Chapter 6: War on the Homefront: Johnny Cage

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At the command centre. Cassie is with Sonya, using one of the holographic interfaces at a desk.

"Here's how you access incoming reports. Swipe here to crosscheck them with past reports. The software can suss out the deltas." Cassie explains.

"Now that's progress." Sonya says, impressed.

Cassie smiles and leaves her to it. Sonya pulls the chair she's seated in closer and starts looking over the data.

Across the command centre, both of the Johnny Cages look over at her with adoration, with Young Johnny flashing a cheesy smile. Sonya briefly looks over at them, trying her hardest to smile back (as non-flirtatiously as possible). Young Johnny leans over to his older counterpart.

"So... I marry Lieutenant Princess over there?" Younger Johnny asks.

Old Johnny looks in her direction, also cracking a smile.

"I always have had a thing for blondes. Ever since Suzie–" Younger Johnny says before the older Johnny catches the thought and speaks at the same time as his younger self. "--Donardo. Junior year." Both Johnnys say.

"Take it from me, heh, you didn't miss much." Johnny assures before pointing over towards Sonya. "That woman over there? She's the real deal." Johnny says.

Young Johnny then tilts down his sunglasses.

"Oh, I got eyes, brother. As Younger You, I solemnly swear to tap that at the earliest opportunity." Younger Johnny says.

His words instantly cause Old Johnny's smile to drop from his face. Around them, the other soldiers in the command centre gasp and look at Younger Johnny in disapproval. Sonya looks particularly upset, while Cassie shoots a look of disgust in his direction. As Old Johnny hangs his head in disbelief, Young Johnny turns to him.

"What? It's our destiny!" Younger Johnny says.

Old Johnny then stands up from his chair and grabs his younger self by the ear, dragging him up amidst protests of pain.

"Out." Johnny orders as he forcibly drags Young Johnny out of the command centre.

"How the hell do I ever sleep with that guy?" Younger Sonya asks herself.

She then looks to Cassie, who walks over to her.

"Who's... your father. I can't believe I just said that." Younger Sonya says.

"Look, my dad isn't the Johnny you know. He... grew up. I like to think you rubbed off on him. As a kid, I looked up to both of you." Cassie explains.

"My dad, your grandfather, was my hero. Called me Private Pun'kin." Sonya says.

"Huh. That's what you called me." Cassie says.

There's then a moment of awkward silence between them.

"We should get back to work." Cassie says.

Sonya nods and Cassie takes her leave. Sonya looks back to the interface.

"Biometric verification required." The interface says.

The interface then scans her eyes.

"ID verified - General Sonya Blade." The interface says.

"General Blade? Dad would be proud." Sonya says to herself.

The screen brings up a picture of Sonya saluting in her combat gear, alongside her biography (which lists her as deceased). Sonya looks around for a moment, seeing that Cassie is currently in discussions with a couple of her subordinates. She turns back to the screen and begins to type in some commands.

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