Chapter 16: Final Redemption: Nightmare

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In the Netherrealm, the army of oni and orochi can be seen in mass, preparing for the big fight that lies ahead of them. While it wasn't the entire army, it still consisted of hundreds of demons. Unknown to them however, Manado, now in his nightmare form, is hiding behind a rock, spying on the army, seemingly searching for something, or someone. Then something catches his eye. In the middle of the army's bundle, Nightmare spots around four or five demon horses and they appear to have something riding on them. Nightmare then sneaks his way to another spot to get a closer look. Then the occupants of the demon horses become visible. The revenants of Kung Lao, Jade, Kabal, Liu Kang, and Kitana can be seen sitting on demon horses. Seeing the occupants, Nightmare grins.

"Gotcha." Nightmare says to himself before starting to move again.

As for the revenants, they seem to be having trouble navigating through the army of demons. Suddenly a roar can be heard and the revenants suddenly turn to the direction of the roar and their eyes suddenly widen. They see Nightmare standing over a dozen dead demons, grinning widely at them.

"Revenants! I have come for you!" Nightmare yells.

"What are you, creature?!" Revenant Liu Kang asks.

"Who or what I am shouldn't concern you! What should concern you is what I'm going to do to you!" Nightmare yells.

Anger then forms on Liu Kang's face.

"Attack!" Revenant Liu Kang orders.

The demon army suddenly charges towards Nightmare who doesn't show a face of fear but instead, determination.

"Bad choice." Nightmare says.

Using his skills and claws, he strikes down the demons as quickly and efficiently as possible. After a long battle, Nightmare is starting to get bored and impatient.

"Alright. This ends now!" Nightmare yells.

His hands suddenly glow with red energy and slams his hands into the ground, sending a shockwave of energy that engulfs the entire demon army. A quick moment passes before the army suddenly drops dead from where they stood and disintegrate into ashes.

After ridding the army from his path, Nightmare turns his attention to the revenants, who have already hopped off their mounts and are now walking towards him.

"You will not disturb our work." Revenant Jade says.

"Don't count on it, Jade. I am only just getting started." Nightmare says.

Jade then approaches Nightmare and assumes a fighting stance.

"Whatever you may be, you must be stopped." Revenant Jade says.

They then fight. Jade may be an exceptional fighter with the use of her fighting skills and magical abilities, but Nightmare is a different being entirely. Nothing can phase him, so he easily gains the advantage over the fallen edenian. After a brief fight, Jade goes down.

"I thought you'd be better than this." Nightmare says.

Nightmare then turns towards the revenants and walks in their direction. Suddenly Kabal charges in with his super speed and carries Nightmare across the Netherrealm. After a moment or two Kabal suddenly stops running and Manado hits a pile of boulders which explode on impact. Nightmare quickly recovers and discovers that he is right in front of the cathedral. Kabal then approaches Nightmare, who assumes a fighting stance.

"Did the fight with Jade excel all your energy, creature?" Revenant Kabal asks.

"Not quite Kabal. On the contrary, I have only just begun." Nightmare says.

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