Chapter 9: All in the Family: Jacqui and Jax

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Morning hits and a navy ship can be seen plowing its way through foggy waters. At the boat's bow, Jax walks up to Jacqui, who is looking out to the horizon.

"How's the view?" Younger Jax asks.

"No sign yet of the mystical barrier you mentioned." Jacqui says.

"Oh, you'll know it when it comes." Younger Jax assures.

He then places his hands on the side railing of the boat, also looking to the distance.

"How you feeling?" Jacqui asks.

"For the first time in a while, in control. I got tossed into the deep end of this world of gods and monsters. But now, knowing my future, I feel like I've finally come up for air. Those bad things that happened to me... I mean, what will happen to me? Like Raiden said, it's gonna be different." Younger Jax explains.

He then looks to Jacqui.

"Isn't this gonna be good news?" Younger Jax asks.

Jacqui looks almost crushed at his words.

"The things that happened to my dad. That trauma he suffered? It's why my parents met. They fell in love while he was in recovery." Jacqui explains as she turns away and walks across the ship's bow. "If they don't happen, you and Mom may not meet. I may never be born." Jacqui says.

Younger Jax then walks up to her.

"Jacqui, I-I can't pretend I get all this cosmic time stuff... (He then places his hand on her shoulder.) ...but I do know you are here for a reason. You're not just some random accident." Younger Jax assures.

She looks back at him, uncertainty still etched on her face.

"I hope so." Jacqui says.

On the far horizon, an island can be seen that seems to surrounded by what appears to be a green mist.

As the boat was approaching the mist. Derelict ships can be seen lying broken against the rocks they smashed upon, their sails rotted and almost gone. Gigantic stone statues of samurai warriors are submerged up to their necks in the waters of the sea.

The navy ship passes by all of this, with Jax and Jacqui looking overhead as the ship pass under a decaying entrance way. They both look ahead of them, taking in the sight of the iconic Mortal Kombat dragon symbol, depicted here as a weathered and crumbling gigantic metallic statue.

"Shang Tsung's island!" Jacqui realizes.

"Here we go again." Younger Jax says.

Soon, the ship reaches the entrance to the warrior's shrine. Jax and Jacqui walk in alone, taking in the decay before them. There is no roof to speak off, and the concrete pillars that held it up are broken and decaying. The statues of warriors past and present show varying signs of disrepair. There are no sounds or signs of life, save from the howls of the wind.

Jax and Jacqui pass through the shrine into a passage leading into the courtyard. While there is a roof here, it is worn and rotting, with only a colony of sleeping bats being the only living beings present.

As they approach the end of the passage, they pause to gaze upon the grisly sight of 5 corpses hanging from the rafters. The corpses are Shaolin monks, hanged by their necks. Their skin is horrifically decayed, but has not yet completely rotted away, leaving their eyes intact but a dull yellow-gray in colour.

Jax and Jacqui walk out into the courtyard itself. Like the rest of the island, it is barren and devoid of life.

"When I was here for the tournament, there were people everywhere." Younger Jax says.

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