Chapter 8: Fight Club: Sonya Blade

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Sonya can only see darkness but can still hear. A rabid crowd can be heard cheering as her eyes slowly open to take in the sights of the crowd, separated by a large steel cage, amidst a dingy looking bar with purple lighting.

In the center of the cage - filled with broken bottles, used bed mattresses and other assorted junk - Sonya sits up and tries to get her bearings. A voice chimes in over the loudspeakers:

"Rise and shine, Sonya." Younger Kano says.

Sonya gets back to her feet. She looks down at her arms and finds that she's no longer wearing her wrist gauntlets.

"Wha...?" Younger Sonya asks.

"Yeah, you won't be needing that stuff, love." Younger Kano says.

She then looks up to the top of the cage, which is covered by patches of razor wire. Both Young and Old Kano look down at her from a makeshift stage.

"One thing we Black Dragon know, there's no fun in a fair fight." Younger Kano says.

A heavy door opens behind the crowd and a newcomer makes their way through the crowd, who all step away from them. The newcomer is Kabal - the unburnt young Kabal from another timeline. He looks up to the stage that both Kano's are on.

"So Sonya's the skank who burns me?" Younger Kabal asks.

"Oh, she more than burns you, Kabal. She goes black-ops on your arse. Shocks, knives, the bloody works. Patched you back together meself. Well, most of you." Kano falsely explains.

Kabal's eyes narrow in anger and he clenches his fists in rage.

"She's dead." Kabal says in anger.

The crowd around him start cheering encouragement. Young Kano looks over to his older self.

"Miss Law and Order really does that to him?" Younger Kano asks.

"Nah. But now he's motivated." Kano says. Both Kanos smirk in an identical fashion.

Below them, two Black Dragon goons open the cage door. Upon spotting the open door, Sonya immediately turns and makes a run for it, but she is bowled over as Kabal charges her with his super speed. Evidently, whichever timeline this Kabal is from, he had the speed even before being burned by Kintaro and healed by Shang Tsung's magic. Sonya picks herself up as Kabal slides to a halt in front of her.

"Hope you're ready for some pre-emptive vengeance." Younger Kabal says.

"What the hell are you talking about, Kabal?" Younger Sonya asks.

"You, torturing me to get dirt on the Black Dragon." Younger Kabal says.

They then fight. Augmented with Black Dragon technology and weapons, this version of Kabal is no less deadly then his revenant counterpart, and Sonya is at a further disadvantage without her wrist gauntlets. But she still has years of Special Forces training and fighting experience, and Sonya calls on everything she's learned to take the fight back to Kabal. After a brutal exchange, she finally leaves the Black Dragon lackey down and out.

"Don't believe every rumour you hear." Younger Sonya advises.

She then looks out toward the crowd around her.

"I'm done entertaining you clowns!" Younger Sonya says.

She then turns toward both the Kano's overlooking her.

"Get in here, you cowards!" Younger Sonya yells.

Across the bar, two more goons drag in a semi-conscious person.

"Tempting, love. But we think our next contender is a beaut." Younger Kano says.

Sonya looks over to the cage door and to the person the goons are dragging in. She recognises him immediately.

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