One Of A Kind

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~Danny's POV~

"Beware! I am the Box Ghost! I have power
over all containers, cardboard and square."
said the ghost. "Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a rest to study for." I said, folding my arms across my chest. "Study? There will be no time to study when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of..." He trails off and reads the label on one of the boxes. "Elliott Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!" He finished and he turns to (Y/N) and me and sends the boxes and their contents our way.

I turn intangible along with (Y/N) and the stuff hits the wall behind us. "I don't have time for this! Hey, Tucker, let's go!" I said, annoyed. Tucker and Sam kick down the door and jump into the room we were in. Sam is carrying a textbook and Tucker is carrying the Fenton
Thermos. "Goodnight everybody!" Tucker
said as he opens the thermos and activates it.
(Y/N) grabs the Box Ghost and throws him into the beam of the thermos. He screams and gets
sucked in and Tucker caps the Thermos. "Perimeter secure." Tucker said. "Perimeter secure? What are you, a Navy Seal?" Sam asked him. "Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?" I asked.

(Y/N) turns to me and says, "Danny, that's not right." Sam checks the textbook and said. "Wrong. That's zero for twenty-one. (Y/N) is right." Tucker spins the thermos on his finger, like it was a basketball, and said. "I'm not a teacher, but I'm guessing that's an F." (Y/N) shakes her head while I say, "Come on, you guys. If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused." I fly between Sam and Tucker. I turn to Sam, "You are supposed to help me and (Y/N) study for the test tomorrow." I said, then I fly over to Tucker and said. "And you're supposed to be helping (Y/N) and me catch these ghost so we have time to study!"

"What? They're all right here." Tucker said. And as if on que, the thermos falls off of Tucker's finger and lands on the floor and the Tucker's finger and lands on the floor and the cap bursts off to release smultiple ghosts, even the Box Ghost gets loose. "Ha, ha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a cylindrical container." He said and phases through the wall.

"That's weird. According to my schedule, we should be done catching ghosts by now." Tucker said as he looks at his PDA. I glare at him as (Y/N) flys over to me and says, "It's okay, Danny, you study and I'll get the ghosts back." She smiles gently at me while I smile back at her.

~No One's POV~

Somewhere in the building there was another ghost watching (Y/N) and Danny. "Half human. Half ghost. One of a kind." The ghost says while he then looks at a cage full of ghosts he had. He then says, "They'll both make a fine addition to my collection." He then turns back to the two teen ghosts he was watching while the Box ghost sees his cage and says, "Ah-ha!" "Touch the box and your pelt will adorn my fireplace." The ghost says to the Box ghost who looks at the cage then says, "Beware!" The Box ghost then quickly leaves while the ghost keeps watching Danny and (Y/N).

~(Y/N's) POV~

I was at Danny's house eating breakfast with my parents because they wanted to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Fenton. I was eating cereal with Danny when suddenly Jazz comes into the kitchen saying, "Oh, my gosh. They said yes!" She smiles holding up a magazine while Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, and me stare at her confused. "Who said yes? The person you asked if you were a conceded snob?" Danny asks with a sarcastic smile. I giggle while he stares at me with a smile then Jazz says, "No. "Genius Magazine" said yes. They got my letter and want to put mom and (M/N) on the cover!"

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