Prisoners Of Love

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~(Y/N's) POV~

Danny and I walk downstairs to his parents lab while he was looking in a book he had in his hand confused. "Dad can I ask you a question?" "About the Specter Speeder? Sure!" Jack turned to us and gestured towards the Specter Speeder as he introduced it. Jack grabbed both of us and threw us into the Specter Speeder as Danny slammed against the glass and I slammed against him. "This little baby has state of the art spirit plate exploration technology and it's got a supersized cup holder."

Jack explained pressing a button and a cup holder immerged. We heard footsteps come down into the lab when we heard Maddie call for Jack. "Jack, dear? It's getting awfully late, is there something you might've forgotten today?" Jack climbed out of the Specter Speeder with a confused look while Maddie continued on. "Something significant, having to do with today's date of May, 9th?"

Maddie gestures towards the calendar that had arrow's pointing at a picture of their wedding with a note that said Happy Anniversary. Jack
begins to think harder but he still doesn't get
it. "May 9th, 9th, 9th! 9th? Nope, still not
catching your drift." "Our anniversary dear?
Oh well, I guess it just slipped your mind......for
the 18th year in a row!"

Maddie shouts hitting the Specter Speeder which caused it to turn on and shoot into the Ghost Zone. Me and Danny start shouting in fear as we flew around the Ghost Zone. Spirits flew pasts us screaming their heads off as we looked around when a tall figure immerged out of nowhere. I noticed him first as I screamed and latched myself onto Danny's shirt when he noticed the figure and screamed too, pulling on the breaks to stop the Specter Speeder.

The figure revealed to be wearing a white button-up shirt, black tie, white trench coat, a black belt, a black fedora, black gloves, and a handkerchief in his pocket. "Trespassing in an unauthorized vehicle....that's against the rules." The ghost said pointing a finger at us. "Uh sorry, we didn't know. We're from...outta town."

Danny says worriedly as the figure tells us "Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it punk, I see either of your faces around here again, you and I are gonna have a problem." Pulling the reverse lever I give a quick salute as I say "Yes sir!" We flew back into the lab and Jack and Maddie were still arguing. "Now get this in your head Jack Fenton there are some things more important than hunting ghosts!"

Maddie hits the Specter Speeder again as she
walks away. We immerge from the Specter
Speeder, panting and shaking in fear while I
still was tightly holding onto Danny's shirt,
pressing my body as close to him as I could
while he hugged me tightly. "I know, I know I'm just as freaked out by your mother's reaction as you are," Jack said not realizing the gravity of what actually happened.

~No One's POV~

The next day a taxi pulled up as Jack begged his wife not to leave. "Maddie please don't go, I just have a little more to do on the Specter Speeder and then I'm done. Opening the taxi door with a sigh Maddie stated "We discussed this Jack, remember? Visiting my sister, the divorce?"

Maddie then got in the taxi and before it drove off she rolled down the window telling Jack "There's a casserole in the freezer right next to the ectoplasmic residue samples." "Wait, wait, wait! I don't know which is which!"

Jack yelled chasing after the taxi.
Danny heard the whole conversation as he
asked in the front door "Divorce?! What? Jazz
did you just hear that?" Danny asked his
sister as she walked out the door. Jazz turned
to face him as she asked "Hear what? Mom
yelling at Dad? Relax she'll get over it.""Yeah but I've never heard her be so mad."

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