Attack Of The Killer Garage Sale

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~No One's POV~

"Okay, in algebra terms, A squared plus B squared equals C squared, where C is the hypotenuse while A and B are the sides of the triangle." Explains while she writes it down on a piece of paper. "Got it?" She then asks while she looks up at Dash who was just staring at her not listening to what she had explained to him. "Dash, you have to focus! I'm doing a thesis on tutoring the un-tutorable, and you're disproving my thesis that nobody's un-tutorable!"

Jazz tells him annoyed while Dash replies with, "You know, you're so beautiful when you use the word un...untu...uh whatever that word is." Jazz rolls her eyes while she looks away from Dash annoyed. Danny then walks up the stairs in the kitchen while drinks some juice out of a glass. "Hey, Jazz." Danny says while he then looks and sees Dash, "Dash! What are you doing here?"

Danny asks while he leans on the table while still holding his glass. Suddenly his arm turns invisible and he phases his arm through the table while some of Dash's books and papers fly all over him. "Watch it, Fentonowski!" Dash says angry. Danny backs up to the door while saying, "Uh, sorry. I was just, uh, passing through." He then runs to the door and closes it while he runs down the stairs.

Dash then turns to Jazz with smile while saying to her, "Now , that twinkie's out of the way, you're coming to my party Saturday, right?" Dash asks while he pulls out an invitation to his party for Jazz. "It'll be a chance for you to see me in my rightful setting...King of Casper High." Dash explains while Jazz grabs the invitation from him and looks at it. "And a great place to work on my thesis on the effects of being mean to my brother and then asking me out." Jazz says while she looks at the invitation again. She then looks at Dash and says to him, "Hmm I'll go on one condition."

~Danny's POV~

I walk down to the lab while looking down while I hear my dad say to me, "Hey, Danny! Check out my latest innovation in ghost grabbing technology: the Ghost Weasel! It collects ambient ghost energy and shoots it into the Ghost Zone." I look at the portal to the Ghost Zone then back to my dad and ask, "Does it work?" "Why, wouldn't it? Only one way to find out." My dad says while he turns it on then it suddenly started sucking up a lot of paper and then the Fenton thermos got sucked in and got stuck into the Ghost Weasel.

My dad then tries to get it out while he says, "Darn it! Better get the Fenton Unlodger." He then gives me the Ghost Weasel and then runs to go get the Fenton Unlodger. "Dad, couldn't you just throw it into..." I say then trail off while I look at the reverse button and press it while the Fenton thermos shoots out. Suddenly the Fenton thermos flies right towards the ghost portal and turns it on. "Reverse!"

I then say while I look at the ghost portal seeing something come out. I see a ghost while he then laughs evilly. "Child! You have freed me. Technus, ghost master of science and electrical technology!" The ghost says while I put the Ghost Weasel down and I say to the ghost, "Oh, no you don't." I then turn into my ghost form and I stare at the ghost and say, "You're not going to use the technology in this lab to take over the world." "What?"

Technus questions while he looks around then back to me, "That's a great idea! Have you ever considered tutoring?" Technus asks while I fly right towards him quick. While Technus made a staff appear and it shocks me, I groan while I fly back and look straight at Technus who smirks. "You know what? I've already been dumped on once in my own house." I say while I fly to the Ghost Weasel and I grab it while I then say, "And that's enough for one day!" I then turn it on while it was a bit tough to hold but I fly right towards Technus and point the Ghost Weasel at him and paper gets sucked in while he slowly gets pulled towards it.

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