Chapter 10: To Hell and Back: Scorpion

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A plane of the Netherrealm can now be seen. In this part of Hell, a sea of blood crashes upon a rocky shoreline, amidst the carcass of a long dead sea creature. Rocky outcroppings of land, along with what appear to be bulbous pores growing from the rocks themselves could be seen along the coastline.

Across the shoreline, the Grandmasters of the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei walk toward their destination. They stop to take in the view of a large bridge of rock, too thin to be a natural occurrence, and with no visible support from one end to the other, stretching across the skyline.

On the bridge itself, a massive army, numbering in the thousands, of Netherrealm oni and Cyber Lin Kuei can be seen walking across it. A glowing figure beaming light from her being hovers high above the bridge, and that figure is Cetrion.

A close up on her face reveals she is visibly straining, and her arms are held aloft in the air. It becomes apparent that the constructed bridge of rock is her doing, and she is focusing on keeping it aloft for the army of demons to traverse across it. Back on the shoreline, Hanzo Hasashi looks to Kuai Liang.

"Those warriors must be headed for Kronika's Keep." Hanzo says.

"Agreed. But why not use Kharon's fleet? The bridge clearly taxes her power." Sub Zero asks.

"The fleet's bound to Kharon. It sails only by his command. That it's still moored suggests he won't help Kronika." Hanzo says.

"In which case he may help us." Sub Zero says.

Back on the bridge, the last of the Netherrealm army has finished crossing. Still focusing as best she can, Cetrion disperses the bridge, causing it to disintegrate into a green mist. On the shoreline, a scream of agony resonates across the surroundings. Scorpion turns to look at a nearby shack, determining that was where the scream came from.

"It looks like Kharon is home, perhaps hosting some unwelcome guests." Hanzo says.

He then turns to Sub Zero.

"Return to Earthrealm. Tell the others we've found him. We'll deploy as soon as I return." Hanzo says.

"Are you certain Kharon will aid us?" Sub Zero asks.

"No. But he's our best chance." Hanzo replies.

After Sub Zero leaves the Netherrealm, Hanzo Hasashi approaches the shack, taking cover behind an outcropping of rock. He then peeks through the window of the shack, where he sees Kharon.

Kharon himself would almost pass for an old human, were it not that his skin on the top of his head is pitch dark and his eyes a milky grey. He is also laid on a table, wrapped in a webbed cocoon. Across the shack, the creature responsible can he seen, who then drops down from the ceiling. It is D'Vorah.

"You should have aided Kronika, Kharon. Now you must suffer." D'Vorah says.

She then approaches the table and releases a swarm of insects from her hand. They engulf Kharon's face, but he remains defiant.

"I am immortal, D'Vorah. You cannot kill me." Kharon points out.

"This One needs only render you unfit to ferry Kronika's enemies." D'Vorah says.

She suddenly lurches forward in pain as something plunges into her back.

"GET OVER HERE!" Hanzo yells. D'Vorah is then violently yanked out of the shack window, courtesy of Hanzo's chained kunai. She falls onto the shoreline in a crumpled heap, but as Hanzo lands nearby, she pulls herself to a standing position with the help of her extendable stingers.

"First Shinnok, now Kronika. You fight for lost causes." Hanzo says.

"This One ensures the Hive's survival. You will not save the Shirai Ryu." D'Vorah says.

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