Chapter 7

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Living together, Sarah and I fell into an easy but blissful rhythm. Our love and connection grew stronger every day. When I thought of the rest of my life, I could not imagine spending it with anyone but her.

One weekend while Sarah was at work, I went to the jewelry store and picked out a beautiful engagement ring. I wanted our future to start now. I had never been more sure of anything in my life.

When Sarah came home that evening, I cooked her favorite meal and set the table with candles. After we ate, I got down on one knee and took her hand.

"Sarah, my love, my light. From the moment I met you I knew you were special. Being with you feels like coming home. You are my best friend, my partner in all things. I want to build a life and a future with you. Will you marry me?"

Tears welled in Sarah's eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "A million times, yes!"

I slipped the ring on her finger and we embraced, kissing through teary smiles. Our joy was overflowing, our future brighter than ever.

We spent that night talking about our wedding and the life we would build together. I looked forward to waking up next to Sarah every morning, to working as a team to tackle whatever challenges came our way. Our love had survived so much already, it could withstand anything.

As Sarah lay in my arms that night, she said "This feels like the start of the rest of our lives."

I kissed the top of her head. "It is," I said. "And I can't wait for the adventure to come."

Sarah looked up at me and smiled. "As long as we're together, I'm ready for anything."

I kissed her softly. "Always." I said. And I meant it with all my heart. Our journey had entered a brand new chapter, full of promise and possibility. And as long as we had each other, nothing could hold us back.

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