Chapter 18: Checkmate: Shang Tsung

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At the beach of Kronika's Keep. Dead oni are strewn about the place, as the alliance of the Special Forces and Shaolin Monks walk toward the Keep. Leading them are Shang Tsung, the two Raidens, Younger Manado, Nightwolf, Fujin, Young Jax, Jacqui and Old Jax.

On the balcony surrounding the keep, the revenants of Jade and Liu Kang observe them.

"They are unaware of our army's full strength." Revenant Jade says.

"We will unleash hell." Revenant Liu Kang says

At the doors of the Keep, Fujin readies the crown of Kronika. Raiden spots the revenants looking down on them.

"We must capture him, quickly." Raiden suggests.

"Now, Fujin." Shang Tsung says.

Fujin then takes the crown in his hands and carefully places it on his head. He grimaces and cries out as he struggles to contain its power, but he regains his composure after a few moments. He summons the wind and blows down the gates of the keep, knocking them straight over. He falls to his knees from the exertion and quickly yanks the crowd off his head. The Raidens then kneel down by his side and try to help him up.

"I need but a moment. (To Younger Raiden) Lead the charge!" Fujin says.

"(To Younger Raiden) Go! We'll cover him." Jax assures.

The younger Raiden then summons his lightning powers and levitates into the air. Underneath him, the Special Forces and Shaolin monks charge into the keep, led by Jacqui, Nightwolf, Younger Manado, Younger Jax and Shang Tsung. They charge across the bridge and straight into the Netherrealm army.

A soldier brings his gun to bear on an oni, but the demon throws his weapon aside and slashes him across the neck, tearing his throat out. Another soldier shoots the oni with his pistol and grapples it, while next to them another oni grabs a soldier by the head and bites into his neck. Next to them, another soldier is disemboweled by an oni wielding a mace and bashed aside.

An oni slashes at a monk, but the blow is parried and the monk punches him backward. A soldier slashes an oni in the back of its ankle. Another soldier stabs an oni in the side and shoots it in the head at point blank range with his pistol, only to be suddenly picked up by an oni with wings and dragged into the air. The winged demon grapples him in a rear naked choke and then tears him in half. As his remains fall back to the ground, Nightwolf sidesteps a swipe from an oni and hits it in the back of its knee with his tomahawk. He finishes it with a swipe that takes its head off.

In the sky, Younger Raiden charges up a lightning blast and lets loose with a barrage of strikes. At least fifty oni are caught in the blast and instantly killed. Raiden somersaults through the air and lands back on the ground, readying a pair of lightning blades. He slashes out at any oni that charges him, the blades outright disintegrating the oni they connect with.

Raiden takes down several oni in this fashion, stopping to look over at twenty five more bearing down on him. He slams the blades into the ground, channeling lightning through the ground and frying the attacking oni around him. He looks up to the Keep's balcony, spotting the revenant Liu Kang leaping into the air. He somersaults through the air and lands a few feet away from Raiden. They face each other down.

"Time after time, Kronika's schemes have pitted us against each other. That cycle must end, Liu Kang." Younger Raiden says.

"You... will have to kill me." Revenant Liu Kang says.

"I would rather save you." Younger Raiden says.

Liu Kang then charges directly at Raiden... and suddenly, the bones in his right leg burst out of his body. Liu Kang crumples to the ground, writhing in pain and clutching his newly broken leg. Raiden looks down on him in shock.

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