Extra chapter 1

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Having a baby was one of the most joyful experiences of our lives. But it also came with some hilarious moments that we'll surely look back on and laugh.  

For example, the first time our daughter projectile vomited all over me during a diaper change. The force of it actually knocked  me backwards. Sarah walked into the nursery just in time to witness the whole thing and promptly burst into tears of laughter. I spent the next hour cleaning baby vomit out of my hair while Sarah teased me endlessly.  

Or the time our daughter decided around 6 months old that afternoon naps were a thing of the past.  She would shriek and slap her crib for hours until we found more creative ways to exhaust her into sleep. Sarah and I took turns walking the floors with her at night, bouncing her on yoga balls, anything to get a few precious minutes of rest ourselves.

But my personal favorite was the Great Baby Fruit Purée Explosion of 2017. Sarah and I were just starting to introduce solid foods and thought baby rice cereal and mashed bananas would be a safe first meal. Boy, were we wrong.   

Our daughter took one bite, scrunched up her face and then projectile flung mashed banana all over the kitchen - the walls, ceiling, floor, even us. Sarah and I looked at each other in stunned silence for a moment before bursting into hysterical laughter. The joy of that moment together, surrounded by utter banana chaos, will stay with me forever.

Parenting is hard. But with Sarah by my side, even the most sleep-deprived and baby-covered-in-food days become filled with love and laughter. Our little bundle of chaos brings us more joy than we ever imagined possible.

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