Welcome To Amity Park

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~(Y/N's) POV~

"What's so special coming to Amity Park?" I
ask my parents while I lay back in the back seat
of the car with my dog Coda sleeping beside
me. My mother smiles while then saying,
"Sweetheart just you wait. Your grandparents
said you'll love it here. Plus you'll get to meet our old friends from college who are also ghost hunters like us. We haven't seen them since college. "

I groan while then saying to her, "Mom. I love you and dad but sometimes you two including grandma and grandpa. You guys think everyone or everything is a ghost. Plus grandma and grandpa don't hunt ghost anymore they retired." I cross my arms while looking out the window seeing we made it to Amity Park. "Oh, come on nugget. Don't be like that you know that's only half true." My father says looking at me through the rear view mirror. I give him my "really look". He then chuckles nervously while then saying, "Okay, fine we do that a lot. But now we have other ghost hunters like us. And guess what they have a son your age."

"Well, I can try and make friends but you know how that goes guys. I'm too awkward and plus my social skills aren't that great." I say to my parents while we then pull up to my grandparents house. I then look and see beside my grandparents house. A tall building that had like a spaceship I think on top of the building. In big bold letters it says, Fenton Works. Dad stops the car in front of my grandparents house. My dad and mom then get out of the car going to the front door of my grandparents house.

I sigh while then getting out of the car. I grab my hoodie and put it on I then walk over to the other side of the car waking up Coda. Coda wags his tail seeing me while then jumping out of the car running over to my parents. I giggled when Coda jumped on my dad when my grandparents opened the door seeing my parents. I close the car door while then walking over to my grandparents and parents.

My grandparents smile at me while then giving
me a hug. "Oh, how we are so glad you guys
finally made it." My grandma says while then
letting me go smiling. My grandpa then walks
out of the house while saying to my dad, "Why don't we grab your things and put it in the
bedrooms we have for you guys." My parents
and grandparents then grab some of the boxes
and walks inside going to unpack some of the
boxes. I walk back over to the car with Coda
following me. I grab a box while I then hear
someone speak, "Go ask her if she needs help

I look over and see three people that
were my age. It was two boys and a girl in
front of the big building with the spaceship. I
look away from them while getting the box and
started walking to my grandparents house. I
couldn't see where I was going not seeing Coda
in front of me wagging his tail. I then trip over
Coda and fall to the ground along with the box
that was in my hands. I grunt a little while
Coda came over to me licking my face seeing if
I was okay. I giggled at Coda while sitting up
and seeing all of my things everywhere on the
ground. I sigh while then grabbing the box that
had some of my stuff in it still. I then started
grabbing my stuff that was on the ground
putting it back inside the box.

I look over and see my photo album with pictures of me and my family. I went to grab it when suddenly I grab someone's hand instead, I look up quick seeing a boy with blue bright eyes with raven black hair. We both stare at each other when then I pull my hand back from the boys hand. He looks at me and smiles awkwardly then gives me my photo album.

I smile awkwardly at him not knowing what to say while then getting up grabbing the box. I walk away from him and going into my grandparents house then unpacking my stuff in my room that my grandma showed me. Then my dad and grandpa got the rest of the boxes from the car and we all started unpacking everything.

I was now in my new room with all my stuff
unpacked and up in the right places. My mom
then walks in seeing me on my bed with Coda.
She smiles at me then says, "Come on. Our old friends from college invited us over to their house and we want you to meet them." I look
at my mom then say to her, "Uh, mom. No I
don't think that's a good idea. You know how I
am with my social skills."

My mom smiles at me then speaks and says, "Sweetheart I know it's hard for you. But don't worry you'll be fine come on." She walks out of my room while closing the door on her way out. I then look at Coda who was already staring at me. I sigh then say to my dog, "Welp I guess I have to. We both know how she gets if I don't listen." I then look away from Coda then get off my bed and put my shoes on. I walk over to my door opening it while Coda gets off my bed following me out of my room.

I walk downstairs with Coda following behind me. I look seeing my parents waiting for me . I walk over to them while taking a deep breath then saying, "Okay. Let's go." They both smile at me happy that I'm going with them. We all walk out of the house my dad closing the door. We all then walk over to the big building with the spaceship. I was behind my parents with Coda by my side. I was really nervous meeting new people while I was nervous Coda started nudging me a little.

I look down at him seeing that he was trying to make me feel better. I smile at him while still a bit nervous I was okay for the most part. My parents then knock on the door waiting for someone to come to the door. Then the door opens revealing a man in a orange jumpsuit along with a woman beside him in a blue jumpsuit wearing goggles. The woman
smiles parents, "Hi. (F/N) (M/N). It's nice to see you guys again we missed you we haven't seen you two since college ." The woman then let's us come in there house. The woman then looks at me and smiles gently at me then says, "You must be (Y/N)." I smile at her a bit then I nod my head not saying anything. She just smiles at me still probably knowing about my social skills.

"I'm Maddie and this is my husband Jack." She says pointing to herself then her husband Jack. My parents smiled at Jack and Maddie. My mom then says, "I'm so excited to see you two again so is (F/N)." Maddie and Jack smile at my parents while Maddie then says to me, "You know your the same age as our son." I look at her and smile while she then says, "Danny! Come down here and meet our old friends that are ghost hunters too and their daughter." Maddie smiles at me while her, Jack, and my parents walk away from me and to the living room.

I look down seeing Coda by me knowing I didn't want to be alone. We both then look to the stairs seeing the same boy who helped me pick up my photo album. He then sees me and he smiles at me. I smile back at him when then I see two more figures the boy and girl from earlier. They all walk over to me and we start talking. I later found out that the boy by Danny was Tucker and the girl was Sam. We talked about a lot of things having a good time. I think I'm going to like Amity Park since I got friends now.

A/N:okay so I know it really isn't good
but trust the process I hope you guys
liked it until next time.

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