Part 8

142 11 3

James Potter has officially lost his mind.

If it was a small crush before now it was a full blown FBI operation to get Severus Snape into his bed. Look, James is good at being subtle ok? Light touches, sweet words, innocent eyes. But Severus Snape is basically a stone wall surrounded by barbed wire so James is pretty much lost.

One day Severus lets him in, eats with him, spends their breaks together, laughs at James' stupid jokes. Then the next day he's so stressed and angry he barely acknowledges James' existence.

Which, ok. James doesn't have a good reason to be mad because it's not like they're a thing, they're just friends— the term being used very loosely.

But James can't help but feel hurt whenever Severus refuses to meet his eye or ignores him when he tries to strike up a conversation. He's only human.

"You're an idiot." Sirius says next to him as James is watching Severus talk to the chief. He has his scrub cap on, the one with little animated batman figures and his hands are flying wildly as he speaks.

"I know." James sighs in response.

Eventually someone takes notice of them just standing there and it happens to he their Chief Ambulance Officer.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Arthur asks and James flinches, Sirius having the same reaction just a few centimeters away from him.

"Uh.....people watching?" James supplies lamely and Arthur rolls his eyes.

"Gawk at the hospital superstar on your own time, ambulance 2 needs to be scrubbed." Arthur replies and James sighs.

"Two more minutes?"

"I'm pretty sure Dr.Snape is gonna report you for stalking if i allow that so chop chop!" Arthur claps his hands and they both sigh with drooping shoulders.

As they turn towards the ambulances James sneaks a peak at Snape again, only to see him looking back. James almost flinches at the way Severus is looking at him, arms crossed over his chest with piercing black eyes. His eyes feel like needles, a hunter looking at prey. Deep set and cold, sharp cheekbones and sunken in cheeks making him look a bit more like a Tim Burton's character.

So why in the hell is James excited? Being looked at with eyes that could kill, a face so emotionless it doesn't have an ounce of compassion.

Maybe James needs to see a professional, Sirius has been bugging him to get a therapist after that patient loss.

James shakes the feeling off as soon as Severus looks away, looking calmer as he turns back to the chief. He's tall, lanky, kinda scary to be honest. Every other surgeon in this hospital wears green scrubs, Severus is the only one who wears black. If not black then a very deep green that almost looks black.

Personally, James would wear red because they pop more but he's stuck in his blue uniform. And also he's not a surgeon but that's beside the point.

The point is, James is crazy.


"I think someone has a crush on you." Alice muses as they eat lunch together, Severus lounging on the chair at the nurse's station as he watches Alice eat her salad.

"And who would that be?" Severus entertains the topic because he has nothing better to do.

"Don't act dumb Sev."

"Sev? Are we on a nickname basis now?"

"Yes, i believe we are."

"Can I call you Al then?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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