you guys know, he asked.
Abhi told us, I replied.
Oh, don't worry guys, I'll handle this, he said.
it's not about this, why is she doing this, is there something you didn't tell us, I asked.
no, it's nothing, he replied.
Buddy, don't lie, we are a family and we should know what's the matter, Dhruv said.
Buddy, fine, it's just I have made a bet with my father that if we lose, I will quit music and join the business, he said.
what?? Manik how can you do something like that, I asked.
Exactly, music is our life, how can you do this, Cabir said.
why didn't you tell us this before, Aliya asked.
Guys, I did it because I knew Fab 5 will win and I didn't say this before because I didn't want you all to get worried.
But Manik---
Guys, it's ok, it's not the time for any argument. you have to think about how to deal with principal ma'am, Abhi cut me off.
he is right, Kabir said.
it's ok, Nandini recorded, whatever she said, I'll blackmail her with that and tell her to play fair, he said.
but what if we really failed this, you gonna leave music and us, I asked.
don't be pessimistic, Mukti, isn't it now obvious, you guys have to win the musicana there is no choice other than that, Abhi said.
Exactly, we will win, I said staring into his eyes.
Aaaww, how romantic, Aliya said.
Mukti, after the musicana we will go on a double date, it will be fun, she added.
not double but triple, Manik said.
What do you mean, Cabir asked
I'll ask Nandini out after we win the musicana, he replied.
what?? nerd?? Really, Cabir said.
Oh, God!! I can't believe this, Cabir said.
it's ok Cabir, I know it's hard to believe that we all are in a relationship and you're the only one single here, Manik laughed.
For your kind information, I'm not, he replied.
what?? you got someone, I asked in confusion.
Exactly, he said with a smile.
Really, who is this unlucky person who doesn't have his mind present, Manik said.
is it that Rose, Aliya asked.
what?? no, it's not her, Cabir said. "it's Vibha ma'am", he replied with a pause.
what?? We all shouted.
Do you mean professor?? I asked.
Yeah, he replied.
how and when did that happen, Aliya asked.
Guys, I was pursuing her from the 8th chapter and now finally she reciprocated my feelings, he replied.
what?? how can you pursue her and relationship with a professor, that's absurd, I said.
Mukti, please I really love her and what's wrong if she is a professor it's not like she is a murderer, he replied.
How did that happen, isn't she married already, Manik asked.
She is not, she is a single mother and when I met her I felt something, you know even my mother is a single mother and I know how hard it was for her to raise me so I don't know when did that happen but I fall for her, Cabir said.
but still, she is our professor, I said.
She won't be after some years, Cabir replied.
Yeah, but-
Mukti, I think he is right vibha ma'am is really nice and everyone deserves to be happy and to be loved. so what if she is our professor I think everything is fine in love if you're not hurting anyone, Abhi said cutting me off.
Is that so, fine if you're saying, I said staring at him with a smile.
you definitely wrapped her around your finger, Cabir said laughing.
what?? I shouted.
but Cabir, don't you think this will come with some responsibilities, she is a single mother, Dhruv said.
it will, Dhruv, but don't underestimate mothers they are the strongest person ever in this world and don't you think love comes with some responsibilities, cabir said.
Oh God, cabir, you ok, you're talking like a person with a mind, is this really you, Manik asked.
Shut up!! Manik, I was always smart, he replied.
so you heard that right?? I asked.
what do you want?? Principal replied.
Nothing much, let this be a fair competition or else I'll send this recording to Dad and the media, I said.
and don't you dare to expel anyone, you very well know the consequences, I said and left her furious.
"and the winner of the Musicana is Fab 5", judges announced the winners.
"fab 5-fab 5", everyone shouted after the announcement.
We hugged each other this was our first step towards our dream there will be some hurdles and failures in this journey but one thing is sure we will never give up.

that's it for the chapter.
Thank you very much.
Always be happy.

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