Bitter Reunions

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~No One's POV~

It was nighttime, Danny and (Y/N) were both riding on Danny's electric scooter down the road going to Danny's house. (Y/N) holding onto Danny tight while they almost get to Danny's house, "Finally, one day where we get home on time without any ghost detours making us miss our 10:00 curfew." Danny says with a smile while he then looks down at his watch and sees it was 9:57. He then looks up while him, and (Y/N) gasp seeing their ghost senses were going off.

Danny quickly stops his scooter while him and (Y/N) both look up to see three ghosts that were vultures flying above them and sees that they were phasing into each house they spotted. "Or not." (Y/N) says with a sigh and Danny sighs also while he parks behind a car. "Going ghost!" (Y/N) and Danny says while they both turn ghost behind the car. And they both fly towards the three ghost vultures, they the fly beside them, "You fellas look lost. Uh, any chance of you staying that way?" Danny asks while one of the ghost vultures say to Danny and (Y/N), "Mind your own business fancy pants ghost kids."

The ghost vultures fly down and phase into a bus, while (Y/N) and Danny follows them. They both phase into the bus and turn visible while looking at the three ghost vultures sitting on the seats in the bus. "Hey, we've been circling this town for hours. We could have been halfway to Florida by now. Ask for directions."

One of the ghost birds says while the other one says, "I know where I'm going!" "You so do not! Ask them!" The other ghost vulture says pointing at Danny and (Y/N). "Ask us what?" (Y/N) asks the ghosts vultures while the  vultures then fly off the bus and float in the air. They turn and see Danny and (Y/N) right in front of them floating also. The ghost vulture sighs, "We're on a search and destroy mission." The ghost vulture says while he floats towards (Y/N) and Danny. "Can you two help us find and peck to death this guy right here?"

The ghost vulture asks then shows a ripped picture of Jack Fenton. "Dad!" "Mr. Fenton!" Danny and (Y/N) exclaim in usion while they look at the three ghosts, "Uh-huh! See! I told you they'd know where he is." The other ghost vulture says while Danny and (Y/N) throw green and yellow plasma beams at them but they miss. "Nice try, kids. Get them, boys!" The ghost vulture says and the three ghost vultures fly towards (Y/N) and Danny fast.

And they circle around them quickly while Danny and (Y/N) looks at them. "Give it your best shot, guys! We're a whiz at dodgeball." Danny says while the three ghosts then stop and fly straight towards the two teen ghosts who both fly up quick making to of the ghost vultures slam into each other. "Okay, technically, it's dodge beak, but who cares." (Y/N) says with a smile while the ghost vultures fly straight towards the two again.

Only for Danny and (Y/N) to fly away with the three ghost chasing after them. They all fly towards the tower clock and (Y/N) and Danny's eyes widened seeing the time, "Oh! It's almost 10:00." Danny says while him and (Y/N) fly around the clock tower with the three ghosts chasing after them. The three ghosts then stop in front of the clock while Danny and (Y/N) turn intangible and phase into the clock and sees the three ghosts. Danny then flies towards one of the vultures and grabs him and turns visible, "Hey!" The ghost bird exclaims and looks to Danny, "You know that old saying about a bird in the hand?"

Danny questions while he then spins around with the ghost bird still in his hands. He keeps spinning and hits the other two ghost vultures and let's go of the other ghost in his hands, "Well, neither do I! And don't go messing any windshields on your way out of town!" Danny yells while the three ghost vultures flee and accidentally drops the picture of Jack. (Y/N) catches the photo while her and Danny stare at it then each other, "Wonder why those guys were trying to waste Mr. Fenton." (Y/N) confused. "Me too."

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