Part 4

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Severus hasn't been to work in almost 3 days. James is a little worried. Whenever he looks around for him but he's no where to be seen he gets a bit disappointed. What would he even say if he did see him anyway? Hey I barely know you but I've been looking for you like a lost puppy so tell me why you were gone?

James wishes he could say that but it might make Severus severely creeped out. So when the infamous Doctor Snape comes to work he is ecstatic but refuses to say anything or even acknowledge him. Some petty and entitled part of him is mad Severus wasn't here to be his eye candy.

But when Alice asks him to buy him lunch again because she was surprised — and impressed — Severus actually ate lunch, he had no choice but to interact.

It's not like he's gonna say no to Alice. She's handing Severus to him on a silver platter, James is forever in her debt.

So he's debating between today's selection of sandwiches when lo-and behold, the man himself gets in line right next to him.

" Oh hey, I was just about to bring you lunch." James says and Severus doesn't even look up from a file.

" Another request from Alice?"

" Yeah..."

" No need, I can get my own lunches from now on."

James nods but can't help but feel more disappointed. He nods and smiles, turning away so he can get a look at the menu, might as well get himself something since he's already here.

" BLT and a coffee, black." Severus orders and fishes out his card. Black Amex, interesting.

" Sorry sir we don't have that sandwich today." The cashier says solemnly and Severus looks confused.

" Isn't this where you got it last time?" Severus turns back to James and he's so caught off guard he shifts uncomfortably as soon as Severus speaks to him.

" Uh yeah, yeah. But they have daily sandwich options so...."

Severus sighs and nods, turning back to the nervous looking young cashier.

" Just the coffee then."

" The ham and cheese is pretty good." James says from behind him and Severus turns around.

" Really?"

" Yeah."

" Do you toast the bread?" Severus asks the worker again and she nods silently.

" Then...that, and a coffee." He finally makes up his mind and hands over his card, the glossy black surface shining in the light.

James gulps then remembers he actually has to make up his mind about his order soon.

" I'll call you when it's out."

" Thanks." Severus takes back his card and James orders quickly, just a sandwich and a latte he probably wont drink.

He doesn't like coffee but for some reason he wanted to impress Severus, who seems like an avid coffee drinker so he orders the one thing he might be able to pretend to drink.

" Hey are you busy?" He asks and Severus blinks at him.

" Um-" he looks down at his apple watch. Huh, he doesn't seem like the type to be into these kinda of rich people essentials.

" Not right now, no. I have a meeting in an hour though."

" That's fine. Do you want to...sit with me?" He stammers a little and he feels fucking stupid but what can you do?

Severus sighs as if James himself is a massive hindrance then looks around.

" Sure. What do you need?"

" Nothing, just wanted to talk to you." James shrugs.

Severus shakes his head and that worry rears it's ugly head.

" Sorry, if it's just to sit and chat then I can't. I have to get ready for the meeting." He refers to the folder still in his hand and James nods after pursing his lips.

" Yeah ok. I understand." He nods and then Severus' order is out, a scribbled on 'Dr.S' on the cup.

He doesn't remember the girl asking for their names so she must know him.

" Sorry." Severus says coldly and then he's walking away.

There's no promise of next time, no frantic apologies or a rescheduling like James is used to so he's left kind of disoriented as he watches him walk away.

" Your order is out." The cafe worker says and James thanks her.

There's no scribbled name on his cup so she must have just known Severus.


James tries three more times that week. First was that coffee shop attempt, second was when he approached him while he was talking to Alice—which by the way he just walked away from as soon as James appeared. Third was when they had an ER rush and yeah it was definitely a bad time. And the final time was when he made up a consult because he was 'curious about a patient he brought in a few days ago'.

Complete bullshit.

And Severus knew that, which is why he took two seconds to look at the file before giving it back and telling it was an osteogenic sarcoma, whatever the fuck that means.

And James proceeded to thank him and just walk away so great going.

Seriously he's never had this much bad luck with a guy before. Or a girl, or with anyone really. Sirius has been making fun of him for weeks.

It's getting really annoying. He's annoyed, he's so annoyed he barely pays attention to the beeping of his pager until he's literally late to get in the ambulance. Then as they're rushing to the address he hears police sirens. And shouting.

And then he hears it....gun shots.

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