Chapter 17: Visions of Empire: Sindel and Shao Kahn

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In an elaborate looking bedroom somewhere in Outworld, Sindel is seated on a comfortable looking armchair and is using some kind of talisman to generate what could be described as the magical equivalent of a hologram, and that hologram shows Shang Tsung is who she is speaking to.

"We will rendezvous at the Isle of Kronika. The fools believe victory is at hand. Their misplaced confidence will be their demise." Shang Tsung says.

"Such a pity my daughter embraces their sentimental values." Sindel says.

"Having second thoughts, Sindel?" Shang Tsung asks.

"Hardly. Kitana courts a peasant and obeys the Thunder God. She couldn't be a bigger disappointment." Sindel says.

"One can only imagine. The Isle... do not be late. An eternal empire awaits you." Shang Tsung says as he then waves a hand and the hologram disperses.

Sindel smiles wickedly to herself, but promptly changes her expression to a regal indifference when she hears a knock on her door.

"Enter." Sindel says.

Kitana opens the door and walks into the room. Sindel immediately gets off her armchair and bows to her.

"Kitana Kahn." Sindel greets.

"Oh, don't be so formal, mother." Katana says.

"You are Kahn, Kitana. Command the awe of your subjects... even me." Sindel says.

Her expression then changes to a (seemingly) warm smile.

"Ah, I shall never tire of greeting you." Sindel says.

"Nor will I tire of calling on you." Katana says.

Kitana's smile is genuine, which seems to amuse Sindel.

"Our battalion is leaving for the Sea of Blood. Queen Sheeva and the Shokan will follow as rear guard." Kitana informs.

Sindel then walks up to a dressing table and drops her talisman in a drawer, away from Kitana's eyes. As she closes the drawer, Sindel calculates her next move.

"May I request something?" Sindel asks

"Mother, you don't have to–" Kitana says before Sindel looks over to her daughter, silently reminding Kitana of her earlier words.

Kitana takes the hint, replying in a more formal tone.

"Make your request." Katana says.

"Sheeva... Queen Sheeva risked everything to restore me. Honor demands that I accompany her into battle." Sindel says.

"Yes, it does. And that display of loyalty is sure to rally the Shokan's spirits." Kitana says.

Sindel then walks up to Kitana and performs another bow, this time going down onto one knee before her.

"Thank you, Kitana Kahn." Sindel says.

Kitana then reaches out her hand. Sindel takes it and gracefully gets back to her feet. Her daughter throws her arms around her in a loving embrace... but Sindel's face, now it is no longer visible by Kitana, shows nothing but cold contempt.

Later in the underground dungeons of the Outworld Koliseum. Two Shokan walk into the prison room of a large, severely beaten and bloodied, but still monstrous looking humanoid with draconic arms. It is then shown that this monster is in fact the former Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn.

He holds out a hand in front of him, as if trying to find his bearings. His eyes are dripping with blood and are blackened. Clearly, the injuries caused by Kitana's fans in their climatic battle have left him blind.

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