Teacher Of The Year

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~No One's POV~

The guy quickened his pace as he ran down the halls, the door opened when he got close enough, he began to run to the silver key and just as he was about to grab it, a figure appeared at the doorway and shot him, he had lost the game. "That's the trouble with these online video games: too many unqualified random players." Tucker stated looking at the remaining gun left behind by the player.

Tucker types it out on his computer at his house while with Danny and (Y/N). Danny was in his parent's lab on the computer while he had a weird helmet on his head and (Y/N) was watching him play the game. "I know what you mean...nobody but us has a clue. Except for that Chaos guy, that guy's unstoppable."
said while typing it out on the computer and staring at Chaos, who was covered in armor from head to toe, masks to cover his face, and had all sorts of gadgets that he had collected.

(Y/N) looks seeing the Chaos guy's gear and she says, "Wow, he looks really cool." Danny rolls his eyes at that comment while he looks back to the computer. "Was unstoppable, watch this!" Tucker typed out while Tucker then came out of his hiding spot then yells, "Hey, Chaos! Game over fidwid." He pointed one of the laser guns at Chaos who easily dodged and shot back at Tucker who yells and lands where Danny was hiding.

"Still not stopped." Danny says looking to Tucker while they both yelled and started running. They ran into a broken-down building as Chaos grabbed one of his grenades and threw it in their direction. Danny and Tucker hide behind a wall in the broken down building while they then both see the grenade roll into the building beeping.

"Danny, I just want you to know, I accidentally killed your gerbil in the sixth grade." Tucker says looking to Danny who stares at him, "WHAT?!" He shouted just as the bomb went off the words GAME OVER flashed over the two boy's screen with Chaos laughing in the background.

"Aw man, smoked again," Tucker muttered slamming his head on his table with a frown. "Darn it! I thought using the Fenton helmet as my game controller would give me an edge, not hat hair." Danny muttered to himself and he threw the helmet and it hit the open button on the portal, freeing Technus. (Y/N) turns around with a gasp her ghost sense going of and her eyes wide seeing Technus free. Danny's ghost sense goes off also and he turns around seeing Technus and gasps with wide eyes.

"Ha, ha! Once again I Technus, master of all things electronic and beeping am free once again to conquer this world!" Technus cackled while he flew next to Danny and (Y/N) looking at the computer screen seeing Chaos fighting.

Technus then says, "Although... that world looks more entertaining and the fashion sense is far superior. Perhaps it is there, that I shall be king!" Technus went to touch the computer while (Y/N) pushes him back with a glare and says, "Oh, no you don't!"

Technus glares at the two teens who glare back at him and they both go ghost. Danny then looks to his hair then says, "Well, at least the hair's better." He smiles while (Y/N) giggles shaking her head.

Danny and (Y/N) both glare at Technus and they both fly right towards him. (Y/N) went to punch him but he flew into one of Technus's traps and was wrapped around in a techno looking cloak that acted like a bug zapper for ghosts. She screams in pain while Danny gasps with wide eyes, "(Y/N)!" He yells while during (Y/N) getting zapped the computer got busted from the zap. "Oh, that stinks." Technus says seeing the computer busted. Technus then said, "No matter, I shall return!" Technus then flies away from Danny who was trying to help (Y/N). Technus turns to the two ghost teens and says with a smirk, "So long ghost kids!" He then turned intangible and made his escape.

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