Shades Of Grey

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~Danny's POV~

At school, I was running from Dash, who blamed me for his D on his test. "Moving...
Gotta keep moving..." I said through panted breaths as Dash shouted "That does it
FENTON! Run! But I'm taking this D I got on our spelling test outta your hide!" "Every time he fails he comes after me!" I mutter with a slight annoyance as Dash shouts again.

In the other corridor, Valerie walks over to Paulina who was holding a cup of coffee and was standing by Kwan. "Hey, Valerie." Paulina says with a smile while Valerie was wearing a new shirt. "Like, I so much love that top." Paulina says loving Valerie's new shirt. Paulina then drinks her coffee while Valerie says, "Isn't it sweet? Five-hundred and seventy-nine dollars and worth every one of my dad's pennies."

I quickly turned the corner and immediately tried to stop when I saw the three teens, but sadly I bumped into Paulina, causing her coffee to spill all over Valerie's shirt. Valerie yells in anger while staring at me with a glare. She then looks to Kwan, "Please hurt the unpopular boy for me." Valerie angrily said while Kwan chuckles, "Hey, accidents happen." Kwan says with a smile while Valerie grabbed him by the collar glaring at him.

"Alright, alright...FENTON!" Kwan shouted as I quickly raced away again. Now with two bullies chasing me. I soon came up with an idea. "Wait a minute, I have ghost powers." I mumbled before going invisible and hiding down another corridor as Dash and Kwan
bumped into each other.

I flew out to the school parking lot panting,
"Man, that was close." I said to myself when I then noticed (Y/N) in the parking lot too.

~(Y/N's) POV~

I was in the parking lot with my dog Coda since my parents dropped him off. They wanted me to watch him because my grandparents weren't home and my parents would be with Danny's parents all day. So I agreed because he is my dog and I love him plus we haven't really got to stay with each other since my ghost powers.
"(Y/N)?" I heard someone question while I turn around to see Danny.

I smile while Coda barks happily seeing Danny and he runs up to Danny jumping on him licking his cheek. Danny chuckles while I walk over with a giggle, "Coda, down." I say and Coda gets off Danny and comes to my side and sits down wagging his tail. "What are you doing out here?" Danny asks confused while I smile,
"I just came out here to grab Coda. My parents are hanging out with your parents and my grandparents are out. So I have to watch Coda but I don't mind I love having him with me." I explain while Coda wags his tail licking my hand and I giggle.

I look down to Coda while I don't notice Danny staring at me with a smile and red cheeks.
Suddenly our ghost sense went off and we both turn around to see a cute dog that was glowing green and had a collar on with the symbol of where Valerie's dad worked at. Coda looks at the cute little ghost dog wagging his tail while Danny picks up the dog who licked him as he stated, "It's like Dash but with better breath, now this I can handle."

I giggle while Danny places the little ghost dog down. The ghost dog then began to glow brighter as he grew into a huge growling ghost dog. I gasp while Coda gets in-front of me growling at the huge ghost dog now. "Or not," Danny muttered as we backed away from the ghost dog.

~No One's POV~

"Digital surveillance, retina scanning access portals, titanium doors, laser deterrence. As promised this is the most securest facility in the United States." Valerie's dad explained to his boss as the titanium doors shut behind them and they made their way to the lab. "Well done Damen, you can feel free to bill me the remainder of your fee."

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